I love you

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     "Dad?" Out of shock of seeing my father's face for the first in almost half a year, I nearly fell back. He took immediate notice of my distress and tried his best to ease the situation. I knew my father well and he hated not being in control. Having me running loose without a shock collar on was definitely putting him on edge. Wait, if he's here then who are the Avengers after right now? Did he plan this? He took out a pair of ear plugs before speaking.
"You've grown since the last time I saw you."
"Where's Loki?" The corner of his mouth twitched slightly. This conversation was already not going the way he wanted it to.
"Gone. He didn't waste a second when we opened his cell," he informed. I wasn't surprised, but the news still hurt. He really never did care about me. He left me here to die.
"And what are you doing here?" I asked, though I had a pretty good idea.
"Isn't it obvious? I'm here to bring my daughter back home." I took an involuntary step back. Hearing him describe me as his daughter and not an object was jarring. It suggested that he actually cared about me.
"And the rest of the team?" He smirked as if he was waiting for an opportunity to brag about his genius plan.
"I made sure it was a big enough threat to call in the Avengers, but small enough to leave the most inexperienced behind." I wonder how long it will take the Avengers to notice that they've been set up. It shouldn't be too long. I just have to keep him busy until they get back.
     "I'm not interested in being your daughter and I have no intention of ever going back with you." Standing my ground was something I wasn't used to doing. Not against my dad anyway. If I wasn't shaking so much it might actually be believable. He sighed in frustration as he started to circle me.
     "I think it's about time you get over this rebellious phase of yours. Don't you want to make me proud?" With each word he closed in his circle, something I didn't miss and I kept backing away in pace with him.
     "You never loved me. You loved how powerful I was. You were using me," I accused. His steps were getting quicker and I realized he was trying to back me into a corner.
     "Do you hear yourself? How have you let these people brainwash you so completely? Come on, you're smarter than that."
     "No! I'm staying and I'm gonna be an Avenger! I'm going to make my teammates proud! Tony, Steve, Bruce, Thor, and Clint! They've all been better fathers to me these past few months than you have in my entire life!"
     "You are not an Avenger! That's not what I created you for! Are you going to tell me now that the years of my life spent trying to push you to be the best were wasted?"
     "Created?" I stood back in disbelief. "What do you mean created? Was I ever a child to you? Or was I always just a means to an end?" He stood still for a moment, seeming unsure of how to word his answer. I perked my ears up suddenly and picked up the sound of another heartbeat and quick footsteps. If he calls in for back up then he'll have no problem cornering me. I could easily blast him back, but I would probably kill him. Just like mom. Even after everything he's done I don't think I would be able to bring myself to do it. When his ears were finally able to hear it too, we both turned our heads to the entrance.
     Loki stood glowering at my father. He took three steps before my father began to cower away from his towering frame. Without taking his eyes off of him he reached his hand for me. My heart swelled as I practically ran to him. All the pain I had gone through didn't seem to matter anymore. He had come back for me. I stopped short when I noticed splotches of blood decorating his body.
     "Don't worry, it's not mine." Seeing Loki look so cold stirred a specific kind of fear in me. I don't think I had ever seen him look so angry. "Would you like me to kill him?" He asked quietly. I shook my head.
     "I'm sure Fury would like him alive."
     "As you wish." My father made a noise akin to a wounded dog and dropped to his knees.
     "Emily, don't leave me. You're really all I have left. I love you, I really do. Let me be better. I know we can be happy." I had never seen my father beg or anything close to it. Seeing him in such a pathetic state threatened to draw sympathy from me.
     "No." He quit begging immediately and stared at the floor. "I know you think that you were doing what's best for me, but you never loved me. I don't think you're capable of such a thing. You only want me to stay because you want my power. You'll never get better. You've had thirteen years to get better. You're abusive. Mentally and physically. You need help." Even though I could hear everything, the room felt silent. Now I had said my peace, I felt I could finally start to heal. It was something my father was never able to do. He had never been the type of man to let anything go. The death of my mother obviously still haunted him and he made sure that I would pay for it every single day. Despite what I said, I do think he was capable of love. He loved my mother dearly, but he never looked at me the same after that day. Even though it was an accident, he still blamed me entirely. In his mind, someone had to pay.
     He broke his silent composure and worked himself into a small laughing fit. His psychotic laughter got louder with each second and the unsettling noise made my hairs stand on end.
     Loki and I shared an understanding look. My father had finally lost and he obviously didn't know how to handle it. He lost his job, his wife, his subordinates, and now his daughter. He had nothing left. My ears followed the sound of Loki's heartbeat as it approached my father, though his illusion stayed faithfully at my side.
