Chandler imagine

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Imagine: it was your first day on set of the walking dead. Since Beth (Emily Kinney) died, they thought it was a good idea to have a kid Carl's (Chandler Riggs) age to join the show. You were nervous as hell because not only was Carl your favorite character, you also had a HUGE crush on him. You where also terrified that you would fangirl. Your whole body began to shake as you waited for Chandler to arrive at the set. Lauren came up to you and began rubbing your back.
"It's ok to be nervous."
Her angelic voice said,
"I was scared my first day too!"
She slowly walked away and began to talk to Andrew again. Her advice worked for the first 5 minutes, until your heard a car door slam.
I began shaking with fear. I have terrible social anxiety, and this was the worst I've ever had it. That's when I heard a car door slam shut. I quickly turned around. Upon me stood the cutest blue eyed boy I've ever seen. I stood there in shock, probably looking like a idiot. He didn't seem to notice me, he walked right past me giving Andy a big "bro" hug. I don't blame him though. Why would he notice a normal 15 year old girl like me? I probably look like trash to him! But in my defense, we are all covered in fake blood and dirt. Andy looked past Chan's shoulder and saw me.
"Oh Ya right!" Andy remembered, "Chan, this is Y/N."
(A/N lets just pretend that chan isn't dating Hana.)(love her btw)
I turned around.
That's all I could say. She-she was gorgeous.
"Thanks." She said
Wait did I just-
"You said that out loud..." She shyly spoke. She began to blush. Wow she's cute. Wait, why is she so shy around me? I'm just a normal person. I hope she gets past this. It's going to be really hard to film if she doesn't.
"Hi I'm Chandler." I stuck out my hand.
She hesitated to shake it, but she accepted it.
"I know." Her eyes grew big.
"I mean! Hi I'm Y/N" she saved.
"I know." I smirked at her. I could tell this is going to be fun!
I know this most likely sucks, but it's my first imagine. Should I do part two? Or should I post a different imagine? Ly bye😘

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