Chapter 2: Figurative Butterflies

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Eve woke up staring at the metallic and grungy aesthetic of the lair, laying snug on a fold out bed on the floor next to Megamind's, less than lavish, tattered black queen single. His light snoring and the orange tones coming through the cracks in the hastily thrown-together roof hinted to her that it was just sunrise, her usual waking time. Eve lay there groggily, pulling the blankets up to her chest before rolling over to look at Megamind from her bed. His eyes were sealed softly shut and he had a pink tinge to his blue cheeks, his mouth slightly ajar as soft snores escaped from him. It was a weird feeling, but it let her mind lay at rest. It relaxed her knowing that she had another of her kind, even if he was a bit on the interesting side. She wasn't alone in this universe anymore. 

Megamind groaned slightly as his eyes fluttered open, rubbing the eye that wasn't mushed against the pillow as he yawned, slowly waking up. "Mm, Eve? You're awake."

Eve blushed slightly and smiled, rubbing her eyes. "Yeah, I wake up pretty early."

Megamind smiled and sat up in his bed, stretching and groaning as his joints cracked like a skeletal orchestra. I giggled slightly at his pajamas before looking down at my own, which was just a pair of shorts that Minion 'found' and my undershirt. 

"So," I yawned, "What's for breakfast?"

"Brek? Fast?" 

I blinked a few times. Seriously Megamind new what breakfast was, unless he has another name for it. "You know, the most important meal of the day? The first meal of the day, at that?"

"Oh, we don't do that here," Megamind smiled, jumping up out of bed and slipping his bat slippers on. 

"Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no. We are having breakfast. You're thin as a twig, hun. You need that sustenance!" I exclaimed, sitting up as well. Megamind shrugged and stood up, stretching the rest of his body.

"If you want to you can have some, but we don't really eat that much," He looked me up and down, taking in my body unmasked extensive fabric. "Though, I understand what you mean," Megamind looked down at his own body as though he was comparing himself to Eve. Eve was more robust than himself, with more muscle and body fat than what he had ever had himself. He admired it, in a way. He didn't think less of her for being larger, he admired her for being healthier.

Eve cracked her neck and swung her legs out of the blanket and placed her feet firmly upon the ground, rising so she could be semi-eye level with him. She raised a hand and put it on his shoulder softly, and he flinched slightly in recoil to the touch.

"I'll make you so breakfast, ok?" Eve seemed to either not notice or not want to mention the recoil, but instead patted his shoulder a few times before walking down the stairs to where they had been sitting the night before. Megamind followed her out, unable to take his eyes away from her swaying figure for reasons he didn't know. Her yellow tank top perfectly clung to every curve in both flattering and unflattering ways, and the short Minion had given her were more boxers than actual shorts. It sent butterflies surging into Megaminds stomach, though he didn't know what the feeling meant. 

"Hey Minion? Do you guys have a stove?" Eve called out, opening the fridge and bending down slightly. Megamind quickly averted his eyes and swayed himself over to his closet, engulfing himself in the darkness as he let the brainbots dress him in his usual latex bodysuit and fashionable, yet evil, cape. Thousands of thoughts were running through Megaminds abnormally large head. What was this feeling? Why did he suddenly have thousands of butterflies fluttering in his stomach, where in the hell did they come from and how were they surviving in his stomach acids? He made a mental note to talk to Minion about it when Eve wasn't around. For some reason the thought of discussing such things in front of her made him feel nervous and agitated. 

Eve on the other hand was blissfully unaware of Megamind's new found feelings, as she was too caught up in her own feelings for the similarly blue individual to notice. She'd sway her hips a bit wider and lean down a bit lower when looking in the fridge, hoping for Megamind to get the hint. She'd had a crush on him since before they'd met, reading as much as she could about him in libraries as she crossed the country by foot. She'd had to steal the books of course, but fully aimed to return them when she had a means of transportation other than her legs. 

When Megamind emerged from the closet, Eve was peacefully cooking an array of dishes that filled the evil lair with a beautiful aroma Megamind had not imagined. 

"What is it that you are cooking, Eve?" Megamind smiled, leaning over Eve's shoulder slightly to gaze into the pan. 

"Bacon pancakes with some scrambled eggs and a side of fried mushrooms and onion, it was all I could do with the availability in the fridge," Eve replied, motioning to each of the sizzling frying pans as she listed out the food item inside of them. 


"Pancakes, flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, milk, butter, eggs and oil cooked in a pan and served with toppings. You've never had pancakes before?" 

"No, where did you learn this foreign food item?"

"Oh, I learnt it in a beginners cookbook I stole from a library in Toronto when I was younger."

"Interesting, what do these pahn-cahk-es taste like?" 

"See for yourself," Eve cut off a chunk of one of the already cooked pancakes and held it out to him, skewered to the prongs of a fork. Megamind eyed it for a second before taking the fork and eating the piece, his eyes lightening up slightly as he chewed. 

"There is bacon inside of this! How did you manage to do such a feat?"

"Now that is something for me to know, and for you to find out," Eve smirked, winking at him before returning to her cooking. Megamind blushed slightly and backed away, walking over to where Minion was sitting with the news paper.

"Code, we need to talk," He whispered, motioning to Eve and then to his room. Minion nodded and placed his newspaper down, following his master to his room. Closing the door behind him, Megamind started ranting. 

"What are these feelings that keep plaguing me, Minion? They're feeling's I've never experienced before! Am I sick, am I dying? Are my days of being so incredibly handsome limited?"

Minion shook his head and placed his over-sized, gorilla-like hands on Megamind's shoulders. "There's nothing wrong with you, sir. You probably just have feelings for Eve"

"Feeling? Of course I have feeling! I can feel your hand on my shoulder and the unwelcome butterflies in my stomach that are somehow not dissolving in my stomach acids!"

"That's it! The reason you have butterflies in your stomach, figurative ones, is because you have romantic attraction towards Eve. Do you feel nervous around her and talking to her?" 

Megamind nodded, still trying to understand the concept of butterflies residing within his stomach cavity. "She is, inexplicably beautiful, her mere presence is enough to turn me pinker than one of the brainbots," Megamind muttered, holding his gloved hand to his chin. "Simply visioning us committing hilarious yet devious and evil crimes is enough to send those damned butterflies into a frenzy."

"Exactly, sir. You have a crush on her. Now, let's go tell her-"

"No! We can't tell her," Megamind explained, grabbing Minion's arm as he went to walk away. "Not yet," He added, blushing.

"Why not, sir?"

"We need to enact our next evil plan! I want to make sure she's fine with me being an evil super-villain off mass villainy and handsomeness!"

"Sir, I'm pretty sure she's already said that she looks up to you," Minion frowned, unused to seeing his master acting in such ways.

"Well, still." 

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