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     "I don't like this," grumbled Stark.
     "I don't think anyone is too happy about it, but we could use all the help we can get." Thor tried his hand at reassuring the rest of the team, but they knew he had to be happy about working with his brother again. Banner spoke as little as possible having felt guilty about backing out of the rescue. He felt he had completely lost control in New York and he didn't want another incident. He had just hoped that everyone else would understand.
     "Fury said he had someone who could help inhibit Loki's magic. As long as Loki stays close, it should be fine." Steve wanted to believe his own words, but it didn't sit right with him. But Fury seemed so confident that this would work that it was hard not to trust his judgement.
     "Then it's settled," Thor declared. Everyone else groaned. His giddy mood about this was making them heave.
     "I have no time to waste trying to chase down some trivial little girl," Loki snapped from his cell.
"It looks like you've got plenty of free time to me," Stark remarked.
     "And we weren't asking for your permission," Thor said. Loki scoffed. He felt that he would honestly rather stay in this cell than be used on a rescue mission.
A few days went by without another word from Fury and the team used this time to try and track Echo's movements as she made her way back to Australia. It was a little tricky this time as she had changed her last name since the incident with the Ohio warehouse. She was now going by the alias 'Emily Fury.' Stark leaned back in his chair.
"You think her real name is Emily? Or is it just the first name that popped into her head?"
"It could honestly be either. It's just so hard to imagine her dad caring enough about her to give her an actual name," remarked Steve. The emergency phone rang and Steve was quick to answer it on the second ring. There was silence on Steve's end until the call was almost finished.
"Alright, we'll be ready." He hung up the phone and gave a nod to his fellow Avengers. "Her dad is in S.H.E.I.L.D.'s custody. We're doing this tomorrow night so everyone get ready." He commanded.
"Aye Aye, Captain!" Stark said, saluting. That night, Fury sent over bracelets for Loki that he assured would guarantee he couldn't use his magic and specially made ear plugs that doubled as communicators for Steve. Thor slid them through the opening that they used to feed Loki, and was ordered to put them on. Loki scoffed.
"Bracelets? You're putting a lot of faith in jewelry."
"Those are not mere trinkets, brother. They are restraints," Thor assured. Once they slipped onto Loki's wrists, they clamped tight to fit snugly around them. Loki looked at them curiously. It wasn't anything Asgardian. Fury must have more connections that he had previously thought.
     Everyone's breath caught in their throats the moment the cell door was opened. Besides a monitored shower every once in a while, Loki was not allowed to leave his cell. This would be the first time Loki had been allowed to roam the place. Thor had constantly stayed by his side. Magic bracelets or not, he didn't trust Loki to be alone. Thor, Steve, and a sourly Loki prepared to leave via plane as soon as possible. It was a lot faster than any commercial plane since it was provided by S.H.I.E.L.D., but they still wanted to get going as soon as possible.
     Tony, Clint, Natasha, and Banner stayed behind to monitor the situation with anything they could hack into. Phones, traffic cameras, anything they thought would help them pinpoint Echo's exact location.
     They bid them a quick farewell as they boarded the craft. What was supposed to be a short 9 hour flight quickly turned into a nightmare for Loki. Steve took the time to test out his new ear plugs and Thor offered to lend his thunderous voice.
     "CAN YOU HEAR ME, CAPTAIN?" Loki covered his ears quickly as Steve Rogers stared blankly at Thor. He raised his hand to his ear with a smile, pleased it was annoying Loki to no end.
     "I SAID CAN YOU-"
     "ENOUGH YOU BLUNDERING OAF! He can't hear you!" Loki was practically seething with rage. If he had to endure another 5 hours trapped in here with these idiots he would sooner leap to his death. Thor and Steve joined in laughter as he removed the ear plugs.
     "Well, they definitely work. I couldn't hear a thing. It was kind of eerie."
"Being cut off from one of your senses must be terrifying. Especially if you know you're about to die," remarked Thor. All three of them took a second to process exactly what type of person Echo had become. "Do you believe she is beyond redemption? Beyond our help?" Steve turned to him. He was surprised by the dark turn this conversation had taken.
