The cofession

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~the next morning~

You wake up and see cas still laying with you
"oh shit cas i'm sorry if you weren't able to get out"
"no its fine i wanted to stay. I wanted you to feel safe until you woke up,

Cas said while stretching his arms. You get dressed and cas is waiting for you next to the door. You decide to put on sweatpants and a cute shirt. Once you finished getting ready cas walked with you to the kitchen, Dean was cooking pancakes. All of you guys sit down to eat the whole time Dean was trying to make you laugh. Once everyone was done eating you offered to wash the dishes but Sam insisted on doing them so you went back to your room to shower. Cas went to Dean who was in the liberty to talk to him about you
"hey dean can I ask you something"

cas asked dean very nevesly
"yeah cas whats up"

dean answered back very curious
"Ok well I dont know whats happening but last night when I was y/n and when I was laying down with her I felt something weird. I don't know how to explain it but i was nervous to be around her"

cas told dean in a low whisper, dean laugh softly
"you have feelings for her. You like her"

Dean said while tapping his shoulder and getting up from his chair to get liquor. Cas gets up from his chair
"how can I.. I'm an angel I shouldn't"

cas said in a sad voice
"just give it a try and if it doesn't work out at least you can say you dated a human"

dean said with a joyful voice.

Cas X Reader-female Where stories live. Discover now