Chapter 2

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I sat up in bed, it was saturday, and I looked at the clock to see it with the lights forming the numbers 7:27. I am supposed to meet Jack at the park, so I walked over to my dresser and grabbed a moss green T-shirt and black jeans, along with my white and moss green sneakers, I thought about wearing my black heels, but I decided not to. I walked into the bathroom and got dressed. It only took me about three minutes, so it should be 7:30. I grabbed my beautiful black purse and went through it to make sure I have everything I need. Emergency lemon water, pain killers, wallet, flashlite, lotion, perfume, pen, pencil, small notebook, phone, yep, I have everything I need.

When you go down the stairs the only thing infront of you is the front door, so I left a note on it saying I went to the park with Jack. My family loves Jack, he is a very nice guy, he plays with my little brother, which makes him an okay guy to me, what am I saying? Jack is perfect, because my little bro is very important to me, and to see Jack being so nice to him makes me happy. My parents love him cause he is helping me get better grades, he helps my mother, and he is very respectful to almost everyone, just not the people he doesnt like, then he will just ignore you, and Jack has good judgement in people, if he doesnt like you he has a very good reason.
        It was kind of a long walk to the park, but I dont care, walking is good exercise so I dont complain. As I was walking I didnt see many people, just those kind of people who like to get up early to jog or run or walk. It took a little bit, but I made it to the park, I walked around a bit trying to find Jack, eventually I found him sitting on a bench and he was playing with his phone. I was starting to walk over when some rude guy came walking by and pushed me out of the way, I fell down and I snapped at him "Watch it dick head, do you just realized you pushed me down?". The guy turned around and he looked really angry, he started to walk over to me, I could not get up, I dont know why. The guy was about to say something, but before he could Jack came running at him.

"Hey man let me go, I wasnt gonna hurt her" The guy cried out in pain, Jack had grabbed the mans arm and pinned it behind his back, and it looked like the guy was in pain. "You already hurt her, you pushed her. I dont want to hurt you, I dont want to hurt anyone, but you hurt my princess, so I have to hurt you" Jack said as he shoved the man to the ground. Jack walked over and helped me up, he brushed the dirt off of me, and the guy got up and ran off.
"Was that really necessary?" I asked looking down as Jack guided me to the bench.
"I thought he was going to hurt you, and I dont want that happening" Jack said as we sat down.
"... Can I ask you something?" I asked, Jack responded "Go ahead"

"Would you ever hurt me?" I asked, "Well, that depends, playful or serious? Cause if playful, yes, and if serious, also yes, remember how I said if I had to teach you how to keep a promise you would not like it, then i would have to hurt you a little, and before you say anything I wouldnt hurt you in any harmful way, just small temporary pain, and I am assuming it has happened to you before, it is something a few people did and still do. Just know, if I ever have to do it, it is not because I hate you, its because I love you" Jack said. I think I know what he is talking about, and, this may sound wierd but, I think I like it, but I cant tell Jack that, so I am going to try to get him to do it, I am going to try to get him to...spank me.

I cant believe I am thinking this, maybe I should play with fire again, but I have to make sure I get caught, I am glad Jack doesnt tell my parents. It is decided, I am going to burn an entire notebook and make sure Jack see's it. I hid a smile, it faded a few seconds later, and I just picked my head up and looked around sighing, making it seem like I was upset, so Jack hugged me tighter and said "Dont be upset, how about I take you to my house and my sister can do your nails, she has that shade of green you love so much". I smiled except this time I let it show, "Okay, when do we go?" I asked, "Now, lets go, we can comeback later when your nails are done" Jack said standing up, I stood up as well and we started to walk, but I stopped and started to send a text to my dad telling him I am going to be at Jack's house getting my nails done. When I was done I put my phone back in my purse and Jack and I headed off.

I looked at my nails with the dark green paint, I love green, it is my favorite color, and the next is brown, like trees, the trunk and the leaves, brown and green. This is going to be a good day, and tomorrow will be even better.

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