Chapter 2

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I wake up out of bed and let out a sigh. Last night was the best night I have ever slept for a long time. Ever since my mom left us, I've never been the same. My attitude has changed, nobody cares about me (back at home) and I shut myself away from everyone and the world. Here, I feel more at peace and at home. Yesterday was such an overwhelming day which was frustrating, but it had its moments.

I stretch my arms out and climb out of bed, hunger clearly kicking in. Walking around in his so called "tent" it's literally like a palace. I mean who has a bathroom and kitchen in a remote island called Neverland?! Not normal. I can't help but wonder where Peter went off to. I imagined that he would be next to me when I woke up but I guess not. I rummage around his "tent" which I officially am now calling a house until I stumble into the kitchen. How can he find his way around here? I spot the cupboards and open them to find them empty. Sliding over, I try the next one. That ones empty too. Well this is weird and upsetting because I need food! "What do you think you're doing?" You flip around, not recognizing the voice. There before you is a different boy. And there's something about him that you just don't like.

I stutter "Um um I was looking for some food so I figured Peter would have some in his kitchen." The boy laughs shaking his head. Why are there so many scars on his face? I better not ask. I don't want to see this guy upset. Making a move, he steps closer to me. "Hi I'm Felix."
"Um have you ever heard of personal space?" I say slowly starting to back up. I keep moving back until my back hits a wall. Crap. I'm trapped. He notices and gives a full out smirk. "Looks like you've underestimated me. Lost girl."
I frown becoming utterly afraid. He continues and closes the space between us and reaches his hand up to my face, "I want you to be my Lost Girl. Not his. He doesn't deserve you. You should be treated so much better. Especially with a body like yours." With that he full on presses both of our bodies against the wall. He looks at me and before I know his lips are fully crashed against mine. With surprise and pure disgust I pull apart my lips from mine and attempt to slap him in the face. Hard. Before I know it, my plan utterly fails. With a sly grin, he blocks my hand and goes "Tsk tsk. Naughty naughty. If I were you, I wouldn't try that again." With that he lowers down my body and onto my neck. He kisses and sucks, leaving love bites against my skin. I try to push him away but he's too strong for me. He continues his assault and now there is pure lusf in his eyes. "Felix please stop. I'm not comfortable with this. Please stop." He ignores me and continues to get lower and lower. I start to whimper as his hand goes up my shirt. His hand slowly rides above my belly and he starts to caress me. By now I'm full out crying and screaming my head off "Felix stop! Felix please stop! Get away from me! Leave me alone!" He ignores me yet again and with a grin he becomes more lustful and aggressive. That's it. I can't take it. I lost all hope of anyone coming to save me. So I stopped fighting him and let him continue his assault with tears streaming down my face. He pulls his hand back out and reaches for the belt of my jeans. "No. This can't be happening. Felix no."
Just then, I hear a big crash come from near by. Someone steps into the room and I'm utterly glad to see that it's someone who came to save me. This isn't just someone, it's Peter Pan.


"Felix what the heck are you doing to her?" Before Felix even has a chance to reply, Peter grabs a hold of both of his shoulders and punches him. He continues his fight and when he's satisfied he chucks him across the room. I'm standing there watching it all shaking, and when the fight is over. I sink to my knees, numb, and let my face fall into my hands.

Peter POV:

I see her crawled up with her face in her hands on the ground. Poor girl. I'm so furious at Felix. My most loyal lost boy whom I trusted the most, betrays me to try to get my girl?! Is he freaking stupid! He should know by now that Peter Pan never fails and what is mine is mine. Seeing her crawled up and utterly terrified makes me want to comfort her and pour my heart out to her. It's weird because I thought I was incapable of love. Maybe I've changed. She isn't like the other girls. She's different and I like this change.

With that I decide to try to comfort her in whatever way I can. I just don't know how or why. She should just be another girl right? She isn't any importance to me. My conscious speaks otherwise. Well why is she in your house Peter and why did you have the urge to protect her from Felix? Wait a minute. My heart is supposed to be incapable of love. I could never love anyone. But why do I love her...

