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Two months had gone by now, Vladimir had been making sure Eva was alright every day when he woke up and every time before we went to bed. If I didn't wake up to her crying, he would immediately go to her room and feed her. It's amazing to see a muscular, gruff man taking care of a small infant.

Today I took Eva to get some clothes for her, she was growing fast, and eating a lot, she has to wear 3 and a half month onesies. A woman complimented on how beautiful Eva is, and how much of an amazing mother I am, I went to tell her that Eva is adopted, but I didn't. Eva's mother gave away her parental rights, Eva is my daughter now.

Lunch time rolled around, my bodyguards went to get something of their own, so I tool Eva and fed her in the park. She must've had at least four bottles today, she's definitely going be chunky going up, but she'll be healthy. I walked back to the Denali, but someone had grabbed me from behind and took Eva as well. I screamed and kicked until I was knocked out by something, darkness consuming my vision.

I heard faded voices as I came too, I woke up with several men starring at me, along with Anastasia Pavlov. Her eyes had venom in them, hatred as well. I tried to speak but something was in my mouth, she strutted over to me and nodded to one of her goons who then took it out. The moment he did, I spit on her, breathing heavily. She slapped me with the back of her hand, her ring cutting my right cheek.

"You'll pay for that, you bitch." She spat at me.

"Go to hell, skank." I said, she clicked her tongue at me and walked over to where I saw Eva sleeping. "I swear if you touch a hand on her head I will hunt you down and kill you!" I screamed, Eva then cried out, I struggled to get to her, but a goon held me back.

"This little brat will go well in the orphanage." Anastasia said, looking at my baby in disgust. "Where'd she come from?"

"Vladimir got a woman pregnant and she dropped the baby off at our doorstep a month ago." I said, she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"What a pig." She said, she then walked over to me. "Make it shut up." The goon untied me, I immediately ran to Eva, I cradled her in my arms, instantly calming her down. "Huh, if I didn't know better, I'd say she's yours." Anastasia walked towards me, I whipped my head towards her.

"You stay the fuck away from me and my daughter. I may not have given birth to her, but I will make damn sure she is protected from sucu-bitches like you. Now back the fuck up." I snapped at her, she looked shocked that I had spoken to her like that.

"Put them in the library and when the brat is asleep, you can have your fun with her." She snapped her fingers and two men dragged me away with Eva in my arms. I held her close to my chest, hoping and praying Vladimir comes and gets us soon.

Vladimir POV

"Where the fuck are they?!" I slammed my hands on my desk in my study, Adelaide and Eva had been taken. I knew I should've given her more bodyguards. "Dimitri, I want them found, and I want them found now! I don't care if we have to call in every favor we've saved up over the years, I want them back in my arms now!" My best friend and most loyal man nodded, he ordered every man to ask questions and use the tracker dogs. 

"Boss," Dimitri looked at me, "we will find them, and we will bring them home." I nodded at him. "But, think, who values most to the disappearance of your fiancee and baby?" I thought over and over until it hit me. Anastasia. "I'll get the car and guns."

We drove furiously through the streets until we reached Ana's mansion, we busted through the double doors. There was a brief gun fight, only one of my men were injured, hers were killed. I ran through the mansion yelling for Adelaide, I busted into Mr. Pavlov's office, Ana sitting there, looking innocent.

"Vlad, what an unexpected surprise?" She said, sitting on the desk and crossing her legs. "What can I do to help you?"

"Stop playing the dumb bitch and give me my baby and my fiancee." I told her, she merely smiled at me.

"Why do you want that brat a little girl? When you can have a real woman?" She walked towards me, taking her dress off, standing in front of me naked. I grabbed her by the throat and pushed her against the wall. 

"Tell me where they are and I wont crush your throat with my hand." I threatened her, I then her a scream, I ran towards the library. I kicked open the doors to see a man on top of Adelaide, I grabbed him by the throat and bashed his head into a nearby book shelf. I went to look at Adelaide but she was gone, I saw her by the fire holding Eva close to her, tears going down her face and dried blood from a cut on her right cheek. 

"I wasn't raped," she said looking up at me, "but I felt his thing on my leg." She started crying violently. "They almost hurt Eva, I couldn't protect her, she'll be bruised." Her tears stained her face as well as Eva's onesie. 

"Moya koroleva (My queen), she's going to be alright. So are you, we're going home and you are never going to be left alone again." I told her, she nodded, taking my hand and walking out of the Pavlov manor. "Get Ivan Pavlov in my office within the next ten seconds, he's going to know what his daughter did." Dimitri nodded, I got in the Denali and held my girls in my hands as we went home. Hell is going to rain on the Pavlov family.

I sat in my office, Adelaide sitting on my lap, her right side facing me. I made sure Eva was safe with a very trusted nanny, two guards in her room and two out in front of her door. Adelaide hadn't left my side since we got home, she had to have stitches where the cut was, there was going to be a scare. She felt as if she wasn't beautiful anymore, I told her she is always going to be beautiful to me no matter what.

"Dobryy vecher gospodin Morozova. (Good evening, Mr. Morozova.)" Ivan Pavlov, a man of 60, grey and white hair, dull blue eyes and aging skin.

"You're not going to say 'hello' to my fiancee?" I asked him, holding Adelaide close to me.

"Hello, young lady." He said, flatly, he then turned his attention back to me, as if my fiancee was invisible. "I should crack your head open for putting your hands on my daughter." 

"You? Crack my head open? Why don't you look at what your daughter did to my fiancee?" I gently turned Adelaide's head to face Ivan, he looked away. "Your daughter had my daughter and my fiancee kidnapped, she hit my fiancee, almost had her raped and my daughter will have bruises. She's only 11 months old, dammit! I should kill you and every single last Pavlov!" I slammed my hands on my desk, I had gently removed Adelaide from my lap. "Get your daughter in here now." 

"Ana!" Ivan yelled, Anastasia walked in, crossing her arms and avoiding eye contact. 

"Adelaide has something to say to you." I said, Ana looked at Adelaide, who looked at her with courage.

"He's not going to kill anyone." Adelaide said, Ivan and Ana looked shocked. "At least not to day." 

"What do you mean?" Ana asked.

"I want you to live in fear. I want you to live the rest of your life looking over your shoulder, every single day I want you to wonder 'will he kill me today?' 'will he kill me tomorrow?' Your punishment and your family's punishment is to live in fear for the rest of your days." Adelaide then walked to the door of my study and opened it. "Now get the fuck out before I change my mind." They got up and left, she closed the door to my study and looked at me. "I had never felt so strong before and-and-"

"Powerful?" I asked, she nodded, she then came up to me and hugged me. I held her in my arms for a good hour before the nanny came in and said Eva was soundly asleep. Adelaide and I walked to Eva's room, checking in on her, kissing her good night and going to bed. "I will never left anything happen to you ever again, I promise, Adelaide."

"Adele, Vladimir." I looked at her as she came back in her floor length knight gown. "Please call me 'Adele'." I kissed her on the lips, climbing into bed, she curled up into my arms and slowly drifted off into sleep, as well as I.

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