Chapter 6

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It was the next day a Dick was finally cleared to go home, and they couldn't wait. It had been a very stressful few days. The two boys sat in the car an chatted. "Oh there's something I want to tell you!" Bruce said remembering something important. "What is it?" Dick asked "There's someone your going to meet back home, he was gone for the first few days you were here." Bruce replied  "Who?" Dick asked again. "You'll see," Bruce smirked.

When they finally got home they oped the door and shouted they where home.

"Dick your back!" Kori yelled running and giving him a big hug. "Dick, how are you feeling?" Babs asked walking out with the rest of the team. "Much better," Dick smiled for the first time in a few days. "Thats great!" Rachel  chimed in. "Where glad to see you two are not fighting anymore," Vic said.
"Yea dude! Were happy you back!" Gar said. "Now Dick here is the person I want you to meet, come on out," Bruce said

(Dicks POV)
From behind a door a kid who looked about thirteen came out. Who is this kid?

"Dick this is your new brother Jason Todd. Jason this is Dick," Bruce says proudly. A brother, I wasn't expecting that at all. The team looks for my reaction. I look at him for a second, I smile. "Welcome to the family Jason." I say. Every one looks happy. "Hi, Its cool to meet you, Bruce told me all about you time as Robin!" He says. I look at Bruce "You told him?"  I ask shocked. "No, he found out, just like you. This is one of the reasons I wanted you to visit. So you could meet Jason." Bruce says.

After that we have lunch and bit of time to talk. "Jason has been training with me for a few months now and he has been doing really well, a few more months and, if its okay with you, he could take the mantle of Robin," Bruce announced. "Um well..." I say biting the inside of my cheek thinking hard about it. Robin has been such an important thing in my life, I look at Jason and see his hopeful smile, Passing down a mantle, this felt right. "Okay but Bruce you have to promise to not put him in any extreme things to early, like no Joker until he is ready for that," I say a bit reluctant. (A/n cough* cough*) They all smile, Jason's eyes light up. "Bruce, Im dead serious. Promise me," I say with a straight face. "I promise," Bruce replies.

Later that day the rest of the team started packing to go home, Barbara went home, while I had promised Jason i would help him with a few things in the gym.
"So Jason, how did Bruce find you?" I ask stretching "Well i more or less found him, well Batman," He awkwardly laughs "This is a story I would love to hear," I say walking to the weight bench. "Ha, ya maybe. Well I was a street orphan, my dad was arrested and died in jail and my mom O.D.ed," (A/n idk what really happened so just go with it,) He says shrugging. "Im really sorry," I frown. "Don't be, they weren't exactly great parents, anyway, I lived off money for steeling car wheels. When i say the Bat mobile I thought I had hit the jackpot. Mid way taking off the second wheel Batman poped up behind me, made me put them back on and took me to a orphanage. A week later here comes in Bruce Wayne wanting a secret adoption. I found out he was batman when I was snooping around and saw him enter the cave. Thats when it all started," Jason says nonchalantly. My eyes widened. He was a theft! Should he be a Robin after all?! Well he said he did it as a living, he only did it for food... I hope. "Don't worry the stealing gig was for food not for my personal game," He reassured. Good. "When is Bruce making it public?" I ask. "Sometime when your here," He replies

We talk about different strategies, techniques, and just plain brother talk. I am really enjoying having a  younger brother.

Around 2:30 we meet it the kitchen, we're going shopping for clothes (mostly the team because they don't have any real clothes).

"Everyone got there holographic rings on?" Bruce asks. Every nods. "Alright lets go!" I say

Bruce, the team, and I get in the car. Leaving Jason behind because no one knows about him yet.

As we get in I remember something, "What day is it?" I ask. "April 3rd, why?" Rachel asks. "Alfred's birthday is on the 8th," I reply. "We'll get him a present," Bruce says

Soon we get there and meet up with Barbra.
We split guys and girls and Bruce gives a generous amount of money to shop with and we split.
We go to a few stores getting things and go to a card store for Alfred, then we get mobbed. After finally escaping crazed reporters and fans we buy Alfred some presents. We got him a watch, rare tea flavors, a mug that says #1 butler, because seriously lets be honest (a/n so true though!😂)

Around two hours later we meet up with the girls. They have tons of bags (except Rachel who has three) while we have three each which is a lot for us. "Dudes! How much clothes do you need!?" Gar asks "There all so pretty how could I choose just one outfit!" Kori says smile wide. "I would like to point out I got a normal amount of clothes," Rachel says rolling her eyes.
"Guys its late and Im hungry!" Victor complains. "Its 5:30 Vic can you wait a half an hour?" I ask. He thinks for a second "yea I guess..." He says. "Where going to a great southern place I know,"Bruce says.

We head to the car and drop our bags off the head to dinner.

"Thank you for having us over Bruce!" Kori says happily. "It was my pleasure," Bruce says. "It will be sad to leave in the morning," Rachel says, "Well, im staying the rest of the week, but we will have to make a point to visit more often," I say. Bruce does something he doesn't do a lot, he genuinely smiles. We talk and eat for a while, we discuss how we're going public about Jason and other things. Before we know it its time to go.

~The manor~

It was late and the team had to leave  tomorrow, (it maybe a fast car but it takes a while to get to Jump city C.A. from Gotham N.J.) Kori and I headed up to my room. We get in our Pjs and I sit at my desk and sketch.

"What are you doing?" Kori asks yawning and sitting next to me. "Well, when I get home I cant just be  well me, I want to continue being a hero. Im designing a new costume," I say still madly working. "What are you going use as a name?" Kori asks. "I was thinking, Nightwing, not like a knight like the Dark Knight, night as in moon and stars," I say as I put down my pencil and look at my work then Kori. She hasn't taken of her ring yet. Freckles cover her face with her still red hair and green eyes. "It looks great," She says. I smile, "Thanks, but you forgot to take off your ring," I point out, "ha well see thats what happens when you're tired, now lets go to bed," she says dragging me out of my chair and into the bed. "Okay, Okay," I say getting under the covers.

We snuggle up and close our eyes, I never realized how tired I was un till now. Before I know it im drifting  off


HA I DID IT! Ag im tired and have to see the doctor in the morning, then the next day i get my braces so yay. (Sarcasm) Well see yall its laye and imm a bout to pass out! Byeeeeeeë


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2016 ⏰

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