Chapter 5

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Peter's POV:

I had pulled back and my heart was racing in my chest. Did that just happen? Why does she make me feel these strong emotions?! I want to taste her mouth on mine again so badly. I've never fell this hard for someone before. Karigann what you do to me. You'll never leave me now. I should probably say something shouldn't I?
"Well that I could get used to." I said with a little smirk.
Staring at her with her long blonde hair and blue eyes, I just couldn't resist her. She was just so beautiful. I held my hand out for her to take. Within a moment's hesitation, she took it.
"Let's go back to my tent shall we?"
With a quick approve from her, I pulled her into my arms and teleported us back to camp. Smiling, I quickly pulled the both of us into my tent. She was my lost girl. And I was never going to let that change.


Karigann's POV:
I honestly don't even know what happened. We had a moment. We shared a moment. I thought he was just gonna brush it off like he always does when it comes to these things but he didn't. All I can think about is the kiss. The way it felt to have his lips on mine. Us synchronized as one. In that moment, he had taken away all of my pain and replaced with happiness and hope. Could he actually love me? For once in my life, besides from my mom, does someone actually care and love me? Maybe. When he dragged me into his tent, a wave of exhaustion fell over me. My knees gave way but before I fell to the floor, Peter gripped me from around my waist and hoisted me up, carrying me bridal style over to his bed. He gently laid me down and my head rolled toward his. I peeked open my eyes and stared into his wide, green eyes. He looked at me with a passion I could feel it when I looked at him. Oh Peter, I've completely fallen for you. I wonder if he can sense my feelings for him. He kept staring at me with that same perfect gaze. Opening his arms, I crawled into them. He wrapped his arms around me and we just sat there, enjoying each other's company for the rest of the night.


I awoke the next morning to my waist being bare. I flipped over and noticed the rest of the bed was empty? Where is Peter? All of a sudden, my eyes grew wide and a vision popped into my head.

It was Peter. He was talking to someone I'm not sure who? As I kept watching, I inched closer to the scene. Realizing that this was just a vision, I scooted in as much as possible and tried to listen to the conversation. I identified the person who he was talking to. Felix. He spoke in his monotone voice and said
"The boy should be arriving on the island soon. We will finally have him Pan. This is what you have been waiting for, for so long."
With that Pan gave an evil smirk.
"Indeed I have. I can't wait to put my game into action."
He gave a creepy and evil laugh. With that, my vision cleared up and I couldn't see or hear anymore of that conversation. When the vision had fully faded, I screamed.

Peter's POV:
I just had finished talking with Felix. I turned around and started to walk. That's when her scream pierced my ears. Something's wrong! I teleported back to camp as soon as possible. I sprinted to my tent and saw her there in a corner curled up, her back facing towards me. She was rocking back and forth, her head in her hands. I slowly walked closer to her keeping my distance yet keeping it close. All of a sudden, my knees gave out and I collapsed to the ground. I was now out cold and I started to have a vision. This wasn't any normal vision. It was a vision of what she had just seen.

I awoke with the sun down. Lifting up my body, I slowly rose up. I looked all around my tent for Karigann but she was nowhere to be seen. I tried to find her in my mind, but for some odd reason it wasn't working. How could I let her go again? I need to find her right away. I need her. My lovely lost girl is gone.

Karigann's POV:

When Peter collapsed, I took it to my advantage to try to get rid of this place. I exited the tent and started to run in a random direction without anyone noticing. I wasn't even sure as to where I was heading. Something was just calling me to them, I could sense it. Let's take a moment and go back to the vision. What is so important about that boy? And why has Peter been waiting so long to finally have him? This doesn't sound like the Peter I know. This Peter sounds sneaky, cunning, and evil. My stomach started to turn. I don't want to be with someone who is evil! Even if it means giving up the one person that actually cares about me, I'll do what it takes to stay away from him.

