Chapter 3: New, Yet Temporary, Confidence

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Eve set the table with the limited cutlery available and served food to Minion, Megamind and herself before sitting down opposite Minion, with Megamind sitting at the head of the small table.

"So, what are the plans for today?" Eve smiled, looking at both of them with interest.

"Well, we need to start setting up the death ray and sir is going to initiate a battle with Metroman this afternoon."

"Ooh! What type of battle?" Eve leaned forward on the rickety table, switching her gaze from Minion to Megamind.

"I'm simply going to set up a massive dehydration gun in town square and dehydrate the whole city, including Metroman!" Megamind exclaimed, a devious smile plastered upon his face.

"A dehydration gun? You mean the hydration setting on your de- gun?"

"How did you know about my de- gun?" Megamind raised an eyebrow and leaned forward, propping his chin up with one hand. Eve blushed slightly and looked down at her plate, pushing a mushroom around with her fork.

"I used to spend hours in the library reading the books I could find about you and Metroman and studying the pictures. I found a couple of different pictures where you different models of de- guns make an appearance and I made a list of the different settings that it has."

Minion gave Megamind a knowing look, raising one of his figurative eyebrows and Megamind rolled his eyes slightly, his ears and cheeks turning slightly pink.

"You flatter me, Eve. What do you think of the de- gun?"

"Well, it's very inspirational. I've fiddled with the concept myself, but I've never had the time or resources to make my own. Closest I've gotten was a knock off dehydration gun, but whatever I hydrate again turns jelly-like. I must have gotten the math's a bit wrong but it was nice to do if something scared me."

"I had that problem at the start too, you must have forgotten to carry the 3 in the first equation."

Eve and Megamind well into the afternoon, at which Minion exclaimed that it was time to enact their master plan.

"Eve, you stay here at the evil lair. I have a screen overlooking the entire city from different cah-me-rahs," Megamind took Eve's hand and led her to his office of sorta, where he usually held Roxanne when he kidnapped her. "Just press this button to change which camera you're observing. Minion is going to go capture Roxanne, but I'll be on the scene. It's your job to look after her and intimidate her."

"Are you sure? I'm not the most intimidating person-"

"You'll be fine, I'll get the brainbots to get some mysterious clothes for you and you can sit in the head chair," Within the few seconds of saying that, four brainbots flew over holding an item of clothing each. One held a full body suit like Megamind's, one held a cape, on held a pair of gloves and the other held some boots. "These should fit you perfectly, I had the brainbots scan you while we were talking this morning. You'll look absolutely radiant."

Eve blushed and another set of brainbots came over with a massive curtain, surrounding her with it.

"They'll do all the work for you, you don't even need to lift a finger," Megamind smiled, taking a step away so that when she was eventually revealed, he could take in all her beauty. The curtain was whisked away, and Eve stood there in a similar, yet bluer, version of everything Megamind was working. Megamind bit his lip slightly as he looked her up and down, feeling the heat come to his cheeks. Eve looked down at herself and twirled around, the cape flowing with her elegantly. She was wearing a pair of studded platform boots, unlike Megamind's flatter boots and her outfit was a colour bent version of his. The suit fitted perfectly to her figure, flattering every curve exquisitely.

"I told you," Megamind smirked, taking a step forward and holding Eve's hand in his own, raising it to his lips. "You look stunning," He kissed her hand softly and Eve felt her whole face light up like a Christmas tree.

"Sir! It's time!" Minion exclaimed, walking into the room. Megamind locked eyes with Eve and smiled, releasing her hand and following Minion back out.

"I'll be safe, don't you worry," He smiled, winking at her before disappearing into the lair. A few seconds passed before Eve launched herself onto the chair and kicked her legs, squealing like a schoolgirl. He was so smooth, more than she'd imagined. Oblivious to her, Megamind was absolutely red and shaking Minion as he yelled on about what he had done.

"That's a good thing, sir! Confidence is good! Just," Minion paused, and placed a hand on Megamind's shoulder. "Don't forget to be yourself."

"I am being myself! I just get a surge of con-fee-dance whenever I'm around her. I just want to impress her."

"Well, your chance is coming sir. You need to get to the center of the city so we can enact your master plan!" Minion exclaimed, opening the door of the invisible car for him. Megamind climbed in, his mind still preoccupied with Eve.

In the center of the city, the mayor was holding a meeting with the whole city.

"Dear people of Metrocity! I am calling you here today to announce the construction of a museum dedicated to Metroman himself. We will be revealing this museum in a week, on Metroman Day!" He started, motioning to the construction site behind him. The cheers from the crowd masked the noise of a massive gun rising from the construction site, until someone screamed out at the foreign object. A couple of brainbots raised up from the construction site holding a clear white sheet, on which a projector showed a direct feed of Megamind on top of the gun, in the seat that he had built in, in order to control it.

"Good afternoon Metro-City!" He yelled out; his voice amplified in the speakers that were sectioned around the square. Boos and screaming came from the crowd, and the mayor sighed slightly, turning around to face the projection of him.

"I'm sure you're all fearing my newest and greatest invention but have no fear! For as soon as I use this incredible invention, your Metroman's conscience will be frozen in time and you will soon bow to me!" He exclaimed, ripping off a sticker on the edge of the gun to reveal, in large, bold blue letters, the word Dehydration Gun. "Come on out, Metroman! I know you're hiding in that overly large sum of groupies!" Megamind added teasingly, as a ploy to lure out the overly muscled, Superman wannabe. His ploy worked, as Metroman, dressed in a trench coat, raised from the crowd and ripped off the clothes to reveal his usual outfit. Cheers and whoops came from the crowd to replace the booing and screaming that Megamind got, and he flew over to where Megamind was and attempted to punch the gun. Instead of making contact, he fell through the hologram and Megamind laughed on the projection.

From where Eve was sitting back in the evil lair, she was watching everything on the oversized monitor and giggling manically. Megamind had projected a hologram of himself in town square, while he was actually on top of a building. Out of nowhere, Minion came in with a person over his shoulder, and Eve immediately assumed that it was none other than Roxanne Ritchie.

Minion pulled the sack off of Roxanne's head and she shook herself awake, sighing as she looked down and found herself tied up in a chair, back in the lair. She looked up and locked eyes with Eve, rolling her eyes slightly.

"Really? You're crossdressing as a girl? This is weird, even for you," She sighed, looking around.


"The colour bent costume, the obviously fake breasts, the eyeliner. You really can't pull it off."

"Actually, Miss Ritchie, that isn't Megamind," Minion added, intercepting himself in the conversation.


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