Being Kidnapped is Awful... Obviously

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(Listen while you read)

What happened?! Where am I?! And why is everything hurting?! Nathan woke up feeling drowsy and dizzy. There was a throbbing pain in the back of his head and his eyes couldn't seem to open.

What the? Ok, ok, Nathan. Try to figure this out. Use your brain, no matter how much people tell you don't have one. Nathan tried to remember what had happened, but his mind was still a little fuzzy. Why isn't my brain working?! Work!

"I saw him stir. He's awake," a voice stated, startling him. Wait, I'm not the only one here? So that means I haven't been left in some alley and robbed. Hmm, the voice sounds female, though I could be wrong‒actually, that's impossible! I'm never wrong, Nathan thought.

"Get up, useless!" another voice, this one gruffer and deeper, ordered and kicked Nathan with, he assumed, his boot. Nathan made a whimper of pain and was able to somehow sense his kicker smiling. Okay, then. Good to know this guy's a jerk... Well, not really. The jerk part, that is, Nathan noted.

"Why did we kidnap him again?" the female voice asked, "he's all sickly and worthless." Hey! That's not fair! You can't insult me when I'm not even fully conscious!... Wait, did she say kidnap? Ohh. So that's what happened! Nathan pondered. His mind cleared and Nathan's memories came pouring in.


I remembered coming out of school and finding my butler waiting for me, again. "I told you Francis, I'm fourteen now! I don't need to be babied by some dumb butler!" I exclaimed at him. Francis just sighed and started pushing me into the bus going home. Huh, I've managed to be the last person on it and make everyone wait again... Am I awesome or what?

"Young master, we go through this everyday. If I could, I'd leave you here for the rest of your rotten life, but I'm being paid to care for you; and if your parents instructed me to ride the bus home with you to keep you safe, that is what I will do," Francis snapped. That was way too early to use my parents in the conversation! He's supposed to cower first!... No fair.

He shoved me the rest of the way into the bus, a little harder than necessary. "Ow! You stupid! You pushed me!" I whined. Everyone was staring at me, but I didn't care. My moronic butler pushed me and I deserved an apology! "Oh, do shut up, will you!" Francis replied. I'm aghast at the way I was being spoken to. Francis is being more disrespectful than usual... He needs to be taught a lesson. I kicked Francis in his shin and then sat down on an empty seat, smiling satisfactorily while he howled in pain.

Everyone still stared at us, which now included the driver. The driver glanced back to the road, and realized there was a car coming straight at us. He snapped back to attention and slammed on the breaks. We skidded to a halt and narrowly missed the car coming towards us.

"That is it! I've had enough of you ungrateful, little, spoiled brat! Off, now," Francis ordered. He was almost to the break of crying.

"You can't tell me what to do!" I replied.

"I can and will. Off."

Francis grabbed me, rather roughly, by my shoulder and dragged me, kicking and screaming, out of the bus behind him. He took me to a vacant part of the neighborhood and down an alley. "I didn't want to have to do this out of respect for your parents, but I've had it with you!" Francis exclaimed.

"What do you mean, didn't want to do what?! I demand you to answer me!" I ordered.

"I am no longer under your service. Goodbye you vile, little child," Francis whispered...

Then he smiled.

...For the first time since he was hired by my family. It wasn't a nice smile though, it was an evil smile. One of revenge.

"What do you mean by goodbye?!" I stuttered, frightened for the first time in my life. Suddenly, a heavy object smashed against my head. The world spiraled and faded out of view.


"I told you to get up!" the deeper voice yelled. He kicked Nathan in the side, which made Nathan skid across the floor.

"Oh, wow, that'll sure get him up. You probably just knocked him out again," the female voice remarked.

"Quite, you!" the deeper voice, which Nathan was sure now it was a man's voice, yelled again and Nathan heard a slapping sound. The other voice made a tiny yelp, loud enough for Nathan to hear it but not enough for the man to.

Nathan felt himself being lifted by the back of his collar and spun around, so that he was staring directly into his kidnapper's face. Nathan's eyes jolted open. The first thing he saw, no, the first thing he smelled was the stench of an unwashed body. He tried avoiding looking into the man's eyes, but the man was holding Nathan too tight for him to crane his neck away.

The man breathed on him and Nathan smelled a mixture of whiskey, tobacco, and decaying teeth. The smell made him nauseous. The man's green eyes had a cruel look to them and his hair was tied behind him with a pony-tail and was colored a greasy gray. Wait, is it gray? Oh, gross, I don't want to know what's coating his black hair, Nathan thought as he spotted hints of licorice black strands of hair peeking out from the mass of it.

"Get this pathetic stick to work while he's here," the man snapped, tossing Nathan away from him in disgust. Oh, sure, as if I'm the one with bad hygiene... Did he just call me a stick?! How dare he!

Nathan hit the ground and made a whining sound. His other kidnapper sighed. "How am I gonna get him to work?! He's a twig! He'll snap in two seconds!... Why did you kidnap him anyway?" the female voice questioned. She stared down the greasy man, waiting for an answer. Looking at the two of them staring each other down, they looked remarkably similar. They look like father and daughter.

Nathan compared the two of them. She stood like a soldier while he slouched. His stomach bulged while she was fit and slim. Nathan spotted food stains and stains he didn't know or wouldn't like to know about on the man's shirt and pants while her outfit looked like it was just ironed... You get the point.

Both of them had long, licorice black hair... That is, if his hair was clean, their hair would probably look the same color. They both had the same glares, tanned skin, and calculating, scary, green eyes.

The man finally answered her. Well, not really. "It's none of your business," he replied and left the room. As he did, she stuck her tongue out at him. Nathan felt himself smile, which was when the girl spun around to face him.

"What are you smiling about?!" she shouted, catching Nathan off guard.

"Wh-what? Nothing!" Nathan answered.

"Hmm..." she replied and evaluated him. Nathan felt his skin prickle as she decided what to do with him. "Do you know how to work?" she asked, suddenly.

"No, why should I?"

"Because if you don't, I'll smack you over the head with this like my... dad did before." Nathan narrowed his eyes at the object she was holding. Looks like a club... At least now I know what knocked me out, he mused.

"Fine... What do I have to do?" grumbled Nathan.

She smiled. "Oh boy, I'm gonna enjoy this," she replied, unnerving him.

Thanks for reading! (This is TheWritingWarrior14 BTW, obviously.) Please vote and comment if you liked this. Thank you!

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