Chapter 4

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A/N Okay so I've decide to incorporate some more outside knowledge about Dick most Young justice fans know this about him which is that he is Romanian (idk why). Also i'm going to put some Young justice things in there so ya. (Btw its April 1st cause thats the actual date of there death.)

Recap: Soon the cops show up to take The Joker away. Not long after the Titans wake up. "What happened?" Beastboy asks. "Wheres Robin and Starfire?" Raven asks. "The Joker knocked you out then shot Robin, twice. Once in the shoulder once i in the stomach. Starfire took him back to the cave." Batman says in is low voice. "Is he alright?" Cyborg asks. "I don't know." Batman replies looking away. Even the Dark Night felt pain, he didn't like when friends where hurt but it was worse now, Robin was his son.

Starfire was going as fast as she could. She could not bear seeing The Boy Wonder hurt. "Don't worry where almost there." Starfire whispers into Robins ear. Robin stays quiet holding his stomach with one hand and Starfire with the other. When they get there the Tamaranin Princess laid him down on a steel table and called for Alfred.

Not long after Alfred had started to help Dick the rest of the Titans came in, all of them worried for there team mate. Alfred had just finished taking the last bullet out when Raven had volunteered to use her powers to heal him. When she was done all that was left was two faint scars from where he had ben shot. Slowly he woke up. "Wha- oh" He said slowy sitting up. "How am i not dead?" Dick asks still dazed. "Rav-no Rachel healed you after Alfred took out the bullets." Kori says walking over to Dick. He nods examining his suit to find it ripped where he had been shot. "Good thing i have more" he laughs.

Bruce frowns. He could no longer let him be Robin. This had happen last time he saw him. Bruce had told him that he could no longer be Robin after he was shot in the shoulder. Thats when Richard left, Thats when the Titans started. But that was three years ago. Dick was 17 now and here they where. Bruce about to tell him the same thing he said years ago. On the anniversary of parents death he would be told he could no longer be the Boy Wonder.

"You cant be Robin anymore." Bruce says staring the ground "What do you mean?" Dick asks slowly getting up " You know well what i mean, and as long as Robin is my creation and my tech, Robin wont be you." Bruce says sternly. The rest of the team was shocked. Who was supposed to lead them in battle or make sure they train. What would the Teen titans be without him. "Bruce you cant do this. Ive been doing the hero thing since i was 9! You cant just make me stop after doing it for NINE years Bruce!" Dick shouted "Its for your own good." Bruce said with a stern look. Dick became furious and without thinking went to his first language of Romanian "nu poți să mă opresc a fi un erou!" (You cant make me stop being a hero!) He yelled. "Eu sunt tatăl tău , eu pot și voi !" (I am your father, I can and I will!) Bruce yelled in return.

Mean while the team stood there very confused about what was happening. "He knows how to speak another language? What else can he do?" Beastboy whispered to the team who did not hear him because they were trying to understand there heated argument.

"nu tata ! Doar un tip tău bogat care ma luat in . Mi-ar fi fost bine pe cont propriu !" (your not my Dad! Your just some rich guy who took me in. I would have been fine on my own!) Bruce was hurt a bit by this but was not giving up he didn't want Dick to be Robin anymore. "Fără mine ai fi mort sau într-un centru delicvent ! Această conversație este de peste sunteți să-mi dea im costum de pensionare Robin." (Without me you would be dead or in a delinquent center! This Conversation is over you are to give me your suit, im retiring Robin)

Dick had enough and gave in. If He couldn't be Robin he would create his own hero. Violently he ripped the "R" of his chest and threw it on the ground. "fine," He grunted. "Master Dick, shall I cancel your appearance at the show tonight?" Alfred awkwardly asks. "No, but im not doing it for him, Im doing for my parents," He says not turning around.

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