Chandler riggs pt.5 (Finale)

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Staying away from Chandler was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I had the opportunity hang out with my idol and I just threw it away. Do you know how many people would kill to meet the person they look up to most? Or at least how many people would want to meet Chandler, alone?
Was I being a jerk? Was this my fault? Am I the one to blame for this? God what was I thinking!? It's all my fault! I'll never be good enough for Chandler. He's so perfect and famous, I'll never be enough for him. I should apologize to him tomorrow..
*next day uwu*
     God it's so fuxking cold on set. I wish they gave me a thicker jacket. Could've they at least postponed the outside scenes on a warmer day?
     I was the first actor here today. Everyone got stuck in traffic because of the snow. Currently, everyone's here but Chandler. Not a surprise. He obviously likes to let people down.
    When I woke up this morning, I thought more about the tantrum I had the night before. Nothing that happened was my fault. He's the one to blame. He's the slut. God, the thought of that night still makes me angry, as if it just happened. But I have to stay calm at work. I have to act professional if I still want to keep my job. Although, I'm not sure if I do anymore. If I have to spend another minute around Chandler, I'm going to punch him in his perfect little face.
      The white G-wagon pulls up to set. Took him long enough. I roll my eyes once he's fully out of the car. Today's the day we have a kissing scene together. The old me would have pissed her pants at the news. Now I just want to vomit.
       I get into place and focus on turning into my character. Once I'm Daisy, I hear the words that almost make me leave.
"Annnnnnnd ACTON!"
** The walking dead **
(A/N the bold are the thoughts of the character)
Daisy: "Carl! Carrrll! Where are youuuu?"
I hear a twig snap from behind the neighbors house. I got him. I go to jump behind the corner
Daisy: "BOO!"
No ones there.
Daisy: "huh"
I go to move forward but someone grabs me from behind and I scream. I go to fall but two muscular arms catch me.
Carl: "wo wo. Calm down it's just me" He laughs.
When he goes to lean me back up. It's comes to my attention how close are faces are.
Daisy: "... yeah it is you. Thank god."
——— ** scene still playing but now the thoughts of you **
I could no longer pretend to be the character in my head. All I could think about was how close Chandlers lips were to mine. My biggest dream was about to happen. The dream that I used to pray for every night, was about to come true. But I wasn't excited like I thought I would be. If anything, I was repulsed. I was repulsed that someone who let me down so badly, was about to put their lips on mine. But I let it happen. Because that's what I'm paid to do. Pretend to be someone else. Pretend I'm not feeling what I'm actually feeling.
      When we kissed, there were sparks. I didn't want there to be, but I couldn't ignore them. I wasn't mad at Chandler any more. I couldn't be. Not when we are like this. We kiss for a few seconds then looked into each other's eyes. When I stared into his big blue eyes, I realized I wasn't the only one who broke character. It wasn't Carl who kissed me, it was Chandler. He wanted to kiss me.
"I'm sorry." Chandler whispered.
"What?" I replied.
"Um Chandler?" The director got our attention. "That's not your line, buddy."
"I know. I'm sorry. Can I just.." Chandler turn back to look at me. "Can I just have a second?" He didn't wait for an answer. He grabbed me by the arm and pulled me to the back of his car.
"Yeah.. sure?" I heard from a distance. I don't think Chandler heard the director's answer and I also think he didn't care. Once the car blocked the view of us from the rest of the cast, Chandler started talking.
"Look. About the other night, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen. I was waiting for you by the tree and my crazy ex showed up. Apparently she put a tracker in my phone and followed me there. I didn't know she was going to show up, I swear. And I really didn't know that she was going to grab me and kiss me. I was trying to push away I promise. She must have seen you and went for i-"
I grabbed Chandler by the collar of his shirt and kissed him. I believe him. And I understand stood now what happened. He was trying to explain all his time, and I kept rejecting him. What a jerk! I let go once I realized what I was doing.
"Omg I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have done that. We barely know each other.." I looked down blushing. I just attacked him. What's wrong with me? Once I heard Chan giggle, I looked up.
"It's fine." He smiled. "I liked it." Chandler licked his lips and continued. "So you forgive me?"
"I mean I guess so. I guess you didn't do anything wrong. Soooo..." I apologized. "We should probably go back." I suggested.
"Yeah probably haha"
We walked back with our hands locked together and continued our scene.
      It was nice to have Chandler as my friend again. I really missed him, even if I didn't want to admit it. We texting for hours later that night. We are really good friends now. Hopefully it turns into more than that soon. A girl can pray right?
1000 words!! #proud
Omg I have updated this since 2015. My LORD this story is so bad. And you have obviously see my writing skill hasn't improved. Lol. This story is so cringe omg. But you guys like it for some reason. Thanks for reading it I guess lol. I want to start writing. I'm actually writing an actual story right now. It's not a fan fic so no one will read it. But I like it. It's not the best. But it's my story so I love it. Tell me if I should finish the rest of these story's or not? I don't even really like these people anymore. Lol I've grown up. I mean I don't hate them. I just don't stan anymore. Ya feel? Anyways. I hope you guys have a great day. I doubt anyone's reading these any more tho lol. Bye 👋🏻

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2018 ⏰

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