"I hope not. But you have to promise me that you'll fight her like you would anyone else. If she really is beyond help then she would definitely take advantage of you if you're not giving it your all," he warned. "I know it must be hard hearing that, but it's the truth. Life changes. People change."
"I know," said Thor, looking to Loki. Loki was looking to the corner. He was listening to everything, but said nothing.
When they finally landed, they all took a moment to stretch their stiff legs. Loki stayed behind them as they made their way to Brisbane. The rest of the team was certain that Echo was waiting there as S.H.I.E.L.D. kept her father there out in the open. He was followed by agents disguised as tourists and Fury was certain that Echo would catch up to him soon enough.
Steve left in one ear plug for the time being and pressed the tech's button to get better instructions from the rest of the team.
"Nat, you read me?" He asked quietly.
"Loud and clear. Are you inside the city yet?"
"Yes. I'm near the Hotel where her father is going in and out of periodically."
"Okay, just be careful. She can probably hear you. Brisbane has a population of about 2.28 million so if it does turn into a fight, try to lead her towards the coast. Maybe you guys can use the water to your advantage. Drown out her sound," Natasha suggested.
"Thanks, I'll definitely keep that in mind."
"Alright, I'll try to keep in touch every hour on the hour." The conversation ended as the sun set on the horizon. Steve turned to Thor and Loki.
"Alright guys, we're pretty close to the coast. Natasha suggested we could use it to our advantage. If she starts fighting, let's try to lead her to the water." Thor nodded. Loki rolled his eyes.
"Exactly how long is this going to take?" Loki asked in a drawling voice.
     "Long enough for us to rescue her,"Thor answered simply.
     "Honestly, you make me heave when you try to act all heroic. Did it occur to you that she might not want to be saved? Honestly, let her kill the old man. Would anyone really miss him?" Thor turned around and pressed his hammer to Loki's chest, scowling. Loki didn't seem the least bit intimidated. "You're so quick to anger, brother."
     "She'll thank us once we stop her."
     "And if she doesn't?"
     "Quiet! Both of you!" Steve whispered. He pressed both of his ear plugs as deep as they would go and signaled them to look to the sky. What they saw was a shadowy figure dressed in dark clothing and hood that obscured their face. Loki's heart quickened it's pace for what must have been anticipation for the fight. That's the only possible explanation, he thought to himself. She's so close....
     Loki looked around and noticed the street had emptied. The agents had all scattered on Fury's orders as soon as she was spotted. The flickering hotel lights seemed to set an eerie mood as Echo stood still as stone. She broke her form suddenly to leap from the top of the building and snap both her fingers to her sides to cushion her landing. She landed easily in front of the building and Loki was surprised to find himself appraising her graceful form. Steve didn't note her grace, he noted her skill. His heart sank as he realized just how good she had gotten at controlling her abilities. This wasn't going to be as easy as he thought.
     She made her way up the concrete stairs and turned the unlocked door handle, which she found suspicious. Her anger flared as she pushed open the door to find an empty room with a machine that was mimicking the sound of a pounding heartbeat.
"So you don't actually have her father in custody?" Steve asked. Fury avoided eye contact as he answered.
"I'm ashamed to say we couldn't catch the bastard. Not even close."
"We can't wait any longer. She's going to rip through the earth until she finds where he's hiding."
"I agree. Which is why we're moving forward with the plan anyway." Steve mulled it over in his head.
"I don't know if she'll fall for that," he said.
"I've seen how she fights. She's totally dependent on her power."
"What does that mean for us?"
"It means that she's cocky. If she just relies on her hearing then that'll be enough for us." He paused. "For her, hearing is believing. Who cares if we don't actually have the man she's after. She only needs to think we do."
     "Shit," she muttered as she began to run. Thor fly to her at lightning speed as he cut her off just before she propelled herself into the air. Steve and Loki quickly flanked her open areas and acted as a perimeter. Thor backed away as she picked herself off the dusty ground.
     She stood up slowly, sizing up her opponents. She smirked at them all as she drew back her hood.
     "Nice to see you all again. Loki, you're looking well." She gave a flirtatious wink. Loki was taken aback as he compared her confident tone to her old, apologetic one. She stood tall and proud and carried an arrogant air about her. Her body was now wrapped in lean muscle and she didn't seem the least bit intimidated. Shes turned into a completely different person.
