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     Natasha rapped her knuckles on my door once and left to wait in the training room. I had a feeling she wouldn't wait for me long so I got ready as quickly as possible. My body felt sluggish and I cursed myself for staying up. What did that talk even accomplish? Did I really lose sleep for a chance to hold hands with Loki?
     I bounded out of my room and didn't look at Loki as I passed his cell. I regretted it as soon as I left, but if I turned around now to greet him I would look like an idiot. Ugh, focus! This training was going to be all the more difficult if all I could think about was him.
     The training room was huge. It had padded floors, punching bags, and a small weight area. The bar lights above us illuminated everything as I saw Natasha, Steve, and Clint wait for me on the far wall. Despite my sleep deprived state I was really excited about the prospect of training. I was finally going to be a true fighter. I had been using my abilities as a crutch for way too long.
     "Good morning," Steve greeted brightly. I smiled in reply.
     "First things first, kid. We want to know what you can do." I stopped short. There was a lot I had learned since I left them in New York and there was probably a lot I still had to discover about my abilities. I would probably just be giving them the most recently updated version of my skills.
     "Well," I looked up to the ceiling as I began to make a mental list. Where to start? "I can move objects with the force of my sound. That includes me. That's how I'm able to sort of fly. I can rupture someone's ear drums pretty easily. I can mimic any sound I've ever head. That includes voices, songs, parrot mating calls. If I've heard it before, I can repeat it. I can also distort sounds I've heard before. I can slow down voices, lower their pitch. Anything really. I can also take away my own sound and make myself completely silent. It comes in handy when I need to be stealthy. I can also sort of throw my voice around. That's how I made it sound like I was right behind you in the kitchen when I was still in the room, but it's still a work in progress. One thing I'm really proud though is that I can control where my sound goes now. If I don't want you to hear it, you won't. I can shatter glass and I have incredible hearing." I took a breath wondering if I had missed anything.
     "So how good is your hearing?" Clint asked. I sighed. I knew exactly what he was getting at.
     "Yes, I can hear you shit from across the house." They all shared an uncomfortable look.
     "Have you heard anyone masturbate yet?"
"No, but I don't look forward to it."
     "Doesn't that get overwhelming? Hearing everything?" Nat asked.I had a feeling she was trying to steer the conversation away from masturbation as quickly as possible.
     "Yes. Yes, it does. But I've learned to deal." I shrugged as if it didn't want to make me want to bust my own eardrums, but they didn't need to hear that.
     "And how are you as a fighter without your abilities?" Clint asked. I rocked my hand slightly.
     "I'm okay at dodging attacks, but I can't throw a punch worth a damn," I said honestly. Steve took on the role of showing me how to throw a proper punch insisting that it wouldn't hurt him. He showed me how to stand and pivot my back foot in a way to help maintain balance. I felt silly throwing punches at an imaginary target while he watched my stance, but he assured me he wouldn't laugh.
     "You know, this is how I would imagine bonding with your kid would go," he said suddenly. I stopped. Was he calling me his kid?
     "What do you mean?"
     "Oh, I just meant that I always imagined myself teaching my kid how to throw a proper punch. I feel like it's something you have to teach them, ya know?" He smiled fondly as if he was imagining a big family.
     "Do you see me as your kid?" I wanted to take back the words as soon as they left my mouth. Why do I always have to say the most uncomfortable things? He blinked in surprise. I shouldn't have said anything.
     "Let's just keep working on your stance." This time he moved me to a punching bag. I imagined my own face on the bag as I sunk my fist into fabric. I need to stop becoming so attached to everyone around me. I can't just force these strangers to be my make believe family.
     After Steve was done showing me how to punch, Natasha started sparring with me to get a feel on my fighting style. Or dodging style as I was too afraid to hit her. She moved quickly and tried to cut me off from running, but that didn't work as I escaped between her legs. I was surprised to see that it actually made her laugh.
     "Emily, you're gonna have to fight me some time. You know that right?"
     "Yeah, I know. I'm just scared to hurt you." She laughed again and shot out to me. Her style of fighting was quick, agile, and deadly. When she finally managed to get her hands on me, she pinned my arms under her knees.
     "You didn't even get a punch in. Why didn't you fight?"
     "I'm sorry, I just feel a lot safer if I dodge." She shook her head at me.
     "You can't dodge everything. You have to attack too," she instructed. I nodded and tried to get over my mental block. As soon as I was on my feet, it was Clint's turn. Since they worked so closely together, I thought that their fighting style would be similar. And I was right. But it made winning no less difficult. Every now and then Clint would really close to make me freak out and fall back. And it worked every. Single. Time.
Every time I fell on my ass I was picked back up by everyone who would "pause" the fight and give me pointers on what would be the next best move. While the fight was "paused", Clint wasn't allowed to move. It made me think that I would have at least a small advantage over the fight, but I was wrong. My eyelids felt heavy as the time was nearing eleven. By that time, I was covered in bruises and absolutely exhausted.