     "You selfish murdering brat! You think I'm the one who needs help? You have a lot more blood on your hands than I do!" He pulled a small gun from his side and took aim with a shaking hand. I knew what was coming. I had no intention of stopping it, but I didn't want to watch it either. I turned my back and pretended not to hear. "You're a monster! You were nothing more than a burden! How could I ever love y-" his last sentence was cut short from drowning in his own blood. A gurgled sputtering was followed by a wet thud as his body fell limp.
Loki's cautious footsteps approached me as I tried to desperately keep myself together.
"You shouldn't have to hear that," he said quietly. Wether he was referring to the sound of my father dying or the sound of him proclaiming he never loved me, I wasn't sure. I said nothing. He placed his hands on my shoulders and began to walk me out of the room. I brushed them off harshly and picked up the pace until I was in the living room.
     "Why did you stay?" I kept my back to him knowing I would get too emotional if I had to look him in the eyes.
     "I wanted to protect you," he said simply.
     "What's the point in protecting someone you don't even care about?"
     "I do care about you."
     "Bullshit." He sighed.
     "I'm sorry." There was no way of knowing if he actually meant what he said without looking into his eyes, but I didn't want him to see me cry.
     "Sorry doesn't cut it. You lied to me." I paused. "And I still haven't forgotten about New York."
     "You're right. I did lie to you. And my actions in New York were inexcusable."
     "Thanks for stating the fucking obvious," I muttered heatedly.
     "But," he continued in a calm voice. "I do care about you. For once, I was telling the truth." I shook my head.
     "I don't understand. Why lie to me about that of all things? What was the point?" He put himself in my view and held my hands close to his chest before he spoke.
     "I believed it would be best for us to go our separate ways. I didn't want you to live your life on the run just to be with me." It was so hard to stay angry with him with the gentle tone he had taken up. The way his hands linked with mine and the thundering of his heart left little room for thought. Abandoning reason, I freed my hands and wrapped my arms tightly around his waist. He didn't hesitate in pulling me as close to him as possible.
"I love you, Loki. You absolute asshole." He chuckled a bit before regaining his serious composure.
"Are you sure you want to love someone like me?" He asked. I didn't even have to think about my answer.
"Yes." He paused.
"I love you too." My heart swelled as I reluctantly pulled away from him to see his face. His lips crashed into mine before I could say anything else. This being my first kiss I was nothing less of shocked by the ferocity of his soft lips. My heart threatened to beat out of my chest as he hoisted me up and set me comfortably on the counter.
He held my body so tightly to his as if he couldn't stand to be even an inch apart. All those times I imagined what I could do to him if the glass disappeared suddenly resurfaced in my mind. This was my chance to hold, kiss, and touch him any way I wanted. A sort of frenzy took over me as I slid my hands up and down his lean figure. I wasn't going to leave an inch of his beautiful body undiscovered.
     The hammering of my heart, the sound of his shallow breathing, the little whimper that escaped my lips when he kissed my neck. These were sounds I never hoped to forget. They were awakening new feelings in me. This was different from the love I felt towards him previously. This was something primal. He stopped suddenly to hold my face in his hands.
     "Are you alright?" He asked lowly. I took some time to catch my breath before answering.
     "Would you like me to stop?"
     "Never." The chuckle that followed my demand made my hairs stand on end. His lips quickly returned to explore the length of my neck. I tangled my hands in his hair while his hands made themselves busy with my breasts. Something I never thought could be pleasurable become euphoric. He knew exactly what I wanted before I knew myself. I clawed at the shirt that covered his beautiful body from my gaze. I felt his smirk on his kisses as he started to unzip his leather.
"Patience, dear." He said seductively. The last thing I wanted to be right now was patient. I kissed his neck fervidly drinking in the taste of his skin. The next time my hands crept their way to his abdomen I was met with bare skin. I reluctantly pushed him away just to rake my eyes over his abs.  The ridges of his body glistened with sweat and shone ghostly pale.
"You're beautiful," I whispered. He tilted his head up and smiled, baring his neck to me. How could someone possibly look this perfect? It should be criminal. He began to glide his hand up and down the length of my body, tracing the curves of my stomach. I tentatively took my shirt off and let him kiss the top of my breasts while I tried my best to slow my breathing.
"Your beauty is unparalleled," he breathed into my skin. My face grew hot as I pulled him close to me.
