Episode: 8 Persuasion

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Previously on Transformers Reunited Love


As the Autobots left to the South Pole they were ambushed by the Decepticons.


The ambush wasn’t just to try and defeat the Autobots, but to distract them to take Luna back, will they make it in time, or will they lose Luna again.


Find out on this episode of Transformers Reunited Love.



South Pole

Time: 1750 hrs


Optimus Prime struggles to his feet after having been knocked out of the sky by Predaking, who transforms to robot mode and lands nearby. The Predacon charges up his blaster, but Optimus rebounds with a flurry of punches.


Inside the Solaris building, a firefight between Autobots and Vehicons began to grow rough. Wheeljack looks upon the Vehicon closing in an took out a grenade, “Permission to hasten our progress Chief?”


“Granted.” answered Ultra Magnus, Wheeljack threw his grenade at the ‘Cons and soon brought a swift end to the on coming ‘cons. The Autobots make their way into the next room, where Shockwave is overseeing the theft of the particle collider, and begin fighting the Decepticon forces there.


Ultra Magnus took a low diagnostic then turned to Prowl, “Any ideas tactician?” he asked, only to get a sly smile from the ‘Bot, “Always do.” he says, eyeing the ‘Cons then turned to the twins, “Sunstreaker, Sideswipe protocol 65.” he said. The lambo twins turned to their older brother in question, “Seriously?!” they asked, earning a nod from the mech, with a smile the run to the middle of the room.


“Mind telling me what protocol 65 is Prowl.” asked ‘Magnus. Prowl turned to his commander, “Trust me, you’ll thank me later.” all of a sudden a loud explosion was heard, seeing the cause, the twins had their weapons united to one gun and fired it to ten Vehicon who immediately offlined. The team looked in ‘awe’ “You see back on Cybertron the twins found out that they could combine their weapons to make a higher leveled spark reconstructor. They barely use it but when they do it’s most likely-”


“Utter destruction.” finished Ultra Magnus. The tacticianist nodded then turned to the team, “Okay Bumblebee and Blurr head threw the right side, while Arcee and I head to the left, Ultra Magnus and Wheeljack, you get Shockwave.” with a nod they all head to the attack.


Outside, Optimus continues to hammer away at Predaking, temporarily keeping him on the defensive, but the Predacon lashes out with a savage kick that sends Optimus sprawling. Predaking transforms back to beast mode and is about to unleash a blast of flame at the prone Autobot when Megatron contacts him over the comm, -Predaking I have been informed that our objective is at risk. Secure it. Now.-


Back inside, the Autobots and Vehicons stay in heat of the battle, Bumblebee and Blurr circled around five Vehicons, “Hey ‘Bee, why not show these guys what speed means.” - /Oh you are on./ Bumblebee accepted the challenge and soon grabbed Blurr’s grappling hook, the two circled around the ‘Cons tying them in a not, /Alright, who’s ready to be hit by a ‘Con ball?/ said ‘Bee, as he and Blurr ran towards another pair of ‘Cons only to sling them their captives them.

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