"Alright, we're done for the day," Nat announced. I collapsed to mat with a groan. I heard Clint's footsteps approach my head as I lay there.
"You good, kid?" I groaned in response. He laughed. "It's just like me when I started training. Those were the good old days," he reminisced.
"What kind of life are you living if those were the good old days?" I asked. Natasha brought me a bottle of water and I gulped it down gratefully.
"It's important that you stay hydrated. Bring a bottle tomorrow. We're going to run some laps," she informed.
"Laps? God, I hate running."
"Everyone does, but we need to work on building your stamina." I made another noise like a wounded animal.
"Just let me die here," I pleaded. They didn't, but they sat with me until I was ready to get up. We went to shower rooms and washed away all of our sweat from the day. The hot water soothed my aching body and stung my scrapes. Getting up the same time the next morning would be hell, especially if I decided to talk to Loki again. Thinking about seeing him again made me tense up. I need to find a way to have a conversation without pissing him off.
By the time we all changed and had lunch in the kitchen, it was one in the evening. Still so much time before I can talk to him. I looked at his cell out of the corner of my eye. He didn't have his back to everyone today so maybe he was in a better mood. It made me hopeful.
     When night fell and everyone was asleep, I snuck into the kitchen again. This time I was sure he wouldn't be able to see me.
     "Good evening, Emily," he drawled from his prison. I raised up again with a sigh. Guess I'll have to try again tomorrow.
     "It sounds really weird when you use my name."
     "Would you like me to stop?"
     "No! No, it's weird. But weird doesn't always necessarily mean bad. I'm just not used to it." He nodded and turned his curious eyes on me.
     "I'd like to apologize for last night," he began. "My behavior was... embarrassing." His voice was so gentle and calm. I wonder what put him in such a good mood.
     "Apology accepted," I assured. My breath caught in my throat as I got closer. "So, you seem to be in a good mood tonight" maybe if he told me what made him so calm, I can try to make it happen again.
     "And I have only one person to thank for that," he said with a teasing smile.
     "I'm afraid I don't follow." He stood from his bench and got as close to me as the glass would allow.
     "Thor seemed to think that bringing me back to Asgard was not such an urgent matter anymore," he revealed. Oh so that's it. I blushed knowing what he must have thought when Thor told him I had begged him to keep Loki here. I thought I told him not to tell anyone? Blabber mouth.
     "So, Thor told you I wanted you to stay?" He flashed a grin.
     "No, but you just did." Realizing I had been tricked, my face got even hotter. I shielded my flaming cheeks from his gaze. When my face finally cooled down I looked to him again.
     "It's just like I told Thor. I have no idea," I said. Oh, but you do have an idea. The audible thought swarmed my head and clouded the rest of my thoughts. Loki lowered his face down to my level, his breath fogging the glass.
     "You're lying," he accused. I cradled my neck in my hand trying to steady my breathing.
"Why do you have to know why so badly? Can't you just be grateful and move on with your life?" Now I was being rude! Great.
"I assure you I am grateful. I'm simply curious. Do you actually enjoy my company?"
"Well, yes." I can tell he didn't expect me to agree. It seemed he had a response prepared if I had said no.
"That complicates matters," he muttered. Complicates matters? Does he not want me around?
"Complicates them how?" I paused. "Would you rather I hate you?"
"I'm still deciding that," he answered sadly. So I wouldn't have much longer to spend with the God of mischief. Might as well enjoy it while it lasts.
"Well then can I enjoy your company while you're thinking it over?" He looked up to the ceiling with a smile. He probably thought I was absolutely insane.
"Do as you please," he allowed. My heart swelled with excitement and I couldn't help but smile.
"How much do they feed you?" I asked suddenly. The question gave me a seemingly innocent reason to look over his body. My eyes couldn't find a single flaw. Angular, lean, and decorated in black leather. Perfect.
"They don't exactly starve me, but..." he trailed off. This is the first time I think I've ever seen Loki at a loss for words. I could tell he was hungry. Maybe this would be my chance to impress him! I skipped to the kitchen and brought two pots of water to a boil. I learned how to make this dish yesterday and I was eager to try my hands at cooking.
"What on earth are you doing?" He asked in his old, mocking tone.
"I'm cooking you some ramen. I read about it yesterday," I explained while I chopped up green onions.
"You will sooner burn this place to the ground than concoct something edible," he mused.
"I'm just trying to make up for lost time," I confessed. "I feel like the best years of my life were robbed from me and I want to learn all I can." I didn't have time to think about if that was too personal because it was time to boil the eggs. He didn't say anything, but I felt his eyes on me as I worked. It made the whole thing a lot more nerve racking than I had hoped. I never wanted to be under a handsome God's scrutiny the first time I made food.
