His Daughter

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A month had gone by, only four more months until I marry Vladimir, ever since his ex came by, I've been keeping Vladimir at arms length. We had gone to a couple of clubs, talking with wedding planners, florists, DJ's, anything to make sure our wedding went smoothly.

Vladimir had gone to meet someone in private, I made sure it wasn't a woman, it isn't thank god. I was in the dining room, when a knock sounded on the front door. A butler answered it, he came in with something in his arms, I got up and looked, it was a newborn baby girl and a note attached to it. Since my Russian isn't good, I had the butler read it to me. Her name is Eva and Vladimir is her father. I had the butler go to the store and pick up the essentials, diapers, bottles, everything a new born baby girl needed, except one thing; a mother.

Vladimir got home around 3 am, when he got home, he immediately laid on the bed and looked at me. He smiled at me as he rubbed my thigh, I looked at him, wondering if I should tell him. He looked at me with a concerned look in his eyes, so I went for it.

"Someone delivered a package today," I said getting up and walking to the bedroom door, "and it's in the next room." I opened the bedroom door next to ours, it was turned into a nursery for a baby girl. I walked to the crib, bending down and picking Eva up, I then turned to Vladimir. "You have a daughter." 

The next day Vladimir had taken myself and Eva to the hospital, he had already set up a doctor to take a sample of Eva's blood and Vladimir's as well. He wasn't convinced that Eva was his, but she shared the same eyes and nose as him. I held her in my arms, gently rocking her back and forth as we waited for the results. The doctor came in, he and Vladimir went to a separate a room and talked, I softly sang to Eva as I waited for them.

Vladimir's POV

"She is your daughter, sir." The doctor showed me the results. "We ran it three times." I sighed heavily. "You know there are families who are looking to adopt." 

"I know and maybe she'll have a better life, a normal life." I said, I then herd soft singing, I opened the door to see Adelaide singing softly to Eva, I looked at how she looked at my daughter. "Actually, I don't want to give her up for adoption, I'd like to my fiancee to become her mother." The doctor nodded, calling a lawyer who is loyal to me. I walked into the other room, Adelaide stopped and stood up, being careful with Eva in her arms.

"What did the tests say?" She asked, I walked towards her, placing a hand on her cheek and looking down at Eva.

"Eva is my blood, Adelaide." I told her, I motioned to hold my daughter, Adelaide gave her to me.

"Remember to keep her head supported." Adelaide made sure Eva's head rested on my elbow. Eva then opened her eyes and smiled a toothless smile at me. "She senses her daddy is holding her." She smiled at Eva and myself, I slightly looked down at my fiancee, her dark brown eyes shown with motherly instincts. 

"Have you thought about having children?" I asked her, she nodded.

"Of course, I've always wanted to be a mother." Adelaide said, I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"How would you like to adopt, Eva?" I asked her, she looked up at me shocked.

"But, we've only known one another for a month. You really want me to adopt your daughter?" She asked, I used the arm that wasn't holding Eva, and pulled her close to me.

"Yes, I want you to adopt her, in four months you'll be my bride and the mother to my future children. You'll be such an amazing mother." I told her, she nodded lightly and smiled at Eva, as she made baby noises at the both of us.

On the way home Eva and Adelaide both fell asleep, Adelaide had placed her hand in Eva's car seat, her head on my shoulder and Eva's tiny hand holding Adelaide's index finger. I smiled at the both of them, a daughter I didn't know I had and the most beautiful woman I have ever seen to be my bride. I had never been so happy in this moment, and I want it to stay this way forever.

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