     "Thank you. You're looking...different," he said honestly. She shrugged.
     "A lot can happen in a few months." Loki silently agreed. She shot Steve and Thor a warning glance as she noticed they were moving steadily closer.
     "That's close enough, you two. I'm not in the mood to fight."
     "Neither are we. We just want to take you home," Thor explained. Echo barked a hollow laugh.
     "I'm not going anywhere until I do what I came here to do." Steve watched with his eyes wide open. It was difficult to read her lips when she faced Thor, but it didn't look like the talk was going too well. He inched closer each second, hoping that the conversation would distract her long enough so he could knock her out. He lowered his shield and prepared to grab her from the side.
     "And I thought I told you not to come any closer!" Thor watched in horror as her voice knocked Steve Rogers off his feet and several feet into the road.
     "Emily, please! You don't want this-" Loki watched as she clapped in his brother's direction and sent him back hundreds of feet further than Rogers. She turned to Loki.
     "How did he know my name?" She said this in a calm, polite voice. Without his magic, Loki thought his best bet would be to be honest and get as close as possible.
     "Fury had been watching you for sometime now. We were all watching you travel from country to country." She groaned and cursed herself for being so stupid. Walking her way towards Loki, she spoke again. This time in a much softer voice and Loki could hear a hint of the old Emily. A rush went through him as he used her name in his thoughts.
     "Look, I don't want to fight any of you. I'm just after my dad. After I kill him I promise I'll stop." She looked up to him with bright eyes that seemed to glint, even in darkness.
     "And I believe you, but everyone else is under the impression that you'll regret taking your father's life." She looked away, almost embarrassed from their brief eye contact. Loki noted that she was looking more and more like her old self every second. Her nervous mannerisms were showing through the confident shell she was wearing. So she was just putting on an act. Loki felt a surge of relief. He wasn't sure that he liked this arrogant, blood thirsty Echo too much anyway. Thor and Steve rushed back and was shocked to see that Loki had gotten so close. But not close enough.
Steve thought it smart to wait. If Loki had missed and she found out he was carrying a sedative on his person, then she wouldn't trust him enough to ever get that close again.
     "Echo, please listen to what I have to say," Thor pleaded.
     "What is it?" She asked without turning around.
     "For your own sake, let him go. He's not worth your humanity. I know you'll regret-" Echo turned her livid face to him.
     "How do you know what I want? You knew me for a day, Thor!" Thor shook his head, hoping this would be over soon. But Loki's suddenly quick heartbeat gave it away. She turned around just in time to see a syringe in his hand. Echo's anger fueled her sound and she sent a burst of low booms around her and blasted everyone out of her sight.
     "Take her to the coast!" Steve shouted as soon as he landed. Thor flew into the air and got close enough for Echo to use him as a ricochet point. Thor flew back and turned himself around as quickly as possible. He drew lightning from the sky to stun her vision and turn her to the direction of the water. Steve and Loki ran side by side following the sporadic flashes of light and pushed their unwilling muscles to reach the shore.
     They looked up in time to see Echo fall in directionless panic. Loki was quick to position himself directly under her.
     "Get away from there! When she puts herself back into the air, she'll kill you!" Steve shouted in a deaf tone voice.
     "No, she won't," Loki said to himself. He was certain that she could hear him. She looked at his face as she fell and blasted herself sideways by aiming to the ground at an awkward angle. Just as Loki had predicted. He knew she wasn't the type to kill someone in order to escape. That unwavering sense of goodness is what will cost her this fight, he thought to himself. Thor landed just as Echo did and they were all quick to swarm her rolling body. But she got up quicker than they had anticipated and dodged hammer, shield, and needle alike. Loki backed away to give them space enough to fight, while he sneaked to her exposed back.
     It became very clear to all of them that this aggressive strategy was very one sided. While they swiped, grabbed, and pushed her body back she dodged, blocked, and jumped away from their attacks in a sort of dance. She was so quick that Thor had almost accidentally brought his hammer down on Steve's shield.