I brought the steaming bowl over to and prayed I wouldn't spill it. As I pushed the bowl into his cell he looked at me with unimpressed eyes.
"What is that?" He asked, eyeing the noodles.
"I promise it's good. It's not my fault you were raised in a palace." I suddenly wondered what it was like being brought up in a castle. Thor said that there was a rainbow bridge and a golden palace. It sounded beautiful.
Loki took his first wary bite of the meal. His blank expression gave absolutely nothing away as he chewed. I brought both my hands up to my neck trying to calm myself down. If he doesn't like it, it's not a big deal. That's what I tried to convince myself.
"So?" I said as he swallowed. He gave me an appreciative smile.
"It's delicious," he assured. I breathed a sigh of relief. This was such a different encounter than last night. I didn't want to say anything to ruin it, but my curiosity got the better of me.
"Loki, can you tell me about Asgard?" He placed his empty bowl down and slid it through the tray. His full stomach seemed to improve his already cheery mood.
"What would you like to know?"
"What does it look like? Is there really a rainbow bridge like Thor says? What's your mother like? What kind of plants grow there? What are some of your traditions? What kind of food do you eat?" Those were all the questions that had bugged me recently. The place sounded absolutely magical.
"You are the most inquisitive young lady I've ever met," he laughed. He looked up as if trying to picture the place.
He described everything I had asked in great detail. All the alien flowers and fruits that bloomed in the mountains and what kind were edible. He described delicacies that were displayed on a long table during celebrations. He also went on to describe the kind of animals that lived there and what they considered pets. The only question he skipped over were the ones about his family. I caught onto that quickly and made a mental note not the ask again.
"And I know you would absolutely adore the palace."
     "You think?"
     "Absolutely. I know how much you like shiny things," he teased. I tried to snap back at him for making the joke, but I was interrupted by my own yawn. "You mortals tire so easily," he remarked.
     "That's what happens when you get your ass handed to you in training for hours on end. And Nat still wants me to run laps in the morning. Unbelievable!"
     "You might want to get going then." I squinted at him trying to decipher his joke. Then I turned to read the clock that told me it was already four in the morning. That's impossible! I've only been here for an hour!
     "Holy shit," I muttered. I turned back to Loki who was wearing a smug grin. What an ass. "I'm sorry, I've got to go! See you later!" I said in between panicked breaths. I turned to sprint into the hall and in the direction of my door, but I realized all too late that a heartbeat and a pair of footsteps were about to block my course.
     Clint stopped right in front of me shaking out his disheveled hair. He had clearly just woken up and was shocked to see that I was up too.
     "Damn, kid! You gave me a heart attack!" I tried to force a small laugh to make the conversation casual, but he caught on too quickly. "Why the hell are you up?" My heartbeat quickened it's pace as I racked my brain for excuses.
     "I was getting breakfast. I was trying to wake up bright and early to run with Nat." There was the pot still sitting on the stove so it was believable enough. He squeezed past me and made his way to Loki's cell.
     "You don't usually get up this early. There was really no need anyway. She wanted you up at seven," he said in a dead pan voice. He knew.
     "I know, I just needed time to get ready." After Loki and Clint stared at each other for good second, he turned back to me.
     "You needed three hours to eat breakfast and put on some running shoes?" He questioned.
     "Yes," I answered automatically. I was sure he would be able to see the beads of sweat accumulating on my forehead. He walked back to me and headed for his room.
"Glad to see that you're so dedicated to being an Avenger." I didn't move until I heard him close his door. His emphasis on the word Avenger made me think it was supposed to be an insult. Maybe not an insult, but a reminder. Avengers don't flirt with the guy who leveled New York.
I briskly walked back over to Loki and was horrified to see an empty bowl still sitting on his tray slot. He definitely knew.
"You're a terrible liar," Loki teased.
     Running with Natasha was a lot worse since I was extremely sleep deprived. I tried eating a hearty breakfast to make it easier, but Clint had insisted that I already ate. It would've looked way too suspicious if I had eaten again so I took off with Nat while my stomach growled furiously.
     "C'mon, Em. You're falling behind," Nat called over her shoulder. I was sure she knew too. There is no way that Clint didn't tell her everything that happened.
     "Sorry, I'm trying to catch up." I picked up the pace despite my body wanting to collapse. I've been through worse. I just wanted to know why she wasn't saying anything. She was probably just trying to play it cool. It was like an unspoken wall between us. I couldn't help but feel like I was making a mistake. I had a good chance at a family and I was ruining it by being friends with Loki.
     "You're slacking again!" I gritted my teeth to keep from snapping at her. It's not her fault I stayed up all night. I pushed my legs to streak past her and tap her shoulder.
     She cracked a grin as she slowed down considerably to give me a head start.

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