Ex lovers

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Well, it's official. I have the worst luck in the world, I got caught with drugs again and you know the saying 3 strikes your out? That's just it, I was told that if I was caught dealing or pulled over with the possession of drugs again I would end up in prison. So here I am, Wentworth Correctional Centre. My wrists were locked behind my back in hand cuffs, the metal was digging into my sensitive skin, leaving it raw and red. Police officers weren't exactly polite when locking you away so I was surprised to be met with gentle brown eyes when I was sat down in the admission office. His name tag read "Jackson", he strutted inside the room and shut the door behind him. "I'm Mr. Jackson, we're going to get your paperwork started, I just need some information from you." He said, taking a seat behind the desk.

I nodded my head and answered his questions as he asked them, I looked around curiously. It was clean, organized too. I looked back at him skeptically, "You don't look like a police officer" I said, my voice quiet and a little shaky as I was completely terrified to walk through those doors and be left alone with these women. He smiled slightly and looked up at me from his paperwork, "You don't look like a drug dealer."

I held back a slight laugh and cracked a smile. Most people wouldn't take me as a drug dealer, it's normally the blue eyes and blonde hair that fool them, but also the clean track record. I've never once used drugs and never will, I've seen what it does to people but my brother has his own "business" and sadly I got dragged into it at a young age. Once you're wrapped up in that stuff, it's hard to get out. So here I am 5 years later doing the same shit i'm not suppose too, I already know as soon as I get out i'm going to get shit for getting caught. Then i'll have to 'pay' my brother back for all the drugs that were confiscated off of me, which means once again i'll be wrapped up in that never ending cycle.

"We're going to need to get some pictures, for your file." Mr. Jackson said, the door opened and a woman stood there waiting for me. She didn't say anything to me, so I got up and walked to where the tape was lined up. She took my pictures and handed me a laundry basket, it was filled with teal clothes and basic necessities. "You're gonna be in H3, i'll take you there now. You can choose to stay in your own clothes or wear the teals until your court date, it's up to you. Birdsworth is going to help you get settled in, everybody is at work unit right now so it'll be quiet until you guys get rec time." The blonde woman said, I glanced at her name tag which said Miles on it. "What is rec time?" I asked, glancing around the empty halls we are walking down. There were a few women wandering around but nobody seemed to be alarmed by it so I figured it was normal.

"It's free time, most people are out in the courtyard." She said, her tone short with me. I didn't ask anymore questions, instead stayed quiet until we stopped in front of H3. An older woman with blonde hair sat at a table in the middle of the room. She stood up as she saw us and walked over, "Birdsworth this is Williamson, I need you to show her around. Make her feel at home." Miles said, stretching her lips into a sarcastic smile. She turned and walked away, leaving me standing there awkwardly. "Hello Love, I'm Liz." She said putting her arm around my shoulders and walking me inside. "This is H3 our unit, 4 other women plus myself stay in here. It's best you don't touch anything if it's not yours, the tea, sugar and such is all fair game. Oh and the red button on the wall? Don't ever touch it." She said, I glanced around the room and nodded at her words. "Not much of a talker eh?" She asked, I managed to give her a small smile. "I'm sorry, just nervous is all.. I'm Harper. I'm never this reserved but.. it's a lot to take in."

I liked Liz, she was sweet and reminded me of a mum. She gave me a comforting feeling and I feel like she's someone I could definitely come to if I needed anything. "It's okay Love, I know it is. This here is your cell, you can decorate it any way you like. There's a special spend we get every month and you can request more personable things for yourself, they just take the money from ya. Are you ready to see the rest of the compound?" She asked.

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