The start of something new

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"Dude I need your help...*you take a big deep breath*... so *you tell him everything that happened with cas* what do I do
"Do u like him"
"Well yes but no. there's things about him I can't tell you that are the down side but overall he's a great guy. I just feel like one day hell just walk out of my life.
"Tell him that you don't want this to be a high school relationship that you want the real thing"
"Ok thanks bye"
You were walking around because you didn't know If you should go back to the bunker and talk to Cas or stay out longer. After a while of walking you just decided to go to a bar. You asked the bartender for a beer and then and it ended up being 5. You were really drunk and a guy tried to take you to him house. Yall were almost out the bar but then sam,dean, and cas walk in and see him taking you. Cas used his powers to stop him while Dean beat the shit out of him and Sam took you to the car. Dean was driving yall to the bunker the whole way their dean looked mad. Once yall get their cas tries to help you to your room
"Cas stop I can do it myself"
"I'm not leaving you especially how you are now"
Cas takes you to your room and then goes to the kitchen to get you something to eat and water. Dean walks in in room really mad and closes the door behind him
"What the hell were you thinking something bad could have happened. Do you know how worried we were?"
"Dean leave me alone you don't care about me no one does. You only let me stay because bobby told you too. Don't worry i'll leave tomorrow.
"No you can't. You're staying. I don't care that you feel like we don't want you here, we care about you no matter how crazy you drive us."
You start to cry because no one has ever said that they care about you. Dean goes to hug you and you cryed even harder because no one has ever held you and made you feel safe. You and dean ended up falling asleep. Cas walked in and saw both of you guys sleeping. He put the food down and got on the bed and started to watch tv. You were moving around and woke up
"Hey cas"
"Hey y/n I'm sorry am i to loud"
"No it's fine cas"
You start to hug him and you hear him whisper
"I love you"
You stayed quiet because you didn't know what to say or do but then you fell back to sleep

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