chapter 3

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$tarfire POV

I wake when the sun shines through the window. I rub my eyes and smile at the thought of being able to go to the cave of bats and see Robin. I sit up and quickly get changed. When i am done I got to the kitchen to find my fellow Titans. "Good morning Fellow Titans I hope you had the dreams that where sweet!" I say feeling the very happy. "Ya thanks Star." Beast Boy says. "You seemed worried friend what is wrong." I ask. "nothing im just worried we did something to upset Batman." He replies "Oh im sure we did nothing to upset the so called Batman and he is mearly asking us to visit." I say trying to cheer my friend up "Isn't today the day Robin spends all cooped up in his room?" Cyborg Asks "Yea its always Today he chooses why not a different day why is today so special?" Beastboy asks "Maybe we don't know for a reason Beastboy." Raven Says.

While we eat we watch the news. A young man that goes by the Name of Richard Grayson is on the news and they are asking him the question of where he has been and he says he has been traveling.

"He looks the very familiar" I say flying up to the television to get a better look. "Yea i feel like I know him." Raven says. "Well of course you do he is the adopted son of millionaire Bruce Wayne!" Cyborg says
"whatever he's probably just some stuck up Teen." Beastboy says.
I take a long look at him 'then how do I recognize him' I think. Well he is a bit of the cute with the Ocean blue eyes. No i love Robin and nothing could change that. He kinda reminds me of Robin. Could he be... No i am just being the silly. "When are we going?" I ask. "Um... NOW hurry were gunna to be late!" Cyborg yells. We all rush to the car and drive off.

After what seems like the forever we approach the sign that says "Gotham." And we drive to the Destination point Batman told us to go to. I look at the surrounding buildings, they are the very dark. When we get there, there is a scary dark car that seems like its waiting for us. "OMG its the bat-car!" Cyborg says with the excitement. "Whoa." Beastboy says doing the mumbling. "Does the bat-car belong to the batman? I ask. "yes" Raven says in her low voice.

A man wearing a Dark suit with the pointy ears and a cape comes out of the car. I am doing the guessing and saying its Batman. He knocks on Cyborgs window and he rolls it down "Are you the Titans?" He says with the very deep voice. "Yes Sir" Cyborg says "Follow my car." He says then does the walking back to his car. And we follow him.

®obin/ Dick Grayson
As Bruce leaves I slowly get ready into my Dick Grayson clothes . I love my friends and Starfire but i don't want to talk to anybody today. I wish Bruce would of picked another day to do this. I get ready and wait in the Batcave. All i can think about is them. A tear almost falls but I hold it in. I cant show sadness right now, not until i tell them who i am.

Soon they come and i take a deep breath and walk over to them. here goes well everything. I see my friends and they see me but they look at all in different ways. Cyborg looks like he is ready to explode from excitement, Beastboy with Amazement, Raven Confused a bit, and Starfire like she's trying to figure something out. None of them suspect a thing... i think. "This is Richard Grayson" Batman says "Hi. Call me Dick." i say trying to hide my voice. I shake there hands as I get a chorus of hi's and hello's back. "Still think he's "stuck up"" Cyborg says to Beastboy "No" he mumbles
I grin a bit Starfire is about to introduce her self but i stop her " No need to introduce yourself selves i know who you are. Most people do." I say.
"It is SO cool to meet you we saw you in the news this morning and you have been traveling to all the places we've been how ironic!" Cyborg says excited. Honestly i cant wait for one of them to figure it out so we can get on with this terrible day. Ravens face turns to focus then she seems to get it. but how I didn't even hint anything really just think it... oh I forgot she can read minds. I quickly think to her not to say anything I kinda want to see how long it takes now. She nods and stays quiet. "Dude how do you know Batman?" Beastboy asks. How has Cyborg not picked this up yet or Starfire. Im kind of upset Starfire hasn't recognized her own Boyfriend. Well i do look really different. No cape, costume or mask and my hair is down. "Oh its a long story I'll tell you later." I say knowing ill have to explain it at one point.
Starfire gets closer and inspects me and she leans in close to my ear and whispers something "Robin?" "Yes." I reply softly. "Oh Joy!" She says then hugs me. I hug her back and Beastboy looks confused but Cyborg figures it out and scans me probably to make sure. "No way." he says under his breath. Starfire Lets go and gives me a quick kiss. "Star I don't think you should be cheating on Robin!" Beastboy says shocked. She giggles as Raven Slaps him. "He is Robin, idiot!" She says "Oh i get it now!" He says smirking . "Whats this about me being "stuck up" huh?" I ask "uh... that was before I knew who you were." He says nervously. "Wait that means you're Bruce Wayne!" Cyborg yells. He grins, nods then takes his mask off. "Its so cool to meet you sir... I-I mean Mr.Wayne." Beastboy try's to say. "Please, call me Bruce." Bruce says.  "Wait that means Batman is your adoptive father." Raven says. I sigh "Yea" i say sadly in memory of my real father. "Why don't you have a real father?" Starfire asks. It feels like someone just punched me really hard in the gut. "Explaining time." I say.

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