I kept running, following my senses that finally led me to a place. A lake. The lake shimmered so brightly with the moonlight reflecting off the surface. The lake was crystal blue. I kept on looking at it, until I saw something moving in the water. Intrigued, I stepped even closer. Up popped 2 heads of mermaids? They both had long, silky hair and dark blue almost black eyes. They were beautiful. They smiled at me, and I swear they had sharp, pointy teeth. I shrugged and figured I was just imagining things. They opened their arms to me and said,
"Come with us. We will treat you so much better than that Peter ever would."
I remarked,
"That can't be true. Peter loves me."
They giggled and looked back at me.
"You don't know Pan like we do. By the looks of it, you're debating something. Perhaps this would help your debating end. Never underestimate Peter Pan. And don't fall for his lovely, good character. He may look like a boy, but he's a bloody demon."
I gasped. I couldn't help it. What if they were right about him? I mean, they've been here longer than I have. Peter wouldn't have lied to me and said he wasn't evil right? I second guess myself and now I'm not so sure. The vision I had, it showed nothing good. Pan has lied to me. Tears started to form in my eyes.
The mermaids gave a look of sympathy and said
"Honey don't cry. Now that you know the truth, you know you can trust us. Come with us back to our home."
Maybe they're right. I can trust them. With that, I reached my arm out to them. When my arm was close enough, they grinned evilly. Uh oh. I tried to pull my arm back but one of them already had a hold on it. They pulled and they sent me tumbling into the water. Screaming bloody murder, I tried to swim back up to the surface. I hit the surface and yelled
"Help! Somebody help!"
I desperately swam towards shore but before I could even get halfway, they dragged me back down again. When I looked, I saw that hey had razor sharp claws. The water around me started to turn red. It was my blood. I decided to just give up and let them take me. My body went limp and when they saw I lost all hope and gave up, they grabbed me and started to bring me down to their home. Then something unexpected happened. With a shrill shriek, they released their hold on me. I was sinking, slowly using my last breaths. This time, I didn't want to live. I wished for death. I had nothing to live for. I kept sinking, until a strong pair of arms wrapped around my waist. They swam upward to the surface. By then, I was already gone using my very last breaths. No wonder people say drowning is the worst way to die. I understand why now.

Peter's POV:

I was back at camp with my hands ruffling through my hair? Where could my darling Karigann could've went? Think Peter think! That's when I heard her. Her scream yet again pierced through her head. I ran, trying to find where the source of the screaming was coming from. There's hardly anything on this island except for, that's where she is. The bloody mermaids. I teleported to the homeland and I saw a head bob out of the water paddling frantically for shore. That could only be one person. Karigann. She was halfway to shore, when she was forced back down again. I really thought she was gonna make it. That's when I decided to step in. I dove into the water, searching for the girl I loved. I saw a swirl of blood, figuring that's where she was. There were 2 mermaids that had sunk their claws into her back. They flipped her over and I saw her face. It looked so lifeless, like there wasn't even a soul anymore. She couldn't be dead could she?

Unable to believe that thought, I used my magic to remove their strong grips off Karigann. They swam away and I chased after them for a bit screaming my head off that they better stay away from her. If they dare to try and get my girl again, they will be sorry. Karigann! I almost forgot about her! How could I? I turned around and teleported back to the spot where I had left her. She wasn't there. I searched all around me and finally I saw her body, sinking down deeper and deeper. I couldn't lose her, not again. Diving and swimming deeper, I kicked and kicked. Finally I reached her and my arms wrapped around my waist. I quickly swam up and placed her on shore. My poor girl. She looked so pale and cold. Her eyes were open but she wasn't moving. I looked into her eyes and saw the color and light slowly draining her life away. I need to save her. I crawled on top of her and started to do CPR. Pressing and pressing, I kept trying. It wasn't working. By now, tears were streaming down my face and I started to lose hope. Then I remembered. You don't have to do CPR like that. You could also try it mouth to mouth. With a little smirk, I crashed my lips down on hers and tried to breathe her life. I repeated this 10 times and no show of life formed from her body. Leaning down, I touched a finger to the vein in her neck. She's still breathing. I need to try harder. Repeating the same motion, I tried one last time. Please Karigann, come back to me please. For me Karigann please. One last time I tried, and when our lips had connected her eyes rolled forward and she sat straight up coughing for breath. My girl. I saved her. She's still here.

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