Peter pan imagine (Robbie kay)

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Imagine: you've been in never land for a long time now. When you first joined, the lost boys wanted you out. Because you where a girl, they wanted to send you back. But Peter saw something in you, something very special. At the time he couldn't figure out what is was, but he wanted you to stay. No matter what. The first few months, you and Peter started spending a lot of time with each other. It's almost like, he never wanted to leave your side. Like you two were connected.
(Warning to boys if your, for some reason, reading this😂 it might get weird for you😁😂)
*your pov*
I've been having really bad cramps lately and they've been getting worse. Of corse I've had this before never land, and I know how to deal with them. It's just. I think that Peter's noticed I've been acting different. And I always look like im in pain. I'm just... I'm just scared, because I'm a girl, that he'll leave me. Maybe the lost boys where right! I don't belong in never land...
But I just can't leave! I-I think I'm starting to have feelings for Peter.
No! No! That's crazy! I can't have feeling for Peter! He basically owns never land! Why would he want to be with me?
*you get a sharp pain in your stomach*
"OWWWW" you scream!
Peters tent is only a small distance away from yours, so he heard you yelp. You hear ruffling outside your tent. Soon, you see the tent door zip open.
"Are you okay?!" Peter quickly asks.
"Ya I'm fine I just--" you try to say. Everything begins to turn black. You finally pass out.
*peters pov*
I hear a scream. It sounds like it's coming from y/n's tent! I rush quickly to her tent. She holding her stomach. She looks like she's in a lot of pain! Is she ok? Why won't she tell me what's wrong?
"Are you okay?!" I ask.
"Ya, I'm fine I just--." Before she could finish her sentence, she passes out. I scream her name! She doesn't wake up. I'm not sure what to do, so I pick her up bridal style and place her on her bed. I lay her down and cuddle up next to her. I wrap my arms around her waist and whisper,
"I love you." With that I close my eyes and I fall asleep.
*your pov*
I soon regain consciousness. When I slowly open my eyes, I begin to feel two arms wrapped around my waist. I want to freak out, but there's only one person I think it would be. Peter. I turn around to confirm my hypothesis.
(Big word)
I roll around to see Peter snuggled up next to me, with still, a huge smile on him face. I love this boy.
I really don't like this one, but im going to post it anyway😂 if u couldn't guess, it was that time of the month for her😁 I'm sorry. I'm not sure what was going inside my head when I made it!😂 who should I do next?

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