     "Watch where you swing that thing you clumsy fool!" Loki snapped. Thor slid and blocked Echo's body from retreating. She was quickly running out of breath as she jumped further from the shore once again. Loki was quickly noticing a pattern. He put himself between Thor's towering frame and her crouching shape. He then gave a harsh shove, sending her back to the water's edge. Her eyes shone bright with terror as she lost her footing and feel off a dock.
     Steve took his position beside them and held his shield up high.
     "Is she able to swim?" Thor asked worriedly. As soon as he finished that sentence, Echo shot out of the water looking angry and absolutely terrified. Was she shivering from the cold? Or was it fear? Loki gave the water a scrutinizing look as he swiped Steve's shield from his hands.
     "What the hell are you doing?"
     "Loki, stop!"
     Loki didn't listen to a single word as he quickly made his way to her dripping figure. She raised her hands and aimed for his chest. She had no sooner sent a wave of sound than he raised the shield and planted his feet to the wood.
Loki's ears rang as the sound like a struck bell blasted them both back. Her screams were cut off as her back smacked the dark water. Wasting no time they all waited at the edge of the dock. Seconds went by and their anxiety grew stronger.
"I don't think she's coming up," Thor exclaimed. He set his hammer to his side and prepared to jump, but Loki beat him to it by several seconds. His lean figure sliced into the water and dived as deep as he could.
His heart pounded as he struggled to see through the murky depths. Where is she? Where? Where? Loki's anxiety turned into desperation and he didn't have time to spare in wondering why. Please don't die. Don't you dare die on me. Then he saw you. Your white hair almost glowing as the moonlight filtered through the water. Hoping he wasn't too late, he grabbed you and held you to his body as he clawed his way to the surface.
Having taken out his ear plugs, Steve was scared shitless as Loki's gurgled roar was the first thing he heard.
     "Thor, you great oaf! Take her!" Loki wanted her out of the water as soon as possible. Thor didn't waste a second to fish her body out of the water. Echo's body plopped on top of the wood with a wet thud. Loki pulled himself up on the dock and spit out the salty sea water. His eyes burned as he examined her still body.
     "She's not breathing!" Thor realized. Steve threw himself into action as he began pumping her chest and blowing air into her lungs on a timely beat. Loki stared at Emily's chest for any signs of breathing, but there was nothing. He wanted so badly to heal her, but he couldn't use his magic. Any effort to convince Thor would be an effort wasted.
Steve touched his lips to hers again after about a minute of trying before she expelled sea water from her body. Thor placed a soothing hand on her back as she emptied her stomach's capacity. Thor cradled her head as he lowered her back down.
"Loki," Steve urged. He didn't want to knock her out as soon as she had woken up, but he had little choice. He detested the way your eyes looked as he plunged the needle into her arm. It made her seem like she was dying, but her gentle breathing soothed his worry. Thor placed the same muzzle on her mouth that Loki had been wearing after the battle in New York.
Steve reported back to the safe house, but everyone was already aware of the outcome as they had been watching everything. Thor had cradled Echo before laying her down on the cot provided in the plane. With almost no damage done to the city, they were free to leave immediately. It wasn't anything that couldn't have been explained by a storm and many residents in the area witnessed plenty of lightning to make it a believable story.
The exhausted trio made their way back into the plane in a hurry. As tired as they all were, only Steve was caught nodding off. Loki's mind wouldn't allow him to sleep. Why did he react so irrationally? What's it to him if you had died? He caught himself looking at Emily's sleeping figure more times than he would've liked to admit. Her chest rose and fell evenly in deep sleep. She slept like a child. Curled up and holding herself like she were freezing. Her cheeks were flushed a pale pink that gave a soft glow to her face.
"Loki," Thor began. Loki raised an eyebrow, ready for whatever criticism came his way. He knew that was a sloppy fight. It would've gone a lot smoother if he had been allowed his magic. "Thank you," Thor said simply. Loki said nothing, so he continued. "I thought for a moment that you were going to let her perish." The thought hadn't even crossed Loki's mind. Why didn't he? He mulled it over for a moment. Because he still had to make you pay for costing him his victory.
     "I knew I would never hear the end of it if I had let her drown," Loki said with a sneer. Thor looked over at your still body and wondered what would become of you.

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