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Trigger warning: self-doubt, panic attacks, and conversion therapy

Thinking about Louis' words, a6d decided that it would be for the best to tell Sapnap how he feels. He was afraid of what would happen if people found out. Afraid that Sapnap would be forced away and made to hate him. Looking at the time and it was about 4am.

'At least it's a weekend and we're on a school break for this week.' A6d thinks as he lets sleep  take over him.

Time skip
The Satanist wakes when something or rather someone landed on top of him. He looked at his older brother, who had a shit-eating grin on his face. A6d slapped his brother and then flipped him off as Louis got off of him and ran out while laughing. The younger got up and chased him around the house until their dad cleared his throat. They both stopped and looked at him.

"Care to explain why you two are chasing each other?" Their dad had a small smile on his face. He wasn't a strict dad, he did have some rules like no drinking until the legal age, no hard drugs, don't do anything illegal and try to come home before it gets super dark. Not strict rules.

"Louis jumped on me while I was asleep." A6d quickly answered before his older brother could say anything.

"You slapped me!" The older brother retaliated and then lightly hit a6d on the back of the head. Another play fight almost broke out had not another voice stopped them.

"Boys, what did your father and I said about fighting?" Their mom looked at them with a smirk on her face as she tied her hair into a ponytail. This time, Louis said something.

"To not fight in the house and you're aloud to finish a fight and if family is being brought up you can start a fight." Their mom nodded her head. Not a good rule, but a fun one no the less.

"Now, since the two of you are up and your father needs to get ready, how about helpibn me with breakfast." After she said that, the two brothers agreed and started to help her as their dad headed back upstairs to get ready.

Time skip to when a6d and Sapnap meet up

A6d waited in an old park that no one uses since it was rumored to be haunted, which is stupid since a6d didn't even do anything to it. He was calmly swinging on an old swing set with the wind gently blowing through his hair.

'Sapnap should be here soon.' A6d thought as he kicked the dirt that had piled up from months of wind. The park was also close to the forest where they hang out. Closing his eyes, a6d could hear the sounds of birds chirping from all around. He was so engulfed in hearing the birds that he didn't hear the footsteps from behind him. Snapping out of his trance when he felt arms wrapping his chest caused him to jump and fall backwards onto something or someone.

"Ow, that didn't go as planned." That voice. A6d sat up and turned around to see his boyfriend.

"Sapnap? What the fuck?!" A6d laughed as he helped Sapnap and himself up off of the ground. The taller hugged a6d and planted a kiss on his forehead. A6d remembered why he asked Sapnap to meet him here and his face fell. Sapnap to noticed and guided him to a shaded area.

"So, what did you want to talk about? Your text was pretty vague." Sapnap asked/ exclaimed. He was right about the text. All a6d said was "meet me at the "haunted" park at 2pm." Nothing about why or what, he didn't know how to tell him about what he feared.

'What if Sapnap's parents finds out about us? They would definitely send him away. He would hate me.' A6d felt tears running down his face as he internally freaks out. Sapnap looked at him with a unreadable expression.

'Fuck! He must think I'm weak! He might break up with me and find someone else who isn't a weak person. Shit! My breathing!' Feeling how short his breathing has become, a6d tried to calm himself down with the exercise that his brother taught him. However, it didn't work. The how area began to spin around and he nearly fell over, luckily Sapnap caught him.

"Hey, babe? Follow my breathing." Sapnap started to do a breathing exercise and a6d copied. Slowly, the area stopped spinning and he regained balance. Tears still ran down his face, but it wasn't streaming down as much. Warm hands gently touched his cheeks and whipped the tears that had fallen off. A6d leaned into Sapnap's hands and smiled. He decided to tell Sapnap.

"I had this nightmare where- fuck it's both so vivid but not. You were in a cult type robe with the whips that was used on Jesus in both of your hands and you called me a 'fag'. Fuck I wish I can remember the rest." A6d said as he leaned into Sapnap's chest. Sapnap wrapped his arms tightly around a6d, almost as if a6d were to disappear into thin air.

"I guess I'm scared of losing you. I love you Sapnap." A6d gripped Sapnap's burnt orange sweater tightly, causing his knuckles to turn white. They both held each other.

"You don't have to worry. My parents won't know. Once we graduate high school we can move somewhere else. Somewhere were we don't have to worry." Sapnap held a6d's face to have the both of them look at each other and the Christian leaned down and kissed a6d on the lips. A6d wasn't wearing any makeup, but Sapnap was shocked to know that a6d's lips were soft. They both separated and smiled.

"If anything were to happen, I'll make sure you don't get hurt." Sapnap said with a6d still in his arms. Everything would be ok.

Will it?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2021 ⏰

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