Chapter 4

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Peter POV:

I'm literally shaking. Why isn't she waking up yet? It's been 3 hours since the accident and she hasn't even stirred. All I know for sure is that she isn't dead. If she were to die, I don't know what I would do without her.

I'm still mentally preparing myself for what I'm going to tell her when she gets up. I'm honestly terrified and worried because I don't want to tell her right away because she may want to test that and end up dying. Or she's just going to want to leave... I don't know what to do with her. Why must she play with my emotions like this? I pick up my feet to walk over to her. She's peacefully sleeping or unconscious, I don't know which. She looks so adorable and beautiful. She's my little darling angel. How I just want to reach out to her and want her to love me. I'm just not sure if she feels the same. I badly want to reach out to her face and caress her cheek, then kiss her gentle lips. My hands are twitching. I need to stop. Oh Karigann what have you done to my heart? Peter Pan is incapable of love! But she may just be my weakness...

Karigann POV:

I slowly open my eyes and find a pair of green, emerald eyes staring back at me, worry etched over his whole face.
"Darling are you alright? Are you feeling better? You've been out for quite a while now."
I yawn and try to raise myself up only to find my body very weak. Peter notices too and he quickly rushes over and rests me back on the bed. I don't even remember a thing.
"Peter, what happened?"
Panic and maybe even fear crept into his facial expression, but it was soon replaced by anger.
"You decided to take a walk to the enchanting waterfall. I followed you curious as to what you wanted to do there. When I saw what your intentions were, I teleported quickly to you, telling you to immediately stop. I told you that all those thorns and vines consisted of a very dark magic and poison. Dreamshade. I told you not to touch it but you being your stubborn self refused to listen to my warning. You let a drop of it land on your body and you landed unconscious." He took a deep breath before continuing.
"Luckily I was there because I know of the magic wonders on this island. I swept the thorns and vines away and grabbed a little of the water from the waterfall. You see, the water is enchanted and it can help save someone's life if they happened to fall upon dreamshade. So I took the water back over to you and parted your lips so you can drink it. Once you swallowed the poison stopped spreading through your entire body and you obviously lived." He was smiling and explaining this whole time up until now. With a look of possible shame or regret? I don't know I can't pinpoint it, he continued his long story of what happened.
"Indeed it saved your life which is a good thing but magic always comes with a price. This I most definitely know."
I raised my eyebrows and said
"So what exactly is this price for my life."
He swallowed and took a big gulp. Uh oh this can't be any good.
"Well let's just say you made a trade. Because you lived and drank the water... Thnkfdvinlfbj." He mumbled the last part.
"What Peter? I didn't understand that last part say it again."
He mumbled yet again.
"Peter! I need to know what you are saying! What is the freaking price?!"
He looked up at you with pure sadness but hope also flashed in his eyes.
"The price for using the water, is that now you can never leave this place."

I lay back, utterly shocked. This is definitely not what I had expected. Out of all the possibilities, I would've taken almost anything but this. Just from drinking some enchanted water, I am now bound to Neverland and I can't leave. This legit sucks. My life is in ruins. I would've rather have left myself did than survive and not be able to leave. Anger and hatred boils through my veins. Noticing my sudden mood, he reaches out to caress my cheek, but I slap his hand away before it gets anywhere close. Shocked, he flings his hand back and now returns my glare with anger of his own.
"What is your freaking problem? You should've known that for that price I wouldn't have wanted to live. If you had known me well enough or truly loved me, you would've let me go!"
I'm screeching at the top of my lungs with utter frustration. I point at him accusingly and continue.
"You knew the price of this so why would you do it?" Then you said the one thing that you know would get to him. By now I started to cry. I sniffled.
"If you understood me, you would know I'd rather be dead."
With that, I turn around and hurry out of the tent, leaving a shocked and broken Peter to himself.

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