My bully

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Tomikas POV

I walk into school with my head hung low I've found having no confidence means less torture

Confused? Let me fill you in I am constantly bullied by half the school but there are 3 girls who bully me the most

Theres Babe corono the tough one she likes to cause me physical pain

Kenzie bell the smart one she's smart but beautiful and will constantly spread rumors about me saying I sleep with the teachers for better grades and that I've gotten several abortions from getting pregnant by the JANITOR!

And lastly who could forget summer Hathaway she's the worst she'll do all of the above and so much more she's hated me since as long as I can remember and I don't know why I'm pretty sure she's just naturally a bitch

I walk to my locker and open it when some random kid grabs my hand and starts cutting it I bite my lip to hold back a scream when I scream they just hurt me more they walked away and another kid slammed my locker as he walked past me

Then the three bitches show up oh god

B: hey slut

T: hi-

K: don't talk to us

T: sorry

S: yeah you better apologize

F: what's going on

My brother Freddy said as he walked up he's the strongest kid in school at first the entire school bullied me but after he beat them up they left me alone now it's only half and those kids are dumb and stupid cause they always end up getting their ass beat

S: oh h-hi Freddy

He's the reason people have nightmares he noticed my hand


Everyone in the hall flinched

F: Tomika who the fuck did that

I quickly pointed to the kid he looked like he was gonna shit his pants

T: F-Freddy it's fine


Everyone nodded their heads quickly he whispered in my ear

F: (whispers) don't worry

I nodded my head and he left the girls shook it off

S: whatever like we're gonna stop we'll just blame what we do to you on some kid

They walked away laughing evilly I sighed and closed my locker I walked to class trying to avoid everyone


I was writing down the answers to the test that we were taking when I noticed babe trying to steal my answers I quickly covered them

T: (whispers) no

B: (whispers) bitch just let me cheat already

T: no

I said still whispering but louder

B: you'll regret this

She said loud enough for everyone to hear and look at us including the teacher and at this point I've had enough I was annoyed and hurt I couldn't control what came out of my mouth next-

T: right now all I'm regretting is looking at that shitstain you call a face

Everyone gasped her jaw dropped so far it may as well been touching the floor the teacher tried to keep a straight face but everyone hates her and she tried not to laugh

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