She ruined my relantionship

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Tomikas POV
I was with Frankie my twin in the bakery wiping down tables talking about boys
Fr: you and zack are cute
T: just don't think I like him
The bell rings I don't bother to look but I'm glad I did I looked up for a split second curious and see the hottest girl ever
Fr: umm mika
T: huh what
Fr: you were staring at the blonde over there
T: (blushes) oh sorry
Fr: are you...blushing?
T: what no why would I be blushing
I put my hair in my face to cover my rosy cheeks she smirked
Fr: you so are
T: n-no I'm not
Fr: do you like her
T: one I'm dating someone and two I don't like girls like that
I looked at her
T: (dreamily) but I can make an exception
Fr: oh shit you have a crush
T: maybe
Fr: Zack?
T: we both know I don't like him
Fr: I know but she's probably know and you don't even know if you are
T: right I'll ignore it
We continued talking wiping down the counter I'm fifteen by the way
Summers POV
I'm fifteen I walk into this bakery and see this goddess and a girl who looks like her the one with glasses is ok but damn I see her cover her hair with her face I smile and silently chuckle it was so cute wait what am I saying I don't like girls
I walk into my new school and see her I smile I was about to go up to her when a guy did and kissed her goddammit I figured why not and went to another kid to ask for directions
Tomikas POV
I saw her again I silently cheered when Zack came up and kissed me out of all times he chose now to kiss me Frankie and Freddy were kissing yeah their dating but she's gonna break up with him soon she doesn't like him anymore and has been into this other kid jace I think
T: ok I have to get my books I'll see you guys in class
Z: k
They left I looked at the new girl walking to the principals office I slowed down wanting to "accidentally" run into her, once she came out I went up to her
T: hi I'm tomika
?: summer
T: are you new or have I just never seen you
S: new
T: wanna hang out later
S: what about the bastard-boyfriend
I chuckled
T: who gives a shit
We smiled and walked to class we got in and sat next to each other, Freddy was eyeing her down thank god frankie didn't notice
S: (whispers) is hairgel looking at me
T: (whispers coldly) yeah
S: (whispers) what's wrong
T: (whispers) that's my sisters boyfriend
This caught everyone's attention she gave them a small smile embarrassed and they turned back to their conversations
T: her names Frankie his name is freddy
S: he tries one thing he's gonna regret he was ever born
T: I love you
We chuckled and the teacher started the class she partnered me and summer up for a project YES
Freddys POV
The new girl is hot I dumped Frankie and made a move
S: your dating someone
F: Broke up with her
S: oh my god
F: wanna go out later
S: no
F: so I'll pick you up at- no?
S: yeah I don't like you or men in general
F: what do you-
S: imma a fucking lesbian
F: I dumped my girlfriend for a lesbian
S: and she ain't taking you back
F: what makes you say that
She pointed behind me I see Frankie and jace kissing at her locker I growled and turned to summer she smirked and left
Summers POV
It's official I like girls and by girls I mean Tomika I went to her house it was fun
?: ooh mikas got a girlfriend
I started blushing uncontrollably
?: what's her name
She ignored him
S: summer
T: huh
S: just answering
They got confused
?: imma ignore that
S: (scoffs) rude
T: sum do you see....nevermind
?: well 🎵 summer and mika sitting in a tree
T: umm sum I have to take a call
S: ok I'll just talk to this guy
They froze
?: oh hell no
S: umm
T: n-nothing his names Louie
L: yeah and-oh that's why you were blushing and how you answered me
S: I'm confused
T: it's nothing
She glared at him he left
S: who was he
T: a jackass
T: as you can see were inseparable
I laughed we finished the project and left we went out for ice cream
T: hey why'd you blush when he said girl friend
I shrugged she smiled
Tomikas POV
I was with Zack
T: hey why'd Freddy dump Frankie not like it did anything to her since she immediately ended up making out with jace
Z: he broke up for her for summer
T: oh
Did she take him?
Z: but then turns out she was a lesbian
T: really
Z: yeah dumped his girl for a lesbian it's kinda funny
T: yeah
We left
I went to summer
T: your a lesbian
S: how did you-
T: I am to
S: but zack-
T: I don't know it just happened I didn't know how to tell him
S: howd you know
T: I started liking a girl it happened the other day
S: meaning you still like her
T: yeah
S: who
T: ummmmm-
S: come on who
T: d-don't hate me
S: why
I kissed her she kissed back
S: I like you to
T: thank god that would've been embarrassing
We chuckled and kissed again then-
Z: what the fuck
F: she ruined both of our relationships
S: you broke up with her I did nothing
He flipped her off she scoffed
Z: Tomika how could you
T: like this
I kissed her cheek she giggled and blushed
Z: I'm outta here
Fr: awwww
They looked at her
Fr: what
They left pissed me and her linked hands and walked to class

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