Decision that Made Fate

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Jade's POV

I was flipping through channels sitting comfortably on the couch when the doorbell rang. I groaned and got up throwing the remote on a nearby pillow. I slowly walked towards the door, due to laziness. After I came down the steps the doorbell was wrung nonstop. I swung the door open.

"Hey sis!"

"You're gonna break the doorbell." I ignored her greeting.

"Sorry, you were slow."

She walked past me and straight to her room. I shut the door and rubbed my eyes. My sister Saidi is a little girly girl. I basically raise her, since my mom passed and my dad has to work 3 jobs for all the bills. He's hard-working but it's upsetting to know he isn't here to help me with the brat. I ran upstairs to Saidi's room to see her shoes flung infront of my face. "Excuse me miss, if you are done attacking your wall, I'd like to come in!" I slid into her room slowly, cautious of anything else flying.

"Oh sorry, I'm just uber excited. One Direction is coming to San Diego! And Sandra got me tickets to see them!" I looked at her odd.

"Um, who is that?"

Her mouth dropped. She instantly threw herself at the wall showing me her collage of boys pasted on her wall. They were very attractive, but I wasn't as crazy about them as she was. "Who's that one?" I pointed to a tanned, boyish looking guy with black Elvis looking hair.

"Oh, hehe, that's Zayn. The shy one." Saidi simply kissed the poster.

I chuckled to myself and slid out the room, down the hallway and back to the couch. Changing channels. Spongebob was on, I decided to stay with the show. I loved that show. Ever since I was 6, I'm 17 now, still enjoying such childish cartoon. I was disturbed by loud music coming from Saidi's room. I groaned once again and decided to go for a walk. I wasn't exactly hyped to go on the walk. But I've been inside all week, especially since the breakup with Zack. I haven't been myself. I needed fresh air. I barged into Saidi's room.

"I'm leaving."

"Where to?" She kept her eyes focused on her iPhone.

"A walk.... What are you doing?"

"You know, homework." She sucked her teeth. She was lying.

"Liar. Get your work done Sai, you need to raise those grades."

"Alright alright."

"Kay, be done by the time I get back?"

"Sure whatever.." She was annoyed. Just to annoy her more, I jumped on her and kissed her cheek nonstop.

"Jade get off me!" She couldn't help but laugh. She was enjoying herself. I finally let go after she started crying in result of them laughter.

"You know you love me!" I walked out the room chuckling to myself. I ran downstairs and grabbed by phone. Checked the cabinet for any Nutella, nothing. I swung the fridge door open and grabbed a Mucho Mango Arizona. I opened the door to the scene of bright light. I was blinded for a second, I hadn't seen the Sun in a while. I guess this is good for me though. Even though sweatpants wasn't a great idea for outside. I didn't really care. I wasn't trying to impress anybody. I started walking down the street, seeing all the trees outside was so refreshing and beautiful. I never really thought about looks of trees, I been in an air conditioned environment for so long, I missed fresh air. I admired the grass and the houses around me as I continued my walk. I had so many memories here with my mom. It wasn't hard holding in tears, I've gotten so caught up in fairy tales that I knew that the time had to come for her to leave us. I checked my Twitter for any Interactions. 17 more followers, sweet. I've only tweeted about Teen Wolf lately, it's my favorite show. My fangirling and rage has really got to people hm? I looked down at the ground that I've been walking in mud. I was disgusted, not really surprised.. I doze off a lot into my own little world. I imagine myself with Tyler Posey coming down the street shirtless to clean my shoes and we get caught up in a makeout session. But I soon snapped out of my daydream when I heard my bestfriend Andre call out my name.

"Yo Toad!" He calls me that, since I'm only 5'5. Short for my age. He hugged me tight and picked me up off the ground and swung me around. "You okay?"

"I've been better. I probably gained 10 pounds eating ice cream.."

"Don't eat yourself to death because of that jerk, he doesn't deserve someone as great as you."

"Well thanks Dre."

He chuckled to himself. "You're still ugly."

I laughed a little. I knew he was kidding. He took me inside his house and gave me a pair of his Nike sandals. I've known Andre since we were in diapers. We basically share everything. He's like my brother, except he's not. He's currently the only guy I trust after my dad. "Thanks bro." I think I've been out for at least 4 hours. My phone rang to my "Sexy and I Know It" ringtone. "You're corny!" I heard Andre chuckle. "Shuttup!" I picked up.


"Jade can you come home?" It was Saidi.

"Why? Is something wrong?"

"No I just need to ask you something important!"

"Yeah I'll be there in like 15?"


She hung up. I walked out Andre's room to find him laying on the floor. I kicked him out my way and laughed.

"Well that wasn't very civil!" He struggled to stand up.

"Well I'm sorry young sir, want a band-aid?" I laughed and walked out the house door. I heard Andre banging at the window. I turned around to see him waving at me, making the Stevie J face. I couldn't help but burst out into laughter! I chucked up my deuces and walked towards home.

Saidi's POV

I had my hair in a ponytail, tank top, and basketball shorts when someone called me on ooVoo. It was Zack, Jade's ex. I rejected. I wouldn't betray my sister like that. PLEASE. I may be only 14, but I know what common sense is! The fact being that he cheated on her with my aunt Silvia because she "looked 25" is pretty gross too.. I simply turned up the speakers connected to my iPhone to enlarge the sound of Niall's beautiful voice in "More Than This". Then Louis, then Zayn. All of their voices are equally perfect! I check the window for Jade. She was at the door. I ran downstairs to open the door for her. She was already inside when I got to the door.

"Hey babes! Vas happenin'?"

She looked at me strange. She doesn't get the whole Directioner thing..

"I'm asking you what's up!"

"Ohh! Well I'm here and I'm in a good mood sooo, what did you need to ask?"

"Well silly.." I increased my talking rate. " I don't have a ride to the concert and I really really REALLY wanna go! Sandra asked if she can come to! She was going to ask her mom but she's going to Colorado or whatever and if she can't go then I can't go cause she has the tickets and Jade PLEASE!" I was literally laying against her. She shoved me off.

"I can bring you, just don't ever do that again... please."

I screamed and instantly hugged her. "Oops.. sorry." I let go.. I can't believe I'm actually going to a One Direction concert!

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