New girl

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Tomikas POV
I'm new to school I'm fourteen I see a blonde girl she looks nice i go up to her
T: hi I'm tomika I'm new
?: summer want me to show you around
T: yes please
We walked around she's fun I think I might like her yes I'm a lesbian but she's not plus she likes a guy his names Freddy I think
Summers POV
Ok so truth now I...really like tomika but I'm not lesbian at least I think I'm not I already told her about Freddy so she knows I like someone but I don't anymore we went in the class I introduced her to everyone she didn't really care for Freddy like not rude just didn't really talk to him much I don't know why
Freddys POV
The new girl is off
F: hey
T: oh hey
F: wanna hang out later
T: uh sure
We smiled and she sat down summer wasn't the happiest but she gave ME a glare for a split second
We were hanging out
T: sorry for being rude earlier
F: why were you
T: someone said they had a crush on you and I liked them so..
F: wait you mean you like
Her eyes widen
T: I-I mean-
F: your gay
T: shut up
F: so who's the lucky lady
T: (blushes) shut up and don't tell anyone
F: ok
I pulled out my phone
F: hey zack guess what tomika is (gasps dramatically) gay dun dun DUN
She laughed I put my phone away she refused to tell me the girl
We were all at Tomikas new locker we left
Tomikas POV
They left me and summer continued taking at my locker
S: yeah I don't like Freddy anymore
T: really
S: yeah I think I'm a lesbian
T: why do you say that
S: I saw this girl and I like her more than Freddy
S: anyway you think I should ask her out
T: see if she's gay first
Hopefully she isn't and summer will get over her and move on to hopefully me
S: kk
We left Freddy saw us and smiled he looked like he realized something he smirked
T: oh no
F: were taking now
T: but-
F: or imma kiss you
T: let's go
We left summer looked mad what does she still like him
F: it's summer
T: (blushes) maybe ok shut up
I put my hair behind my ear blushing and looked up at him
F: ok imma be your wing guy
T: she said she doesn't like you anymore but she was mad when we left although she did say she may be a lesbian cause she likes a girl either way I don't stand a chance I'm way out of her league
F: come on Mika you have a chance
T: I don't admit it
S: hey guys
T&F: (nervous) hey summer
S: umm Mika do you like the color blue or pink
T: blue
S: skateboarding or shopping
T: skateboarding duh
S: fuzzy blankets or fire place
T: both
S: got cocoa with marshmallows or without
T: depends on the chocolate
She smiled and left
Summers POV
I wanted to know if she is a lesbian she got all the answers correct maybe she's just a really big tomboy tho freddy came up I was sad
F: Mikas great
S: (sad) yeah
F: what's wrong
S: (sighs) you won't judge me right
F: of course not
S: I like her
F: (excited) really
S: yeah I mean like more than a friend like a girlfriend and I mean lesbian love but I don't know if she likes me back
F: hold on to that thought and be back here in an hour
I nodded my head confused he left quickly
I walk in the hall it's completely dark I see tomika confused
S: is this a prank
T: I swear if someone pours anything on me they will die
S: (chuckles)
She smiled than
F: ok here's the deal
He came out of the dark
T&S: umm
F: while hanging with Mika I found out she was a lesbian
F: and she liked a girl
S: (hurt) oh
F: and than the summer likes someone who's also a girl since she just found out she's a lesbian
S: don't say it
She doesn't like me back I don't want her to know
F: ok well here
He put our head together centimeters apart
F: summer likes Tomika and tomika likes summer
Before we could scream what or even open our mouths in shock he pushed our heads together we kissed I felt sparks
F: my work is done
We pulled away smiling the lights came on he patted our backs
F: you owe me
S&T: meh
F: are you kidding
He left we smiled and kissed again and went to class

A complicated love story- sumika one shots Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang