Peter pan Pt.2

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I woke up feeling refreshed. No more cramps.(😂) It was a brand new day. When I stood up, my feet smashed in to fresh green grass. I reached up and stretched my arms, taking a long, deep breath. Today was going to be a good day. When I walked outside my tent, I noticed something was wrong. It was silent. Like completely silent. Usually on a normal day like this you would hear the lost boys speaking in their loud voices. But today, it seemed like no one was around. But I'm used to it though. Before never land, I was always alone.
*flash back*
It was my first day of high school. I was nervous as hell. Since it was the first day I wanted to make a good impression. I wore (picture up top) hoping that would help. I also had my (y/length hair) (y/color hair) hair, in a high ponytail. I had my backpack around my shoulder and my arms wrapped around my math folder. I slowly walked down hallway C, basically bumping in to everyone I passed. Each person I touched, I said sorry to. But they just gave me a dirty look then turned away. Yay, great start [note to sarcasm]. That's when I felt a huge muscular body slam into mine, making my chin go strait into the floor. I reached out to find my glasses, but I had no luck. I soon heard a crunching sound, my glasses. I gave up. I couldn't see. I layed down on the floor waiting for what was to happen next. They began kicking my sides, I'm sure, leaving bruises. After about an hour or so, they stopped. I heard them walk away, but I didn't dare get up. What kind of school is this? Kids could get violently get beat up in the hallways, and no punishment happens? Wth? I had no energy left in me. I just wanted to lay down, and die.
"Oh my god are you okay?!"
I looked up and everything was blurry. But I could make out a long, brown haired boy with brown eyes. I began to lose my vision. It all went black.
*flash back over*
I might post part 3 tonight if I'm bored😂 night/morning ly guys❤️😘

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