Chapter 3

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Before I know it I'm awake. I hardly even remember falling asleep last night. So much had happened yesterday. Felix's assault and Peter that actually came to save me. I've been trying to deny this now but I would rather face the truth just like anyone should. I'm falling in love with a boy named Peter.

Peter POV:

She fell asleep against me last night. I'm so glad she did or I would have another nightmare. Frankly I don't get why I'm having these nightmares and why I feel the need to be attached to her and stay close at all times. Maybe it's because of Felix. My eyes were filled with pure hatred that moment he decided to lay his hands on her. Of course he had to pay. I just don't know what this means. Was I actually jealous? Ha no. Why would I be jealous? I don't care about her anyways.

Felix attempts to sneak up behind me but I flip around, already annoyed with his presence.
"What do you want Felix? If you couldn't tell, I want nothing to do with you right now."
"I understand that. I just wanted to give you an apology. It was wrong of me to try for her. I just didn't know she actually meant that much to you."
My eyes flip up at his last sentence and my eyes narrow to slits.
"What are you trying to say Felix?" I snap at him.
Surprised, he replies "Do you really not see it? She's like your world. To you, she's different from the others and I know well that you know that. All I'm saying is that you care about her Pan and I'm not sure if that would ever happen again. I say you need to keep her. I know she means a lot to you."
I sigh. He couldn't be more right.
"Alright." I say. "I'll try. But just remember Felix, villains don't get happy endings."


Your POV:

Now that I know how I feel about him, I'm debating whether or not to tell him. I think I need fresh air. Climbing out of the tent, I jump down careful not to wake again. That's when I start to head out to the forest, not sure of where I am going. Sitting on a stump, I grab a ponytail holder and start to braid my hair fish tail style.
"Cute hair. I like it."
I would know that voice from anywhere now. Stumbling off the stump, I land in a heap on the ground and turn around, facing Felix.
"What do you want Felix? I've had enough of you. Please go away."
Ignoring me, he sits down on the stump and looks at me, sincerity clear in his eyes.
"I just want to apologize for yesterday. It was stupid and foolish of me to ever even try to have you. I shouldn't have played with you granted that Pan cares about you."
My breath hitches in my throat.
I choke out a "What?"
He looks at me surprise clear on his face.
"You seriously didn't realize that? Pan cares about you more than anyone else he has ever and probably ever will care about. I don't know about you, but I would even say he loves you."
I stand straight up and look Felix straight dead in the eye.
"What makes you believe that?"
Chuckling, Felix stands up.
"You're literally the only thing he talks about all the time. It's always you. He does everything to protect you. Please do me a favor and just at least love him back."
I'm stuttered into silence. This is what I wanted but I never expected it to actually happen.
"I don't know Felix. It's a lot to take in and besides, Peter Pan is incapable of love."
With a smirk he starts walking backwards away from me.
"That's what he says, but that could easily change."
With that, he leaves me there, struck with confusion and awe.

Still confused about what Felix told me, I decide I need to take a longer walk. First off though, I need a weapon just in case. If I think back to the fairy tales, I remember them saying if you imagine something and believe, it will magically appear. Testing my old beliefs, I try to imagine and believe that a dagger will appear in my hand. All of a sudden, I feel weight in my hand. I open my eyes and to my pure satisfaction, there sits a long, sharp dagger in my hand. Perfect. I set off deeper into the forest, unsure of where to go.

Trudging my feet along, I pick up my pace. In the distance, I see something up ahead. A waterfall I think. Intrigued, I start to jog towards its majestic beauty. 10 minutes later, I arrive panting. I should really get into shape. Standing up straight, my eyes take in all of its glorious beauty I can see. I wish I could go inside the cave, but there are these dreadful thorns blocking the way. Curious and desperate to get a better view, I wonder if I could just somehow push these thorns and vines aside and walk right in. Deciding to try, I lift up my dagger and start to hack away.
"Love, stop!"

I freeze. I know that voice from anywhere. Peter. Repeating what he said in my head, I decide to ignore him to tick him off. I continue hacking away. His voice becomes more frantic now.
"Stop! You need to stop now! You don't understand what that could do to you!"
I don't understand? What the heck does he have the rights to tell me I don't understand. I turn around with my dagger dripping some dark black ooze.
I snarl,
"Listen up Pan. You have no right to tell me what I understand and what I don't. I can do what I please, how I please."
A look of anger and panic flashes in his green, emerald eyes at the same time.
"I'm just trying to protect you. You need to set your dagger down immediately. Trust me on this! That black ooze, isn't good."
"Try me Peter." With a quick swipe, one drop of the ooze lands onto my skin. Pan looks at me with loads of anger, fear and panic. Why is he freaking out so much?
"Darling that's dream shade!" He puts his face in his hands.
"What the heck is dream shade?!"
"Look at yourself love! It's deep color is starting to spread throughout your whole body! And if it reaches your heart, you will be dead!"
Oh no. No no no no no no. This can't be happening. I thought he was lying to me but in reality he was really telling the truth. I look down and nearly faint at the sight of my body. The veins of my skin have started to take on a dark purple, and it's already starting to turn black. When I look back up at Peter with wide eyes, my vision starts to get blurry. Why am I seeing 3 Peters?! Is this normal? My vision starts to fade out and the last image I see is Peter' face staring deep down into mine. Panic and concern in his eyes.


Peter POV:
This girl makes me so furious sometimes. She decided to take a walk around Neverland and of course the thing that intrigues her is that dang waterfall. Why couldn't it have been something else? I quickly walk up and whip the vines aside with a flick of my hand. Magic sure does come in handy. Especially in emergency moments like these. Where the only person you truly care about, decides to disobey you and be stupid. Entering the cave, I have a water bottle appear in my hand. Stepping close to the water, I fill the bottle halfway up. She'll only need a little amount to supply. The thing I'm worried about is how she will react. I'm not worried about her reaction about still being alive. I'm worried when I'll have to tell her now she can never leave.

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