Episode 3: Memories of a Lost Family

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Previously on Transformers Reunited Love


"Hey, if it isn't our little sister Luna!" - Smokescreen.


"Did you say little sister?!" - Miko.


(Enters Soundwave and Shockwave walking to the bridge)

"Well, not by creators, it's like. How do you humans call it . . . oh adopted! Yeah but, we don't know who her creators are." -Smokescreen.


(Scene of Megatron and Soundwave)

"Is everything ready for your little reunion?" - Megatron.


"Yes thanks to Soundwave." - Shockwave.


(Luna driving around Jasper when she gets the call from Soundwave)

[ *cough* Luna, Luna where are you?]


"Sire?" - Luna


(Shows of Optimus speaking with Bumblebee)

"Do you know where Luna is headed off to." - Optimus


"Autobots, I need you to head for the groundbridge,(Scene on Luna at the peaks) Luna's in trouble!" - Optimus


(Luna at the Peaks looking for her Sire)

"Father! Father where are you?!" - Luna


(Shows Soundwave walk out and Luna runs to hug him)

"S-sire . . . it's you." - Luna


Luna gets attacked and shuts down, then Soundwave taking Luna away with Megatron and Shockwave.


'why did she call me Sire?' - Soundwave


(Bumblebee enters with Autobots)

/LUNA!! You! What are you doing Soundwave?! Do you know who she is?!/ - Bumblebee


(After they save LunaVocals, Bumblebee lying on a medical berth, Luna waking up,) 'what happened' - Luna


"He'll be fine, just knocked into stasis - So . . . were you going to tell us?"" - Ratchet


"I . . . I was going to, but Shockwave is here, and now-" - Luna


"And now you're going to just up and leave?!" - Ratchet


(Scene outside of medbay)

"Okay Luna, Why did you go to those coordinates?" - Optimus

 "Stop acting like you have no clue of why I went, because you obviously do!" (Luna walks back to medbay)" - Luna

"why . . . my Sire . . . father . . . why, why?!" - Luna

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