Meeting cas

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"y/n can you come over here"

you go to the library
"I'll like to introduce you to our angel Castiel but we call him cas"
"hi Castiel im y/n but you can call me (nickname)"
"hi y/n you can call me cas nice to meet you"
cas said while shaking your hand. You walked back to your room and started listening to music. After a while dean was talking to sam that you needing to eat because yesterday you didn't eat all day and today you didn't eat breakfast, Dean made you soup and put a slice of pie and was about to take it to you but cas told him he would do it so dean gave him the food tray

"make sure she eats cas"

cas walks to your room and knocks on the door but you didn't hear because your music was loud. After a while he walked in
"hi y/n I brought you food, dean made it''

you were crying and tried to wipe your tears '
'i'm not hungry cas"
"i'm an angel I can tell if your lying now you need to eat up and i'm going to stay because after your going to tell me why your sad''

He said it in a calming voice that made you feel safe. You started to eat and when you finished cas sat next to you in your bed ask asked
"what's wrong?"
you were hesitant to tell him because you didn't know him but there was something about him that made you feel safe around him so you told him
"my best friend dies in a hunt and it's my fault if only i went in with her I could of stopped the demon and she would still be here with me, she was the only other family I had other than Bobby, both of them saved me and now one of them is gone I don't know how to live with that"
"it wasn't your fault y/n if you went in you would probably be dead or it would be the other way around no matter what would of happened someone would of died don't blame yourself for something you couldn't control"

cas goes in for a hug and from all the years of your dad hitting you, you flinched and he was confused but then you saw that he didn't try to hurt you but instead went in to hug you. You started crying because no other male has shown you love except Bobby.
"Sam and dean are good people. You should talk to them, they might know what you're feeling, they have lost a lot of people"

you went with cas to the library to be with sam and dean. You see sam. 
"hey y/n I see you seem better what do you want to do today?"

sam asked you with a huge smile on his face and then dean walks in and sees you and sam 
"hey what are you guys talking about"
"I asked y/n what she wanted to do today"

Sam said walking to put a book away Dean with a huge smile on his face

"can we go bowling please I always wanted to go but sam never wants to go"
"yeah lets go that seems fun"

you said with a small smile. You go to your room to change and cas goes to the dean to talk about you.
"Hey dean I was talking to y/n when I took her the food. She's really sad about her friends death like you said but at the end when I went to hug her she flinched and I don't understand human emotions that well but that not how humans react when someone tried to hug them what does that mean?"

Cas was really confused.
"Son of a bitch"

Dean very angry
"what wrong did I do something wrong? Is she scared of me?"

cas still confused
"No cas you did nothing wrong it just that someone would hit her all the time and now she thinks that someone will be hitting her again just please don't talk to her about it you dont know whats shes been through and especially tonight I'll talk to her tomorrow"

dean with a sad but angry voice. You guys go bowling. Sam and Dean see that you're having fun playing and trying to teach cas how to play. You guys get home at 2am and everyone goes straight to bed but cas is worried about you because your really drunk he walks you to your room and takes off you jacket and shoes, you look at him with sad puppy dog eyes and asked

"can you sleep with my tonight, I don't want to be alone please I promise I won't throw up on you" 

cas laugh a little


"i'll lay with you but angels don't need sleep" 

"ok but just stay with me until I sleep and then you can leave and do whatever you do at night"

you said to him as he lays down next to you. He has never done this before so he stays still like a wooden plank and you put your head on his chest. An hour past, you fall asleep and Dean gets up looking for you. He walks past your room and sees you laying on top of Cas. Dean motions for cas to go to him and they go to the liberty to talk about you and how they should talk to you and to sam but they hear soft screams and groans from your room they go running in to see what's wrong and your yelling

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