Chapter 6

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Karigann's POV:

I awake spluttering, trying to catch my breath. Slowly, my eyes adjust and they land right away before the face of Peter. He saved me. I don't know if I should be happy that he saved me or not. He's lying to me about things and I don't like that. I then thought, if I want answers, I'm gonna "love" him first.

I quickly faked a smile and I jumped into his arms. Surprised by my reaction, he stood up and zoomed me back to what I would guess to be his tent.

Peter's POV:
I didn't know how she would react when she woke up. I expected her to yell at me and tell me how terrible I truly am, but instead she leaped into my arms. Not exactly what I expected but that is what I wanted and hoped for. I just want to kiss her so badly right now. Pan it's too early for that. She just came back to life. Give her some time. Instead, I decide to carry her back to my tent.

Along the way, I look down to make sure she is okay. Looking down, I notice she is sleeping so I take in her face. Her face looks so pale and cold, I just want to help her. I can't stay away from her though. Her face looks so peaceful when she sleeps. Like nothing can hurt her. Not even me.


Peter's POV:

Finally we make it to the tent. I set her down in bed and sit on the edge to think. Turning, I face my body towards her so I can take in her features. As I sit there to think, I wonder how I can get her to love me like the way I love her. My subconscious decides to speak. Well maybe if you stop lying to her about who you are and still treat her well, maybe she would like your side of evil. Possibly even more than your good side. Everyone has a dark side. Girls don't like boys who lie.

I got it. My subconscious is right. I'm going to show her who I really am. Oh boy, she'll be in for a treat.

Karigann's POV:

I'm sleeping peacefully until someone decides to roughly shove me awake. Angered by the urgency, I slap the person who woke me up. Oops, it's Peter Pan. Sorry not sorry. Honestly I am sorry. Ugh.
"God finally you're awake. Get up, we have work to do." With a little smirk, he left the room, not bothering to wait for me. Is it just me or is he acting strange? Curious to his mood, I do as told. Arriving back at camp, I take in the surroundings. Everything looks the same so what is Peter hiding?
"What are you looking at?"
Peter whispers from behind. He's close, I can feel his breath down my neck. It sends me shivers down my back. Why does he turn me on?

I slowly turn around and respond.
"Oh nothing."
I whip back around, making sure my long blonde hair hits him square in the face. I strut my stuff and walk over to sit on a log. I can just imagine Peter smirking from behind, watching me closely. I sit down and Peter announces to the boys.
"Let's play a game. And for those of you who don't know, I call it target practice."
Slightly, I take in a gasp. Just by the title, I can tell it isn't anything good. Peter motions for me to stand up and come over to him. Not wanting him to become angered, I do what I was told.
"What exactly is target practice?" My voice just went up at the end of that sentence.
He smirks.
"You see Karigann, this isn't any normal game. Every game has a purpose, and this one is to hit a target. Boys bring her out please."
My hand flies to my mouth in shock. There was another girl here before me? The boys come back with a cage but I can't see who's inside. Unlocking the cage, the boys push open the door. Out comes a frail little girl with curly hair and dark, blue eyes. She looks at me and I can see in her eyes that she shows utter fear. Who exactly is Peter Pan again?


Peter's POV:

I point to the boys and say,
"Tie her up to that tree over there."
The boys nod and start to do as they were told. Splendid. With a smirk on my face, I turn towards Karigann. I look in her eyes and see many emotions. Shock, emotion, embarrassment, shame, lost, utter anger, fear, and possibly even a spark of jealousy. Upon all those conflicted emotions, one stands out to me the most. Complete and utter shame. Somehow that hurts to see that in her features but hey Peter doesn't love right? I will not let her become my weakness. If I want her to stay with me, I have to show her who I truly am and even the hardest part. Get her to understand why and love me for who I am. I start to pace and explain to her what will happen.
"So, I've felt off with you lately. I feel... as if you haven't been trusting me. And I will admit that I have been keeping things from you. This is one of them. You were not the first lost girl but I will say this. I never felt anything for Wendy, I only felt feelings for you. Wendy was more like a sister to me, until she betrayed me. And that's why darling, you are here and we are playing this game. I'm showing parts of you who I truly am and of course, Wendy needs a punishment." A full out grin has appeared on my face as I walk towards Wendy.

