Chapter 6: Kidnapping Roxxane

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It was finally the day. After waiting, with great anticipation, it was finally time. The morning of Metroman day was upon the city and, out of everyone who was looking forward to it, Eve was the most excited. She'd woken up early, early even for her, to prepare everything for Megamind's arrival later that day. She'd even accidentally woken Minion up as she was crashing and banging around in the kitchen, by accident of course. Minion made a note for himself, to tell Megamind about Eve's excitement for his return.

It was an hour before Minion would leave to pick Megamind up from the prison, if everything went to plan, and Eve had the job of servicing all the inventions Megamind had planned to intimidate Roxanne with. Every single one had some amount of rust that had accumulated on either a blade, spring or dial that would have sent sparks flying everywhere if turned on, possibly starting a fire if not an explosion. It took just under an hour to fix everything up, not to mention get rid of as many spiders as she possibly could from the roof, but everything was finished by the time that Minion came back with Megamind in the passenger's seat.

"Megamind!" Eve exclaimed, running towards him, and hugging him before she knew what she was doing. They spent a few seconds embracing before she pulled away from him, rubbing her arm awkwardly. "I, well, I was worried about you."

Megamind smiled and blushed slightly. "I worry about you too."

The brainbots whizzed over and surrounded him with the changing curtain, changing him out of the prison clothes and into his usual black, villainous clothes. Eve looked at him dreamily as the curtain was whisked away, distracted as he threw a wrench for the brainbots after scolding one for trying to bite him. He was so adorable when he was talking to them, referring to himself as 'daddy' when he was talking to them.

"Did you oil up some of the inventions, Minion? Good job!" Megamind exclaimed, examining one of the saws next to him.

"Actually, that was Eve, sir," Minion smiled, taking Megamind off guard.

"Impressive, who knew you were as smart as you were beautiful," Megamind smiled, smirking coyly. Eve blushed and elbowed him lightly, crossing her arms.

"That invisible car of yours was in absolutely horrid shape, you know. The transmission was all out of whack, there was water in the oil tank and Windex in the water tank and not to mention the fact there was a full birds nest on top of the engine!" Eve exclaimed as they walked through the lair, Roxanne over Minions shoulder as they conversed.

"I- How dare you criticize my inventions!"

"I'm not criticizing, I'm just pointing out the numerous health hazards that would have arisen if you were to drive that car again before I tuned it up! Not to mention the amount of rust on the blades around here, but that's a different subject all together."

Megamind took in a big breath and shook his head slightly, clearing his mind. "Despite the fact that my inventions are as genius as they are safe, thank you for helping out around the lair while I was gone. I app-er-ee-see-ate it," He smiled, stroking her shoulder with his hand as a kindly gesture before noticing Roxanne had finally woken up.

"She's awake! Quick, to work!" Megamind exclaimed, running over to his leather chair and pulling one up for Eve beside him, motioning for her to sit down next to him. He next motioned to a brainbot to rest on his lap, smiling mischievously as Minion ripped the bag off her head.

"Miss Ritchie, we meet again," He twirled around in his chair and Eve followed suit, her legs crossed as she sat in the chair.

"Would it kill you to wash the bag?" She exclaimed, rolling her eyes slightly.

"You don't wash the bag?" Eve frowned, looking over at Megamind. He ignored her, trying to stifle a laugh.

"You can scream all you wish, Miss Ritchie, I'm afraid no one can here you!" He exclaimed dramatically, despite Roxanne being silent. Actually, she seemed to be completely unimpressed if anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2022 ⏰

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