I avoided you cause i...loved you

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Tomikas POV
After the Austin music festival summer stopped talking to me it sucked she never invited me to stuff she didn't hate me just cut me off I still cry sometimes cause of it, then high school came. Freddy became quarterback me and him are still best friends we talk on a daily basis and hang out every Friday and Saturday morning for sleepovers this makes me really popular with half the school. Lawrence became head of the coding club me and him talk every day and I'm in the club to, we play computer games every Sunday and just in general be stupid this makes me popular with the nerds. Zack who before could never get a girl became a fuckboy it sounds bad but he's still nice and sweet and caring me and him talk a lot we hang out every Saturday , when the girls he fucks aren't sluts they're really cool I became a little nerdy, top of my class in every subject each the gifted class and I volunteer a lot I really liked summer yeah I'm a lesbian but she bully's me not physically tho she ignored me completely plus I'm over her now I got a girlfriend
I was at my locker when summer came up
S: hey bitch
T: enough I'm done you can't hurt me cause I'm ten times stronger oh and make one more snarky comment and I'll hack your phone laptop and iPad I'll find all your secrets don't test me won't want anyone to know the real summer breeze Hathaway you know the one who used to be my friend
I slammed my locker shut and left not bothering to look back
She hasn't bothered me she came up
T: alright let's go through your messages first
S: no I (mumbles) need a favor
T: (coldly) what
S: I'm failing math and I need a tutor or else I'll fail and have to break up with Freddy and get kicked off the team
T: were both cheerleaders just give up
S: no
T: well I'm not helping
S: your the smartest girl in school you juggle everything perfectly and I know you have time
T: I guess max canceled our date next week so fine
S: (disappointed) oh
T: why you sad I just said I'd do it
S: g-great after school
She ran away with tears in her eyes what's her problem
Summers POV
I love tomika after the festival I started liking her I thought it was a phase I avoided her to get over it but it's been going on for three years we're seventeen now I feel nothing for Freddy not only is she dating someone Max is a guy ugh god I hate life
Tomikas POV
I was in the library helping her with her problems
T: how are you failing you used to be so on top of stuff
S: well people change
T: (mumbles) don't have to tell me twice
S: you know your probably not helping me just gonna let me fail and break up with Freddy so you can be with him
T: I'm not even interested in guys let alone Freddy
S: huh
T. I'm a fuckin lesbian
S: (excited) really
T: yeah oh and here's my girlfriend now
She came up and kissed me
M: you ok why is she here
T: tutoring her
M: later babe
T: later
I kissed her cheek she left summer looked mad and sad why is she so moody first annoyed then sad than excited now this
S: so your a lesbian
T: yeah and you'd know that if you bothered to stick around
She went back reading looking like she wanted to cry, another mood?
Me and max broke up we decided we loved each other but it wasn't really a match it's fine I was with summer
T: what's y + z
S: 12
T: what's 6 divided by the key number
S: fifteen
And my plan is on shes In power mode she answers every question without a hitch
T: why'd you stop hanging out with me
S: cause I liked you
T: huh
S: you tricked me
T: your in power mode now you mean like like you had a friend ship vibe or
S: no tomika I mean like
T: what do you-
S: after the festival I saw you in a new way but didn't know how to tell anyone I continued to date Freddy feeling nothing for him at all it was all about you I thought it was a phase but it's been going on for three years three years of me being in a fake relationship having to see you every day not calling you mine I avoided you cause it was to painful to see you when you never knew how I felt your hair is flawless skin is smooth your eyes make the stars not bright and your smile makes the sun not shining ok I love you more than anything I bullied you cause I thought it would help me get over you I didn't hurt you physically cause I was afraid but because you can't hurt the one you love and I love you, I slipped you a note saying you should try out for cheerleading so we could be closer and it was hot to see you get flipped
I chuckled
S: I said this before I love you and I know you and max are dating I just go so excited it's when you said you were gay cause I thought maybe I had a chance but you and-
I grabbed her and kissed her
T: w-we broke up
S: (excited) really
T: why didn't you tell me you liked me I had the biggest crush on you
S: (more excited) really
T: (laughs) yes
She smashed her lips on mine we were kissing for about two seconds before
Everyone: aww
We stopped every one was watching and some were recording
?: (crying) that was so beautiful
?: (crying) best love story ever
Me and her laughed through our happy tears
T: how loud we're we
?: loud enough
We chuckled and smiled me and her left she dumped Freddy me and her were kissing at my locker when
F&L&Z: awwww
T: Freddy your not mad i-
F: no I suspected she liked you she would always ask about you
We both blushed they smiled

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