Finding You

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Zayn's POV

I missed her. I know I just met her, but I liked her, a lot. I wanted to see her again. I looked down on my phone. Nothing. I threw it on a nearby chair in the stadium. I looked at my hand to see Saidi's number imprinted. I instantly grabbed my phone and dialed her number, running outside. She picked up, in my head I was cheering. "Hello?" her voice was soft.

"Hello, is the Saidi?"

"Yeah, who are you?"

"It's Zayn, Zayn Malik?" There was silence. "Hello?"

"I'm back, sorry for the delay. Um.. hehe what's up though?" I heard her voice crack. I need to make this conversation short.

"I'm looking for Jade."

"Ohh? She's at her bestfriend's house. If you want you can meet at my house til she comes back?"

"Sure, I'd love that." She gave me her address and I was screaming in my head JACKPOOOOOT. This wasn't the last time I was going to see Jade.

"Thanks alot Saidi, I owe you one." She hung up. I looked at my phone and flung my arms up in the air in relief. And when things couldn't get any better, Niall came in with a iPhone in a Hello Kitty case. "Ai Zayn, look what Louis found next to the garbage bin." I clicked the Home button. A picture of a brunette and a curly haired blonde boy, his arm around her and herself smiling at which seemed to be at the beach. It was Jade, and I was assuming the blonde was her bestfriend. He was pretty handsome, I got jealous because she was in someone else arms. But I wanted to see her more than ever. So it didn't matter. I ran backstage to see everyone packed up and ready for the next destination on tour, our last spot was in Las Vegas. I didn't have much time. "Louis, I need you to do something for me!" I handed him a sheet of paper I wrote Jade's address on. "Take me here."


Jade's POV

It was blurry when I woke up, I had to blink a few times to get a view of where I was. I finally got site and realized Andre laying next to me, I had to look up from his chest to see his face. He was like a peaceful baby, I liked it. I looked back down at his chest and rubbed it, I've seen him shirtless before, but I didn't mind the shirt. I didn't want him to let me go. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his forehead. I dozed off for a while to hear Jake shouting in my ear. I instantly woke up, seeing Andre gone. I frowned and sat up. "Jake shut up." I groaned, rubbing my eyes. He started giggling and ran outside. That boy is too cute. I got up and looked around I went upstairs to find Andre in his room, laying back on his bed. "Hey broadie." I smiled at him. He looked up and a grin filled his face. 

"Ayee Toad." He stood up.

"Whatcha up to?"

"Ya know, sweatpants, hair-tied, chillin with no makeup on." What he had said just made me giggle to myself. He, then, hugged me, he didn't let go. All of a sudden, I was being lifted off the ground. I started laugh uncontrollably.  

"Dre what are you doing?!" He was running down the stairs. 

"Bringin' you home ma lady." He smiled at me and kissed my cheek, walking out the door. I held onto him, wrapping my arms around his neck. I let him carry me, I was so tired, I didn't even recognize the throbbing in my leg. He kept walking, he eventually spun around, causing me to blush. We passed the park and I saw Zack, with the same girl, laid across his body. He was totally passed out. I hid my face in Andre's shoulder, but eventually took it out. "Boy, yo' pits stank!" I yelled, laughed uncontrollably afterwards. He stopped and smelled himself.

"I don't smell bad!" 

We finally reached my house, where I saw a red Mercedes Benz parked in the driveway. I got down from Andre's arms. He looked at my leg. "Don't worry bout it." I rubbed his shoulder. I held his hand as he helped me up the stairs and I opened the door to find Louis, Saidi...... and Zayn, sitting comfortably on MY couch. "Hey love." A smile appeared on Zayn's face, but it disappeared at the sight of Andre. I couldn't help but smile at Zayn, he wasn't wearing a varsity jacket, but a plain white t-shirt and some black jeans. And then there's me, sweatpants, hair all messed up, still having morning breath. I went over to hug him and he held me, tight. I blushed when he released and I went to hug Louis. He basically grabbed my waist and harassed me into his chest. "I missed you so much my little carrot!" I chuckled and shriveled out of his grip falling into Zayn. I looked into his gleaming brown eyes. "You found me."

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