Chapter One

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A/N: This is my first story, so it probably isn't that good.


Today is January 21st and I'm walking home from school. It's been a pretty normal day today, I went to school and learned a bunch of stuff. Well actually maybe no a bunch of stuff, all I know is we were learning about someone or something. I ate lunch, learned a bunch more crap and well now I'm walking home from school.

But all of a sudden I stop walking, I'm not exactly sure why though, I just do. I decide to ignore my brain telling me to turn the other way and take a different route home, but after all the arguing with my head I decide to just keep walking. Except I don't really make it very far before I'm falling but instead of hitting the sidewalk like expected, I keep on falling and let me tell you it is not a good feeling just to be falling and falling.

But before I can comprehend what is truly happening I hit the floor, hard. Just not the sidewalk, I'm laying in a bunch of sand. I get up off the ground and look around me. It looks like I'm on some sort of beach.

"Well isn't this just great," I mumble to myself looking around "Where even am I?"

When I look around I can see that the sky is dark and there are stars shining bright like diamonds. The sand is grainy and soft, the ocean is the darkest of blue, the waves crashing made the most peaceful and satisfying sound. There are also a bunch of trees where the sand stops. Everything past that is nearly impossible to see though.

I decide to go have a look around and make my way to the forest, trying not to get lost. But who am I kidding, I'm already lost, I have no clue where I am.

As I wander around the forest I hear some voices close by and decide to follow them, I'm not sure that it’s the best idea but I need to figure out where I am, maybe they can help me and tell me where I am.

As I approach the voices I can see a clearing up ahead. That's where the voices must be coming from. I keep on walking until I can see a few people from where I'm standing.

I don't want to be seen so duck down and hide behind I bush, I can see the clearing a little from behind the bush there are about 8 to 10 people from where I can see. A few are sitting around a campfire and others are either sitting at the foot of a tree or laying down in what I guess is a tent.

I can hear the crunching of leaves and twigs from behind me, 'Crap someone must be be coming!' I think to myself
I look around trying to see if there is anything I can defend myself with. The closest thing that I can find to a weapon is a fallen tree branch. I quickly grab the branch and hold onto it.

As the footsteps get closer I grip the branch tighter, when they get probably about only a few steps behind me I jump up and spin around to come face to face with...

A/N: Sorry to leave it on a cliffhanger like that, if you want more of this story make sure to comment and vote so I know you're enjoying it. I'll see you guys in the next chapter.

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