Chapter Two

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As the footsteps get closer I grip the branch tighter, when they get probably about only a few steps behind me I jump up and spin around to come face to face with 2 boys they look to be about 13 and 15 or 16.

One of them is short and has dark brown hair, green eyes, and some freckles scattered around his face.

The other one is tall and has dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and has a scar on his right cheek

In their hands they both have weapons, Freckles has what looks to be like a sword. Meanwhile, Blue eyes has a stick with a huge rock tied around it that looks like it would hurt like hell.

"Well, what do we have here?"Blue eyes says smugly "What's your name?"

"Why should I tell you?"I ask harshly 

"Well looks like we've got a feisty one on our hands, doesn’t it?" Blue eyes says nudging the kid to his right

The kid laughs and says "Guess so,”

Blue eyes takes a step closer until he’s only about two steps away from my face, he looks into my eyes “Let me ask again. What. Is. Your. Name?” and asks once more.

“I’m not going to tell you,” I say again

“Well if you won’t tell us maybe you’ll talk to Pan,” he says

 But before I can say anything back to him I feel a sharp pain in the back of my head and then everything goes black.


When I wake up I look around at my surroundings, I’m leaning against a fallen log on the ground there are trees and bushes surrounding me. I try to stand up but I can’t before a sharp pain shoots through my leg and fall back.

I hear some branches crunching from behind me, I try and stay as quiet as possible but it doesn’t work. My heart is pounding like beats of a drum, my breathing is fast and sharp, and my head and leg are in pain. I decide to close my eyes and wait for all of this to be over, just like some sort of dream.

But sadly it doesn’t work, instead, when I open my eyes again there is a boy crouching down in front of me, he looks to be about 16 or 17 he has brown medium-length hair and brown eyes. He’s wearing a torn jacket/shirt, some sort of gray pants with dirt on them, and some knee-high boots.

“Well, what do we have here?”

A/N: Okay so I know it’s pretty short and not that good but I tried. I'll try and make the chapters longer next time. Anyways, there’s the second chapter for you.  I’ll try and post another chapter soon but I can’t make any promises.

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