Chapter 1: The Other One

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(Credit to the original artist, I'll draw my concept art for Eve at a later date)

The hooded figure looked up at the wall, before glancing down to the welcome mat on the floor that had 'secret entrance' written on it haphazardly. Would it be more kind to knock, or is it expected just to walk in. Well the person wasn't a savage. She'd grown up in a fairly residential area, despite the fact nobody really cared for her. She knew the basics. Raising a hand, coloured as a popular primary colour, the figure knocked firmly on the wall. 

"Hello? Is anyone home?"

Muffled bustling and yelling could be heard from behind it, paired with loud, indistinguishable talking as whoever was behind it tried to figure out why someone was out there and how they found them, presumably. From behind the wall, Megamind was yelling pg-rated profanities at Minion for literally putting a welcome mat that said 'secret entrance' in front of the secret entrance even though it's supposed to be secret. 

"Come in!" Minion yelled out, before being firmly whacked over the back of the head by his big headed master. The figure walked in, hanging their head low in order to retain their excitement and identity.

"Who are you and how did you find my secret lair?!" Megamind yelled out, holding his De-Gun out in front of him. The figure took their hood off, revealing a head with a forehead rivaling Megamind's own and a similar complexion of light blue. Megamind dropped his gun and it clattered onto the floor while Minion struggled to take in the situation. 

"Sir, she's just like you-"

"I saw you when the planet was-" The stranger cut Megamind off.

"Being sucked into the black hole. I saw you leaving from the other side of the city, I wanted to reach out to you but-"

"Mr. Goody Two Shoes," He finished her sentence. "I thought I'd never see you again, I thought maybe you went to a different planet or, well, you're here now."

Silence fell among the three of them, the stranger blushing slightly at the awkwardness.

"Well, I'm Megamind and this is Minion, you are?" Megamind held out his gloved hand for a handshake. The stranger took it warmly.

"Eve, it's so incredibly nice to meet you two."

After a soft handshake, Megamind led Eve to where he just sort of relaxed, which consisted of two armchairs, a table and a fridge. 

"I'll go get you a chair," Minion exclaimed, rushing off the somewhere in the lair.

"So, uh, I've seen what you do. With 'Metro Man?' I just wanna say I'm actually a pretty big fan," Eve stuttered out, running her fingers along the fabric of her jacket.

"Of him? Well he is pretty strong."

"No, of you actually."

Megamind laughed slightly, smiling at Eve. "Of course you do! I'm devilishly handsome and and evil genius after all

"Well, that's not the only reason why I like you. You're persistent, you know what you want. You want to beat Metro Man. I don't really know what I want to do with my life, but you have it all worked out. You're bad and he's good. Though, that poor news reporter really needs a break," Eve laughed, her browny-blue irises connecting with Megaminds vibrant emerald ones. Eve felt a blush spread to her cheeks, and she smiled cautiously. 

Minion returned from wherever he'd disappeared to with a large, leather swivel chair and placed it in between the two arm chairs, motioning for Eve to sit in it. As she did so, Minion took his seat and the two of them looked towards her expectantly. "So," Minion started, "Where are you from?"

"Um, Canada. Actually, I've been all around the world looking for this place," Eve looked around the lair in wonder, smiling. "It was until I saw a news report on Metro Man and your battles did I think you were somewhere in the UK. I don't know why I thought that though, but I knew you were on earth. And I felt like it was fitting that we saw each other again, you know?"

"Ooh! Canada, it's too cold there for me, my tank would freeze right up!" Minion exclaimed, a goofy smile spread across his fishy face. 

"Nope, we've been here ever since I was a child. I was raised in jail, the people there raised me and taught me good from bad," Megamind smiled, resting his face on his chin as he leaned against the armchair. "Tell me more about you, Evie"

Eve blushed at the nickname, but went on. "Well, I landed in a dumpster, didn't really know what was going on. My childhood is kind of blur really. I was taken in by an orphanage, but you can sort of guess where that left me. Nobody really wanted me, the orphanage just gave me a generic name and when I turned 18, they kicked me out. I'm not complaining though, I liked being by myself. And I didn't get a Minion when my parents sent me out. I don't know why, they just must have thought I was fine by myself. They did give me a 'binkie' though," Eve pulled out the strange looking sucker from underneath her clothes, holding it up. It was attached to a chain hanging around her neck and it glowed a vibrant blue. She held it in her hand for a few seconds before tucking it away again.

"I used that all the way into adolescence, as a way to light the way and protect myself. I don't know what it is about our parents, but they must have liked exploding stuff."

"I, too, exploded things in my childhood. Ah, we had fun didn't we Minion?"

"Ah yes, devilish and evil fun, sir!" 

Eve smiled at the two, a warm, fuzzy feeling seeping into her chest and she sat back in her chair. "So, what about you?  You know everything there is to know about me but I don't know anything about you. What was your childhood like, do you have a family? A lover?"

"Well, to start off with, I don't have a lover. Nobody has ever really loved me, since I'm the bad guy," Megamind started, his eyes glossing over a bit as though he were in thought. "I grew up in jail, so all the inmates are sort of like family to me, I-"

"Sir, you don't have to go into it if you don't want to," Minion assured him, patting his shoulders with his gigantic, gorilla-like hand.

"Oh, have I touched on a sensitive topic? I'm so sorry," Eve stuttered out, blushing from embarrassment and shame. She didn't expect Megamind to be so sensitive, considering the fact that he's the 'bad guy.' Not that that was a bad thing to her, she just didn't expect it. If anything, she was happy that he could talk about his emotions to a certain level. 

"Oh, no, it's fine. Of course you want to know about me! I'm incredibly interesting," Megamind quickly put his confident persona back on and winked at Eve, smirking slightly.

"Oh, uh, yeah haha."

"Oh! Miss Eve! Do you have a place to stay?" Minion piped up, breaking the tension.

"Oh, I was just going to find a hotel or something-"

"Ridiculous, you can stay in the evil lair with us! You can sleep in his room if you want," Minion gestured towards Megamind, and he lit up. 

"Ooh! Slumber party!" Megamind sang out, jumping to his feet dramatically.

"Oh! Um, if you're sure!"

Primary Colour Love (Megamind x Reader/Oc)Where stories live. Discover now