"Bedroom. Now." I demanded. Loki didn't have to be told twice as he lifted me from the counter and kissed me passionately all the way to my bedroom. My back against the bed and my legs wrapped around his waist, I decided that there was no other place I'd rather be. The bare skin of our stomachs met as Loki began to slowly grind in between my legs. Our thrusts met in tandem as our tongues fought for dominance. To say I was aroused was an understatement. My panties were practically soaked. I pushed Loki away from me to try and word how I was feeling.
     "I want you." He smiled and nipped my ear.
     "You have me," he assured. I snaked my hands down to his pants practically trying to rip them off. Loki arched one of his eyebrows in disbelief.
"Are you absolutely sure?" He asked. Well, I was.
"Yes," I said too quickly.
"You're lying." Damn it.
"I just- I don't want to mess anything up. I want this moment to be perfect." I confessed. He buried his easy laugh in my chest.
     "You think too much." I tried to hide my blush away from him too late. His hands cupped my cheeks before I had a chance to shield them from his view. "If you're not ready, I want you to know that I'll wait for as long as it takes. I won't harbor any poor thoughts if you want to wait until you're comfortable. I love you dearly. Your happiness is the most important thing to me, understand?" His reassurance strengthened my decision. I pulled him close for a heated kiss that let him know exactly what my answer was. Loki glided his tongue along the ridges of my throat.
     "If you want me to stop just tell me." After that, there was little room for talk. His mouth was occupied with trailing down my stomach and mine with moaning. The closer his soft lips got to my clit, the more desperate I became. I gripped the bedsheets harder than necessary when his teeth skimmed along my waistline. Loki tugged at the waistband of my pants with his teeth. Even with my pants stuffed in his mouth I could see the corners of his lips turned up into a smirk.
     "You're an animal," I teased. He unfastened and tossed my pants to the side, leaving me just in my drenched underwear. His eyes didn't waste a second in appraising my squirming body. He seemed to take great pleasure in seeing how desperate I was for his touch. Loki lowered his lips to kiss my pulsating clit through my panties. Every part of my body felt like a live wire. His tongue slipped around the fabric in a barely there touch. I didn't want to admit to him how absolutely insane he was making me, but my whimpers gave it away.
     Using his tongue to push my panties aside, he wrapped his lips around my sensitive vulva. I did everything I could to try and stop myself from moaning as loud as I did, but his skilled lips forced it out of me. He buried his face in my lips digging his hands into my thighs. His long tongue penetrated my opening and licked every inch of me. My body went rigid as he worked at the bundle of nerves that threatened to burst with every move.
     "Loki- I-" I tried to say. He twirled the tip of his tongue around my clit as a powerful heat spread over me. The orgasm raked through my body making me shudder in his hands. He resurfaced from in between my legs with a satisfied smirk. His bulge loomed over my open legs as I tried and failed to catch my breath. Briskly removing his pants and returning to his position, he planted kiss after kiss all over my naked body. The length of his cock rubbed against my drenched folds and coated itself in my juices. I couldn't stand to wait anymore.
"Please fuck me," I pleaded as I tangled my hands in his hair. Loki began fucking me fervidly. He dragged his thick cock through my folds, never giving me time to adjust to the width of his member.
     The pain felt insignificant to the amount of pleasure. My walls were seemingly stretched to their limit as they hugged his cock tightly. A primal, guttural growl escaped his lips as he slammed the entire length of his member inside me. His cock twitched and pulsated against my sensitive walls before spilling his seed into my core. Loki's hot sperm flowed and filled me to capacity while I tried to catch my breath.
He looked at me apologetically before sliding out one torturous inch at a time. Crawling to my side, he wrapped his arm around me and cradled me gently.
"Forgive me, I fear I was a bit too rough." I shook my head trying to fan away my flushed cheeks.
"I liked it," I admitted sheepishly. He flashed my favorite devil-may-care grin before embracing me again. His lips were much more tender than before, suggesting that he had been satisfied. I reluctantly pulled my lips away from his leaving him confused.
"What happens now?" I asked. He shifted his weight for a moment before answering.
"I could probably steal some Plan B."
"What? No! Not about that! I meant what are we gonna do when the Avengers come back? Your cell is destroyed, my dad's corpse is rotting in the training room, and we're naked." He avoided my gaze while he thought it over.
"I would never ask you to choose. I know you love them too."
"I do love them, but they're never gonna let us be together." I buried my face in his chest. "I want to stay with you." He chuckled solemnly.
"You'll likely have to follow me as I run across the universe."
"Then so be it." Maybe I was being selfish, but I had wasted so much time trying to convince myself that I never loved him in the first place. I was never going to give him up again.

The end.

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