Chapter Eight

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The next day arrived with the sun shining bright in the sky above the tall standing trees around the lost boys' camp. The boys were running around the camp screaming, yelling, some chasing each other 

“Come on get up, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping!” Pan yells clapping his hands waking everybody who wasn’t already awake

“Ughh,” I groan as Pan claps and the sun shines bright in my face 

Pan walks up to me and crouched down so he wasn’t towering over me while I was laying down on the hard ground “Come on get up, I something for you and Henry to do for me,”

“What is it?” I ask sitting up

“You’ll find out in a minute,” Pan says getting up and walking away 

“Ugh,” I groan standing up walking over to Henry

“Hey,” I say rubbing my eyes since the sun was so bright out

“Hey,” he says

“Pan said that he has something for you and me to do,” I tell him

“What is it?” Henry asks skeptically

“I have no idea,” I tell him truthfully

“Alright, let’s go over to talk to him then,” he says

Me and Henry both walk over to Pan who is talking to Felix over at the edge of the camp.

“You said you had something for us to do?” I ask him interrupting his conversation with Felix which I’ve got the feeling wasn’t the best thing to do

“Can’t you see I’m talking to someone?” he says looking over to me with a glare that if looks could kill I would definitely be dead

“Sorry,” I apologize, but honestly I wasn’t even a little bit sorry

“Whatever, Felix go-'round and do a scout of the forest, check for anything different or new,” Pan tells Felix

“Will do,” he says and walks away into the forest

“Now that that’s settled I need you two to go check up on someone,” Pan says

“Why?” Henry asks

“Because I told you so,” Pan says

“Fine, where are they?” I ask

“They’re in the woods, about a 40 minutes trek north from here,” Pan says

I raise an eyebrow at him “In the wood? Why there?” I ask

“Because I don’t want him here at the camp, he doesn’t belong here anymore,” he responds

“How do we know where we’re going? I’ve only been here a few days and I’ve only been in the woods once,” I tell him

“There should be marking on the trees when you reach the fork in the path take the one to the left and keep moving forward,” he tells us

“Take the path to the left, got it,” Henry says

“Wonderful, now when you get there I want you to ask him a couple of questions for me,” Pan tells us

“What are they?” Henry asks

“I need you to ask him why he’s come back,  and where he is,” Pan tells us

“He?” I ask

“Yes, he. They’ll know what you mean,” Pan says

“Alright, I guess we’re off then,” I say taking a couple of steps towards the woods

“Hold on,” Pan says stopping me

“What?” I ask turning back to him

“You’ll need these,” he says pulling out two swords

“Swords? Why would we need these?” Henry questions

“You might, you might not. I don’t want to take any risks of you two dying,” Pan says handing the swords to us

“Yeah, okay. Come on Henry,” I say and we both walk into the woods.

Once we get a good distance from the camp I break the silence since neither of us is talking

“Who do you think it is?” I ask him

Henry turns to look at me “I have absolutely no clue,”

Me and Henry continue walking in silence until we reach the fork in the path that Pan talked about 

“He said left right?” I ask

“Right,” Henry says

“Okay,” I say and take the left path

After about 10 minutes of walking on the path, I turn to Henry and ask “We should be there soon right?”

“Yeah, we should be. But I don’t really know how long we’ve been walking for,” Henry says

“Alright,” I say just as we make it to a clearing with two crated that are strung to a large branch by a thick rope

“What the-,” I say

“Should we get them down?” Henry whispers

“Let’s get one down first, I think this is what Pan wanted us to check up on,” I say back to him

Henry walks over to one of the ropes to get one of the crates down

“Henry, wait!” I whisper shout

“What?” he asks

“Pan said that we needed to check up on someone, you think that someone is actually up there?” I ask

“Well, there’s only one way to find out I guess,” 

“Hold on, let me help,” I tell him

Both me and Henry grab the rope and bring the crate to the left down slowly. It hit's the ground with a small thud once it's down.

Me and Henry cautiously walk over to the crate and look through the bars into it. In the crate is a man looking out of the bars at us he looked to be in his mid-thirties. He had dark brown hair and brown eyes, almost exactly like Henry’s.

I look over to Heney and see that his eyes are wide and his mouth is hung open.

“Henry?” the man groans squinting his eyes to look over at Henry

“Dad?” Henry asks astonished

A/n: Alright so umm I finally added someone that wasn’t Peter or Henry. I don’t know what I’m going to do with Neal yet. Anyways Chapter 8 is done and I hope you liked it. So I wish you all a good day/night and I’ll see you next chapter.  Bye.

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