Making it Right

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Jade's POV

"Justin Drew Bieber, hurry the hell up!" I yelled as a stylist applied makeup on me. It's been about a week since our last interview. I had dyed my hair blonde, nothing big. (outfit in external link) We had another one today, a small performance too. Justin was playing with Piper in the studio, she begged to come. Marie was watching the twins with Zayn as Louis and Harry came to watch. Danielle had come too, to dance beside Justin and I.

"Alright I'm done.." He laughed, pulling on his blazer. Harry sat in the chair beside me, smiling.

"Someone's lookin' puurdy!" He attempted his best country accent.

"Oh shush Harry.." I laughed as the stylist finished.

"I brought Zayn's hat for you.." Harry handed me Zayn's black fedora, causing me to smile.

"Thanks Harry.." My hair curled, I placed the hat onto my head, fitting perfectly. Standing up, I adjusted my black blazer and shorts. "Do I look okay?"

"Just fine.." Dani smiled as she looked at my reflection.

"Good. I need to dress to impress, you know 'cause swag!" We all laughed, Justin tapping my shoulder.

"Time to go! And by the way, the man's name is Blu Jean!" He burst out laughing as we made our way to the studio.

"Please welcome Justin Bieber and Jade Malik!" The audience cheered as we made our way onto the stage and into the chairs. "How are you guys?"

"I'm doing good.. Blu." I spoke, Justin snickering a bit.

"You guys have been a pretty trendy topic lately, what's that about?"

"Well our management are making Jade and I do a lot of promo together just because Jade needs to be more.. famous I guess. But she is very much famous I mean c'mon!" Justin complimented my body, only making me laugh.

"Yes yes! Jade, how does it feel being labeled as a sex symbol?"

"Uh, I don't get how I am, honestly. You know I don't do anything too.. Exposing. I mean the Rihanna concerts I get it but I was just support."

"You're very sexy though.." Blu winked at me.

"Thanks.." I avoided eye contact by waving at fans in the audience.

"Now what about this scandal with your ex boyfriend, Zack?" My eyes went wide at the question, I was about to blow.

"You're kidding me right?"

"You were almost stabbed to death by him am I correct?"

"Yeah but that's not-"

"Have you kept in contact?"

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