Charater info

134 4 2

Sapnap: 16 year-old born into a Christian family who attendance church every Sunday. He wears collared shirts underneath solid colored sweaters and dark colored pants. He tends to have his, gray almost black, hair do in a messy way, but in a neat way.

A6d: 16 year-old Satanist who isn't really about God. He wears a lot of dark colored shirts with Satanic symbols on them, his pants are also dark colored with different colored patches and platform shoes. He has two facial piercings and his hair covering his right eye.

Skeppy: 16 year-old who mostly wears a blue hoodie and gray jeans. The most cynical out of the two school bullies.

Zelk: 16 year-old mostly wears a blue striped sweater and white pants. He's the more reasonable of the two bullies.

Fundy: 16 year-old who wears a white shirt with a black leather jacket over that has three strips on and black pants. He tends to make light hearted jokes, but knows when it is too much.

Bad: 16 year-old the most kind hearted person you could ever meet. He mostly wear a black hoodie with red stripes on the sides.

Techno: 17 year-old schools best football player

Wilbur: 17 year-old the communist one in the school

Tommy: 15 year-old the loud one

Philza: 40 year- old the history teacher who is also a pastor

Sap6d_ know what the deal for this story

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