Back to your POV:

I'm curled up in a ball still shaking from what just happened probably an hour ago. The guy with the scars, Felix assaulted me in Peter's own home. The thing was, it came out of nowhere and I never saw this guy before. Ever. He said I don't deserve Peter but why would he say that if I don't like Peter? Is he trying to say that Peter likes me?! No that can't be. Peter is incapable of love. Besides why would he like a pathetic girl like me?

I just wish he would comfort me in some way. Tell me everything is going to be alright and that he'll protect me now. I want him to caress my cheek again and look at me with his green emerald eyes, reflecting affection. I lift my head up and notice that tears are streaming down my cheeks in huge puddles. When I look up, I see Peter staring at me with obvious concern and something else I can't decipher in his eyes. It looks like he's debating something. Then he makes a move and starts to come towards me. He casually bends down to sit next to me. Is he going to actually try and comfort me? With that he sits down and stays still. I'm going to question what he's doing but then suddenly he envelopes me into a hug. I gladly bury my face in his feeling safe once again. He smells so good and it's comforting me. He pulls away and tilts my chin up to look at him. Bringing his fingers to my face, he gently brushes my tears away, gives me a gentle smile and says "That's much better. You're beautiful all the time, but I hate to see you cry. It makes me upset." I smile gently back at him and my face starts to give off a faint blush. Leaning me back, he looks at my neck with disgust. "I can't believe he did this to you. That little scum."
"Tell me about it."

He sighs and puts his hand on my neck. God he's freezing. Training his eyes, he focuses on all the spots of the love bites. Then he pulls back and says "Now we're all perfect again. Look." Flipping me around he shows me with a mirror my neck. I gasp. None of the bites are there anymore. "How did you...?"
"My love it's called magic. I still have a whole lot to teach you about this place." My stomach fills with butterflies. He called me his love again. Does he really have feelings for me. He tilts my chin to look into my eyes. "Sweetie you look exhausted. Maybe you should go get some sleep." I pause hesitantly before I give him a look he should be able to decipher. "Ah I see." He smirks. "I'll come and comfort you to sleep." I roll my eyes and slide into bed. Peter following suit right after me. He wraps his arms around my waist and whispers in my ear, "I'm the only one who should be giving you love bites or anything beyond that on this island." I look back at him shocked. Him seeing my shocked expression, he belts out a laugh and sweetly kisses my forehead, "Darling, get some sleep."

I follow his word and quickly drift off to sleep. Although I'm not sure I exactly wanted. I had a dream. The whole event of the day replayed in my mind over and over again. Him sneaking up behind me. Pressing me against the wall. Worst of all, his assault. I scream and I'm not sure if I did in my dream or in real life itself. The last image of the dream I have an image of Felix's face. With his evil, devilish smirk and lustful eyes. I awake with a jolt screaming my head off. I'm shaking uncontrollably and I can't shake the image of Felix in my head.

Peter runs into the room a clear look of panic and concern on his face. He relaxes a little when he realizes I'm still in the room but when he looks at my pale complexion that same look crosses his face again. Peter rushes over to my side. "What's wrong? What happened? Did you have a bad dream?"
I slowly nod my head and say, "It was a nightmare." Looking at my ghostly face he pulls me closer to him and speaks into my hair "It's okay. I get them too. And they are always about losing you." My heart skips a beat. Is he just making this up? If he is that is a very cruel trick. "Are you telling the truth?" I shyly ask him. He flips me around so my face is towards his and he brings my face close enough so all I can see is his eyes. "Does it look like I'm lying to you? Why would I ever lie to you? Every night when you're not wrapped up in my arms, I dream about losing you again and again. Each time it gets worse. I could never stand to lose you. You mean too much to me. I couldn't live without you." His whole statement brings me into initial shock and shortly after, it brings me to tears. He laughs gently and says "Please don't cry. I didn't want you to cry."
"How could I not cry with everything you just told me? Nobody ever cared about me except for my mom and I didn't think anybody would ever fully care about me again. This means so much to me, you have no idea." Tears are full out streaming down my face now. He lays both of us down with our backs on the bed. He pulls me close and we just lay there like that for a while, enjoying each others' company.

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