The Alimo

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Tomikas POV

I was sitting at a lunch table with Zack and Lawrence

T: man I hate that we're doing Romeo and Juliet

Z: yeah

L: I wish we could do something else

T: I wanna do something cool like Hamilton

L&Z: you got tickets to Hamilton

T: no

Z&L: (groans)

T: I want something new

Z: I know

We sighed

Summers POV

I was in the classroom with Freddy he was complaining about the play he pulled a prank on principal Mullins and now she's forcing him to be Romeo

F: I can't believe I'm Romeo

S: come on it's not so bad

F: It is this is my punishment for pulling that prank why couldn't Ms.Mullins just give me detention

S: well there's a big kiss scene just so you know

I know cause I've been looking forward to it I know I said I was over him but I lied

F: I don't want to kiss you

That hurt he saw my disappointed face and started stuttering

F: oh no sum I didn't mean that it's just your like a sister to me

That hurt even more

F: ok girls are complicated

I looked down trying not to cry he picked me up and put me on his lap a blush formed on my cheeks I was still sad tho

F: sum I meant'll find a great guy one day but I just think it's weird to kiss you when your my friend.... understand? Cause if you don't I quit

I chuckled and kissed his cheek

S: yeah thanks Freddy

F: no problem

I smiled when Tomika,Zack,and Lawrence burst through the door way to ruin the moment

T: good news Romeo and Juliet is off


F: hey nice

T: we're doing the alimo instead

S: but-

F: sum now we don't have to kiss

T: ooh bad thing to say freddo

F: what's wrong

S: n-nothing

He shrugged it off god I love him but he's so clueless

T: anyway summer your Davy Crockett

S: cool

She smiled and handed me a raccoon hat


We were all rehearsing the play me and Tomika were laughing our asses off at a joke she said

T: I love you

She said as she hugged me she sounded drunk yeah she brought a flask and I'm pretty sure it's whiskey not water

S: (chuckles)

T: (slurring words) were best friends your my best friend you know that

S: I know

A complicated love story- sumika one shots Where stories live. Discover now