Two Harmonies

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Jade's POV

Staring out into the dark sky, I was trying to doze off. But that was impossible with Armani kicking like they were. It was insane at how much they were kicking, I just wanted them out. It's sad knowing I still don't know the gender of the baby even though I've been pregnant the full nine months already. I was pulled from my thoughts as I heard Louis' voice chime into my ears. "Jade you alright?"

"Yeah, just can't fall asleep. Armani is kicking like crazy and it's really painful so.." He shrugged and sat by me, rubbing my stomach. I smiled at him and looked back out the window.

"We'll be there in a few minutes, don't worry.." I nodded. Being on this plane was worse than being on ground with all the fans. I really needed space and all that came at me was screaming and questions. Nobody really understand the situation I'm in other than Marie, she had a baby as well. But this just didn't seem right, my stomach was bigger than before. But I was knocked out of my thoughts when I felt something slither down my leg and a sharp pain shooting through my body. I flinched and my eyes grew wide as I zoomed into reality.

"Louis, go get Zayn!" He just sat there, his eyes narrowed. "GO GET ZAYN NOW!" He finally took into realisation as to what was happening and shot up from next to me, running further into the plane. Groaning, I attempted to sit up. That didn't work out too well when Zayn, Louis and Harry came rushing in.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"I-I think my water just broke.." I panted as Harry laid me back on the chair. Louis went running for the pilots.

"Alright babe, we can do this. The plane is gonna land in a few minutes, just breathe in and out.." Zayn gave me a reassuring squeeze to the hand as the pain grew, I groaned, tilting my head back. Zayn cupped my neck in his hand, pulling my head back up. "You can do this.."

"I know.." I managed to breathe as he landed a peck on my lips. Louis came back with Niall, his face red. "I can't feel my legs!!" I whined.

"The pilot said he will speed up and we'll land in about ten.." I nodded and shut my eyes tight.

"Where's the girls?"

"They're all sleeping.." Once again the pain struck, harder than before. I let out a small shriek until Zayn squeezed my hand.

"Breathe Jade.." I did as he said, breathing in and out as I beared the pain inside me. There was no ignoring, Armani was basically trying to fight their way out. I laid in the chair, eyes closed as I felt the landing of the plane a few minutes later. Being put onto a wheelchair made me feel old, but I wasn't. I was only twenty, about to have her second child. Being wheeled out by Paul, Zayn and Louis helped me into a black van.

"The girls will come in another van, security is waking them up now." Niall explained as all the boys ran into the van and speeded off. Zayn allowed me to lay my head on his lap, breathe heavily. I clutched my stomach as I had a contraction, causing me to yell. Barely being able to hold it in, it was softer than I intended. Zayn's hand squeezed mine, kissing my forehead. Holding back from yelling, I bit my lip and just groaned, kicking the door a few times.

"Babe, calm down please!"


"Damn I forgot..."

"Zayn you're a nut!" Liam laughed as Zayn grew a serious face.

"I'm actually nervous as fuck right now guys! I'm not even thinking right. All I'm thinking right now is that the baby is coming and it's actually mine!" I grinned a bit and swept my fingers on his cheeks. His worried eyes turned to me as he rubbed my stomach.

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