Proving You Wrong

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Jade's POV

"It broke me more than it's going to break you, but I think you should know.." Niall groaned, rubbing his face in annoyance. It must've been really upsetting if it was making him act like this.

"C'mon Niall. You can say it!"

"But it's about Tanya!!" He yelled. A moment of thought was needed. I didn't want to hear this bullshit, but I had to. So I just nodded, signing for him to continue. "Alright. Well you know everything else. But Jade, it wasn't much of Zayn's fault. Tanya was sober and she knew what she had done."

"What?!" The anger surged through me. Niall had told me to go put the twins away before he told me because he knew I'd be angry. Damn right I was. Not only did Zyan get drunk, but Tanya knew what she was doing. What the hell was wrong with her? She knows how sensitive I am! Why would she do that?

"It upsets me just as much as it upset you. At least Zayn didn't fully cheat. I'd still be pretty pissed though, for getting drunk though. He knows his responsibilities and shouldn't have taken advantage of the time you were gone." He shrugged, panting my back.

"That just changes... Everything." I sat back on the couch, staring at the ceiling. "Anything else I need to know before I go back.."

"Harry told me that Zayn was sober when he first kissed Tanya. Then apparently, he doesn't remember anything else." Tears fell over, falling down my cheeks. "Jade if you didn't want to hear it then you should've told me."

"No Niall, I needed to. No matter how much it hurts." I sobbed as he pulled me into his chest. Nothing hurt more than knowing what had really happened now.  

"I'm so sorry."  

"N-No, it's not your fault Niall." I cried as he rubbed my back, there was knocking at the door. "I-I'll get it." 

"No, let me." Niall insisted, standing up and walking off to the front door.  

As soon as the creak of the door was heard, there was clicking of heels and a woman's voice that I didn't want to hear.

"Where's Jade?" Tanya. There was also boots, men's boots.

"Zayn get out!" Niall seemed to yell. All of them had stumbled in Harry's room, all staring at me. Just the sight of Tanya got my blood boiling, and knowing she came with Zayn made it even worse.

"You little bitch!!" I shot off the couch and charged after her, only to be grabbed in Niall's arms. "What the hell is wrong with you?! Niall, let me go!!!" I flailed in his arms, kicking and tearing at his arms.

"I didn't know what I was doing!" She cried as I finally got out of Niall's grip and tackling her to the ground.

"You were fucking sober!!" Before I could hit her, someone had pulled me off. But we were still on the ground, I'd be able to crawl away. Tanya seemed frightened as she tried to get away from me. "You're such a selfish bitch Tanya! I can't believe we were ever friends!"

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