Chapter 2 ▪️Robin▪️

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Once I finally get there I open the cave door. I ride in and park the R-cycle. "Bruce, Alfred, you in hear?!" I yell into the cave "Hello Master Dick, its great to see you again, ill call for Master Bruce." Alfred says. then he presses a button and says "He's here" Alfred speaks into the mic. "Ill be there in a sec." A voice says.
A minute later Bruce comes out.
"Your Late." He says crossing his arms. "Sorry about that, I was held up." I say scratching my neck. "sit." Bruce says gesturing to the seat in front of a screen.
he turns it on to show me as RedX fighting the other Titans then reveling that it was me. Then he showed me the time when i was Slade's apprentice fighting the others on the Wayne building. "Its not what it looks like." I manage to say against his infamous bat glare. Those are some of my worst memories with the Titans. "OH REALLY BECAUSE TO ME IT LOOKS LIKE YOU ARE A VILLAIN AND A TRADER! THIS IS NOT HOW I RAISED YOU!" Bruce yells banging his fist on the table clearly angry. "Let me explain." I say. "Please!" Bruce says through gritted teeth.

"Okay the RedX thing was a terrible mistake, I was trying to meet this Slade guy, who is almost more insane then Joker. It didn't work end up working out. All it got me was loosing the Trust of the Titans which was hard to regain. The other time Slade had put some thing into the blood stream of the other Titans and if he pressed a button it would kill them, The only way he wouldn't use it is if I was his apprentice. I tried to get away, I thought he was blushing... i was  wrong. He Used it twice but the second time i did something so that it would affect me too and Slade couldn't have me dying, we attacked but he got away. So thats what you saw." I explain. "Did you at least manage to get Slade in Jail?" Bruce questions still upset. "No, we could barely lay a finger on him. One of our old Titans killed by collapsing a cave full of lava on him but Trygon brought him back. I haven't seen him since the Trygon incident." i say. "Alright, Im not happy but we have a banquet to go to, there are clothes in your old room. " Bruce says getting up.

I walk out and in tho the hall. I let my hand skim the wall as i once did that terrible night,the night my parents where murdered. tomorrow is the anniversary of there death i hate to think about it, i could of done some thing, if I wasn't bothering them maybe they would of checked the ropes and they wouldn't have fallen. Or maybe I could of told them to check the ropes or use a net. But i didn't.
I push that though away when I walk into my old room. It looks the same as i left it. On the bed are some clothes for me. I get dressed and wash my hair so all the gel is out and my hair is in its original part.

I walk to the living room to find them waiting for me. " Lets go" i say about to walk out the door "Aren't you forgetting something" Bruce asks. i turn my head and give them a confused look. "uhh no?" I ask clearly confused. Alfred points to his eyes. "OH my mask" i say not really meaning to say it out loud. I take of mask and shove it in my pocket. "Sorry its rare I take this thing off," I sigh "Lets go." Bruce says.

About halfway through the car ride i get a call from Starfire. "Can i take this, it could be important." i ask pointing to my watch. Bruce nods. "Hey whats up?" I ask "Oh robin it is joyous to hear your voice again." i hear Starfire say. "Its nice to hear your voice to." I laugh
"Every thing good at the tower?." i ask
"Oh yes we did have a encounter with Mumbo Jumbo but we defeated him in combat." Star says.
"ask if i can talk to them." Bruce whispers in my ear. "why" i mouth. why would he want to talk to the titans? I shrug when he doesn't answer
"Star tell the other titans to come and then put the watch on speaker. Batman wants to talk to you guys." i say.
i slip of the watch and give it to Bruce. "yes hello,..., this is Batman,...,ah i want to tell you that i want you to meet me at the gas station near Wayne manor tomorrow and don't be late i hate when people are late.,..., good see you tomorrow here is Robin." Bruce says having a conversation with the titans. he hands me the watch. "hey." i say . " Do you know why he asked us to come?" Cyborg asks. "No sorry." i say say shrugging. "ohhhh i can't wait to see the real bat cave!!!!" Beast boy says, his voice cracking a bit because of how high he was talking. "yea... it could be cool" raven says in her emotionless voice. "i can not wait to see the cave of bats and to see you Robin!" Starfire yells. "Cant wait to see you too. I gotta go, see you tomorrow." i say hanging up after a chorus of byes. "Why did you invite them?" I ask. "your a smart kid, figure it out." Bruce says as the car comes to a stop.
I ponder on it for a little but it doesn't take me long to figure something out. tomorrow is the anniversary of my parents deaths. What is Bruce planning? I put two and two together as Bruce steps out of the car. "Your going to tell them who i am." i mutter. "There you go." Bruce says looking at me. I get out of the car and put on a fake smile for the photographers. Bruce smiles to waving to the cameras.

I try to to push the thought away but it's stuck in my brain. He knows tomorrow is an emotional day. When this day came the first year of the titans I spent the day in my room until there was a crime alert. but after I would go back to my room. the others asked what was wrong but i just said that I needed to do some thinking. I never told anyone about why i was so quiet. this continued for a few years until they started to see the pattern but i covered it and said that it was no big deal just a day i like to have to myself. as soon as we walk in we are overwhelmed with people and reports asking where i had been. "So Mr.Grayson, where have you been for the past few years?" a reporter asks "ya why did you leave?" Another asks. There is a news camera on me too "oh uh I decided to travel the world ,went to japan, the arctic circle, California, other places like that." I shrug. they seem to buy but don't leave they just keep asking me questions. I look at Bruce who is also overwhelmed with people. I make my way over to him. " this is not how I remembered these things to be." i say "Thats because there not usually like this, most of these people are here for you." Bruce says smirking a bit. I get a few more questions then the place starts to calm down. After we eat Bruce makes an announcement "as you know tomorrow is the death anniversary of Dick's parents. So in honor we will Dick we be preforming an acrobatic act at the circus." He says.
I give him a surprised look. Every one claps and he sits down. "what the heck Bruce!" I say. "Dick your doing it in honor of your parents, they would want you to." he replies simply. "ya i guess, but what about our 'guests'?" I say. "Don't worry." Bruce says then he walks away to go talk to people.

After we get home we sit and catch up.
"So, you like Starfire?" Bruce question raising his eye brows "Ya, she's my Girlfriend." i say mentally preparing myself self for him to yell at me and say "you cant have a girlfriend you will put her in danger and crime fighting comes first" but he doesn't he just smiles . "what?" He asks "i wasn't expecting that response." i say shrugging. "Well your responsible and independent you can date who you like." he says.

After talking a bit i go to bed but for the first time in a while i keep my mask off when i go to bed. my mind fills with sad thoughts today years ago I was falling asleep to the worst day ever. I could of did something should of be paying attention and told them to do something. a tear slips down my cheek and I slowly fall asleep.

Yay i did it chapter 2 hope u enjoy i have so meany plans for this story. welp Byeeeeë

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