N.T.J (Nathan. Is. A. Total. Jerk)

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hate Nathan! That big, stupid moron! Actually, make that "little, stupid, moron". Maya smiled at her cleverness, but her heart's not in it. He's the one who hurt me?! And now he's been ignoring me for one month already! Me! As if I'm the villain here! Why do I care so much?! I've never cared about what anyone said about me before! Why is this any different?!...

Maya hugged her legs... and started crying... for the first time in years since her mother's death... I miss you, Mom... Tears that she's been holding back rain out, like the waterflow draining off the highway. Maya's tears dampened the hay pieces around her. She was sitting in the hayloft of the cow barn. It was early morning, around 7:00 she assumed, based on the sun. Her tears glistened in the early light.

Maya calmed down after a bit and thought. You need to talk to Nathan, he can't go on like this, she told herself. The door to the barn opened, and lo and behold, it's Nathan. They caught each other's eyes, his had bags under them, and they exclaimed the exact same thing at the exact same time: "What are you doing here?!"

"What am I doing here?! This is my barn!" shouted Nathan from below.

"Actually, I was coming here way before you ever saw this place!" Maya retaliated.

"That may be, but you're the one who brought me here in the first place!"

Maya couldn't argue with that, so she stopped.

Nathan backed out of the barn, a realization hitting him. Oh no you don't! You're not getting away from me this time! Maya contemplated. She slid down the ladder and chased after Nathan. Jeez! He's fast! Those two weeks of training lessons with Fred must've done something to him, Maya noted. She found herself panting. Come on Maya! You can do better than this! Maya focused on Nathan's tan, athletic build and forced herself to run faster. I think I liked him better as a pale stick, she observed.

She was breathing heavily now, but Nathan barely seemed winded. He ran through the wheat field. Probably going to Fred's training area... Good thing I know a shortcut, she speculated. Maya stopped and turned left.

What awaited her was a giant cedar tree. Upon it lie a tree-house that she had built in her free time, which was most days. Days on the farm got boring, so she occupied herself with activities. The tree-house was one of them.

She climbed up the rope ladder hanging from the top of the tree-house and swung herself into it.


Maya: Oh, did I mention before that I have a freaking awesome zip line?... Maybe not.

Nathan: Must've taken you a while to build. How did you get the zip line up anyhow?

Maya *smirking*: I have my ways...

TheWritingWarrior14: Oh come on! You can't keep us curious like that!"

Maya: Who says I can't?

Nathan*glaring*: Us.

Maya: *Sticks her tounge out* You have no authority over me.

Nathan: Girls...

Maya: *Punches Nathan in the stomach*

Nathan *coughing*: Jeez Maya! It was a joke!

Maya *glaring*: Wasn't funny.

TheWritingWarrior14 *laughing*: The punch line sure was funny, though!

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Sep 24, 2021 ⏰

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