Chandler imagine Pt.2

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*your pov*
We just finished the first episode of the new season. Phew, that was scary. I was so afraid that I would forget a line, but I did pretty well if I can say so myself.
"You did good out there." Chandler came up to me and said with that gorgeous smile on his face. I didn't want to thank him, I just wanted to stare at his features all day... Wait did that sound weird? Oh well.
I finally left my trance and replied,
"Thank you."
"You did too!" You did too? That's all I could think of? ARGH I'm so stupid.
"Haha thanks." He said while smirking. Oh my god he's so perfect. Even though we didn't say anything after, it was still comfortable. We just stared into each other's eyes, which seemed like forever. Until we got interrupted by my mom yelling from the car,
"ITS TIME TO GO SWEETIE!". God! Could she be anymore embarrassing? I moaned and began to drag myself to the car.
"Hey y/n?". I heard Chandler call from a little feet away. He circled in front of me and shyly asked,
"Um, I know we just met each other. But do you want to maybe hang out sometime? Like off set?"
"I MEAN, not like a date or any thing! Just like two people hanging out. You know?". He Nervously laughed as he looked down and scratched the back of his head. Wait! Why was he nervous? I'm a nobody!
Cliff hanger😏
What will she say?😱
Will we ever know?😭😱
Find out soon😏

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