Chapter Five

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"Okay, so you've heard of all the classic fairy tales right?" Henry asks

"Yeah," I say confused

"Alright, good, so I have this book it's full of fairy tales," he starts to explain

"Okay?" I say but it comes out as a question

"Well here's the thing with this book, all the fairy tales in the book... Well they're all true," Henry says

"Yeah, obviously. I mean I'm in Neverland for god's sake" I tell him

"Okay, you got me there," he says

" But still, how is this even possible?" I ask

"Okay, well pretty much there are all these different realms for different fairytales. Like Peter Pan, that one takes place in Neverland, so Neverland is a separate realm from another one like The Enchanted Forest like from Snow White," Henry explains

"Okay?" I say/ask

"Well this Peter Pan, the one here, he's not like the one from the stories we grew up with," he says

"What do you mean?" I ask him

"When I first got here, I didn't come by choice. I was kidnapped from my family by a man and woman named Greg and Tamara," Henry explains

"Okay, but what does that have to do with Pan?" I ask

"They were working for Pan, they just didn't know it. They didn't even know who they were working for, all they knew was that they were supposed to bring me to some people who called themselves 'The Home Office' who were actually Lost Boys" he says "I escaped before they could hand me over to them though, but as you can probably tell I didn't truly escape from them."

"And you're sure that they were working for Peter Pan?" I ask him just to make sure

"Yeah I mean they pretty much said so themselves, when I was running away from the lost boys I was about to get caught when a hand reached out of a bush next to me and dragged me into it. The person who... Crap he's coming over," Henry stops mid-sentence

"What do you mea-," but I'm cut off by Pan saying

"I see you got him to talk,"

"Hmm? Oh yeah," I say

"Well then, talk about anything interesting?" he asks but I can tell that he doesn't really care

"No, not really," Henry tells him

It looks like he doesn't believe him but it looks like he just chooses to ignore it. Instead, he just walks away from us.

"Alright, so what were you saying again? Who were you grabbed by?" I ask him

"It was him, Pan I mean. He grabbed me a pulled me into the bush and then told me that he was a Lost Boy that ran away because he stole some pixie dust, and also that Pan was after him," Henry explains

"Oh wow," I say

"Yeah, he tricked me into thinking that he was a good guy. That he was someone who needed help. Then he tricked me, he knew who I was the whole time, he said that I had the heart of the truest believer, that I proved to him that I was special. And that I and my heart are his now," Henry explains some more

"Wow, well that is definitely not the Peter Pan I grew up with. Did he say what he wanted with your heart though?" I ask

"No, he didn't say what he wanted with it, just that I and my heart were special," he says " But I do know one thing,"

"What is it?" I ask

"We're gonna get off this island," Henry says

"What? How?" I ask

"My family, they're coming to save me," he says confidently

"How do you know that?" I ask him

"It's just something we do, we always find each other, no matter what," he states

"Yeah well you better hope so, I mean if what you said is really true then I've got the feeling we're not going to want to be on this island for long," I say

"Trust me, they will find me, and once they do I promise we'll get you off this island too," he says

"Promise," I say sticking my hand out for him to shake to seal the deal

"Promise," he says grabbing my hand and shaking it

A/N: Alright well that chapter's done, I hope you liked it. It took me a little longer to actually write this one because of all the school work I have to do. But I'm on Spring break right now so I might be writing a bit more this week. Oh and happy Easter to anyone who celebrates it! Hope you have a wonderful rest of your day/night.


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