Chapter 4: Friends, Alligators and Fetch The Wrench

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"You mean, you're like a female version of Megamind?"

"Well, not really. I'm a female of his species, not a gender-bent version of him," Eve smiled, sipping some of the tea she had made for herself, Roxanne and Minion. Roxanne was now untethered, sitting comfortably in a chair across from Eve. Megamind had already been beaten by Metroman and been taken to jail and Metroman was now waiting for Roxanne to be let out. Unluckily for him, Eve and Roxanne had begun a budding friendship.

"Oh, so you two just sort of found each other?"

"Well, I found him. I studied him when I was younger, reading library books and it just so happened that I didn't live too far away from him."

"How far is too far?"

"Anything over 9 days of walking,"

Roxanne froze, blinking a few times. "And how long did it take to get here?"

"Just over 8 and a half days," Eve laughed at Roxanne's shocked look, shaking her head slightly. "I've always walked everywhere; I don't trust strangers in cars. You learn to not trust too many people when you grow up like me."

It was unusual for Eve, to actually have a friend, but she couldn't help but worry that something would happen in the future. Friends of Eve's always seemed to disappear in some way or another. They either got adopted, left her because she wasn't 'popular' enough or they died. Well, the one's that died where usually stray animals but that wasn't the point. Roxanne and Eve conversed late into the night, until she needed to leave for her 6 o'clock news report. They bid each other farewell, and Minion took her to an undisclosed location.

Eve sat in Megamind's chair, twirling around in it out of boredom. Minion was still out, Megamind was in prison and Roxanne had to go home so she was completely alone. Again. Instead of doing absolutely nothing like she usually does, Eve got up and decided to wander around the lair. Not looking for anything in particular, she poked around for a while. She decided to spend some time with the alligators, dangling her legs over the edge and feeding them bits of leftover bacon from the morning before. She had turned off the music in their enclosure so that she wouldn't get a headache. She had as long as she needed or wanted to be by herself. But she didn't want to be by herself.

She found herself missing Megamind, worrying about him being crammed inside a cold prison cell with no way to escape until Minion delivered the watch he was talking about. She shook at the thought of being trapped behind metal bars with nothing to your name. It reminded her, sourly, of her first few years on earth.

"Note to self," Eve muttered, scratching underneath one of the brainbots under their mechanical chin. "Ask for one of those cool transformy watches from Megamind when he gets out of prison," Eve sighed slightly at his name, leaning against the wall. Something about him just made her stomach fill with butterflies. She had a strong, undeniable crush on him. One that she'd had ever since she was in her teens. Hopefully it wasn't too obvious, Eve thought.

The night slowly drifted by, with Minion coming in and out of the lair periodically as he planned Megamind's next escape plan for Metroman day. The brain bots counted as some form of company, though after a few hours of playing 'fetch the wrench' Eve eventually became restless and uneasy again. Throwing a wrench over 200 times gets boring after maybe the 68th, not to mention that it was late in the evening, and Minion had powered down for the night leaving Eve to prepare herself dinner and head off to bed.

Eve looked into the fridge, examining the nearly bare shelves for something small she could prepare for herself. There was a half empty carton of milk, 3 eggs of suspicious age, a limp stalk of broccoli and the leftover pancakes from breakfast.

"Another note to self," She sighed, pulling out a couple of pancakes and closing the fridge again. "Go grocery shopping before Megamind gets back."

She placed the pancakes inside the microwave and jotted in a random time, started the microwave, and slid down the counter to sit on the cold, cement floor. The whirring of the microwave soothed her slightly, reminding her of the whir of the guns and machines she'd make in her spare time at the orphanage. She closed her eyes momentarily and leaned her head on the cabinet behind her. A moment turned into half an hour, half an hour turned into Eve being sound asleep on the floor, lulled to sleep by familiar sounds from her childhood.

She woke to Minion calling her name softly, her eyes fluttering open to the sight of the alien fish staring at her worriedly. He sighed, relieved, straightening up and holding his hand out to help her up off the ground.

"I thought that something had happened to you, Miss Eve. The brainbots have been very excited today for some reason, something must have riled them up. They tend to throw things around when they get like that and I thought you had suffered a similar fate as many of my past suits. Anyways, I have everything needed to get master out of jail. We just need to wait until Metroman day in order to do it."

"But Metroman day is a week away! Does he has to stay in prison for that long?"

"Prison really isn't that bad, he get's a room all to his self in maximum security which is more than comfortable enough for him to stay in for a week. And it's important for the plan to break him out of prison on a specific day."

"But, I-" Eve stopped, sighing in disappointment.

"What's wrong?"

"Well, I just- I just got here and I was really looking forward to spending time with him and learning more about him and I just- I really care about him," Eve turned around and took the now-off pancakes out of the microwave and scraped them into the bin.

"He cares about you too, Miss. He's going to be fine. Now, do you want to assist in fixing the invisible car? The invisibility motor malfunctioned last time and we need to fix it before we go and pick sir up from prison," Minion smiled at her reassuringly, his head tilted slightly to the side.

Eve smiled slightly and placed the plate back onto the counter, looking up at Minion with a stronger smile.

"Yeah, sure. Let me just prepare breakfast and we can get straight into it."

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