Bobby to the rescue

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TW:abuse, suicide, child prostitute
~it's been 3 days~

Deans noticed that you would only get out of bed to use the bathroom and shower but never to do anything else. You haven't eaten for 3 day. Sam,Dean, and Cas were worried for you but didnt know what to do. Sam called bobby for help
"Hey bobby we need your help"
"What do you need son"
"Well dean and y/n got into an argument and now she's been in bed for 3 days. She hasn't eaten or do anything except shower"
"What were you guys fighting about?"
"I think dean said she cant have sex"
"Balls...I'm on my way"
Bobby hung up really fast.
"What did bobby say"
"He said that he's on his way and then hung up"
2 hours pass and Dean opens the door to Bobby. He runs in fast and asks where you're at. Cas took him. He opens the door and goes to hug you.
"It's ok they didn't know. Don't you dare go down this hole again. You need to remember what we talked about. They didn't know about it. It's ok I'm here now. I'll help you until you can get back up yourself"
"Im sorry im so stupid I though i left it in the past. I'm sorry I-"
"It's ok don't let that idjit ruin your life. Now get up get dressed and meet me in the kitchen"
"Ok bobby"
Bobby and the boys walk out of the room. You were trying to change but found it hard to find something you thought looked nice and was clean. Bobby was talking to the boys about what happened
"What's wrong with her? Was it something I said to her?"
"Well noshit you were the only one yelling at her"
"No it was my fault I started all of this"
"Stop arguing tell me what happened"
"Well cas likes y/n and when he went to tell her he got a boner and she noticed it but insted of ignoring it or cas stopping it he put his hand in her pants and she put her hand in his pants and then they showered together and then I told her that she cant have sex and all of this happened"
"So let me see if I got this right cas said that he liked her and then they almost got intemit and then you told them that she can't have sex with him?"
"I told you you were wrong for doing that"
"Growing up she never had anyone like her. Everyone would always say horrible things to her, especially her dad. From a young age her dad made her wear really inappropriate outfits for his friend and it took her a long time to feel safe or even have someone touch her. You saying that made her remember all the things her dad and his friends did to her.

"Shit how do I fix this"
"Right now don't do anything dean. I need all of you to leave for a bit i'm going to talk to her to see her mindset and i'll see what to do next"
They all go to the armory. You walk into the kitchen and see that only bobbys in their
"Where's everyone"
"I just wanted us to talk"
"Bobby you don't need to treat me like a kid"
"I just want to know how you're feeling. I don't want you to not tell me something because the boys are here"
"Ok well I know what you're going to tell me so. Im feeling shity, I don't blame anyone of them, and i know that they didn't mean it it's just hard because I want to tell them about everything but i can't"
"I understand and if your not ready you don't need to tell them yet but it will be better if you tell them"
"But their going to see me differently"
"You don't know that"
"Can you be here when I tell them"
"Ok i'll try to tell them today"
Bobby calls Dean to go to the kitchen with everyone because you have something to tell them. They walk in and you start crying
"I don't think i should be here"
He starts to walk away
"Dean please stay, I um need to tell you guys about my past. Bobby things that if i talk maybe it will be easier for me"
"If your not ready you don't need to tell us well understand"
"I'm not but if i don't tell you guys it will eat me away. So when i was 12 my mom was pregnant and we were really happy. When my baby sister was 1 and I was 13 my dad went on a business trip for 2 weeks and in those 2 weeks one morning when I went to wake my mom up I saw her hanging from the ceiling. *tears running down your face* After that my dad blamed me for her death and he started to drink. He made me take care of my sister. By the time i was 15 my dad didn't have a job anymore because he would drink too much so he made me wear really revealing clothes and told his friends that i'll be their little prostitute and they will touch me but most of the time they'll hit me because they wanted to get their anger out. By the time I was 16 bobby was hunting a ghost and that ghost killed my mother. He saw all the bruises and felt bad so he took me in."

Dean, Sam, Cas and Bobby started to cry. They went in to hug you. You melted in their arms because at that moment you knew that they didn't want to hurt you in any way. The whole day dean was apologizing to you, sam and cas were checking in on you and  bobby was helping you get better

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