"Wendy knows this game pretty well. She's seen it happen before. So she should know exactly what is going to happen here." I look over at Wendy and she has tears streaming down her face. I laugh in spite of myself. It's funny seeing someone look so broken knowing you are the one behind all their brokenness. I walk up to her and whisper in her ear.
"Any last words, darling?"
She sniffles and tears are still pouring out.
"I still love you Peter. You know I do. But why can't you just let me go home! Back to my family where I belong?"

"Wendy, if you had truly belonged with your family, you wouldn't have been here in NEVERLAND in the first place! Also, if you didn't try to escape, maybe I would've let you go eventually. Besides, you love me and you can't let that go. But know this Wendy. I never loved you."

I pulled back my face taking in her broken features plastered all over her face. She's crying even harder now and I can't help but feel a little satisfaction. I walk back over to where Karigann is standing. Willing my magic to help me, a crossbow appears in my hands. Handing the bow to her I continue my explaining.
"Now Karigann, your job is simple. All you have to do is point the bow.
And kill her."

Karigann's POV:

He hands me the crossbow and looks me straight in the eyes. They are dark almost black, unlike his emerald green eyes like before. It honestly is frightening to look at. The light in his eyes are gone now, replaced with dark, hateful eyes that have a glint of evil in them.
"Now Karigann, your job is simple. All you have to do is point the bow. And kill her."

My reaction to this is utterly terrified. Who is this Peter Pan? Where is the one that just saved me yesterday? This one is purely evil, haunted by past memories. I can see it in his eyes. They hold sincere evilness but they also hold pain. Tons and tons of pain. My mouth is open wide and my eyes are bugging out of their sockets. I raise my voice and shout.
"Kill her?! Why in the world would I kill her? She's just an innocent girl Pan!" I spit in his face and turn away, unable to look at him. Who does he think he is?! Killing people for his satisfaction.
"Oh but darling she isn't so innocent. She freaking played me Karigann! She was never supposed to come here in this first place! She tricked me into thinking she was the one in the prophecy but she wasn't! She came here basically to save herself from her family at home! And now she tried to escape here to go back to them! I've given her everything here. Comfort, love and happiness. She just threw it all away and tried to escape. Karigann you don't get it do you?"
He grits his teeth and says
"She deserves to be killed."

I step away from him and shake my head.
"No one deserves such a high fate as death. No one Peter not even you!" I shout.
"By the looks to me, you are an evil, heartless demon who loves no one but himself! I suggest you handle your filthy island the right way and make it a better one!"
Angered I spat at him and smashed the bow onto the ground. He looks at me and his eyes turn an even darker shade of black. Oh no what did I do. Instead of yelling, he grins.
"Let's make this game a little more interesting." Another crossbow appears in his hands.
"You have three chances to kill her. But if you accept to deny it each time, someone still has to be punished. And that person will be you. It's your choice, love. Kill her and be free of no punishment. Or disobey me and pay the consequences."
How could he do this to me! I can't kill someone! Tears are starting to roll down my face and I look at him again and say
"Peter, I could never kill someone."
His eyes soften for a moment but they turn dark once again.
"There goes one chance."
All of a sudden I feel a sharp pain blow from my stomach. I fall to the ground, clutching my stomach with agony and pain. He looks down and grins at me, obviously enjoying my pain. After what feels like forever, the pain finally stops. I slowly make my way to my feet and look at him with hurt and hateful eyes.
Not noticing my reaction, he speaks again challenging me.
"Kill her and nothing else will happen to you. Now kill her!"
Standing my ground even though I know I will pay, I vigorously shake my head. He shakes his head and smiles sending me once again to the ground in pain. It's like I'm frozen on the ground. I can't move. He picks up an arrow and stabs it into my leg. I can't help it. I scream and clutch onto the ground with white knuckles. I cry in pain and I see red oozing and oozing. It won't stop. Now I can't even stand up. I look up at him and he grins.
"Well now since you can't shoot, the game changes again. An exchange. I'll heal you if you give me permission to kill her."

How could one person become so cruel? I look at him with pure hate, all my previous feelings of love for him had completely faded. I spit at him and respond
"I will never kill someone like you would. I am not as heartless as you."
Anger rises up in his eyes and he blows a punch to my face, straight on my jaw. My head bangs down onto the ground from the impact. My vision has started to blur and the last thing I see is Wendy collapsed on the ground, lifeless. He killed her.

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